Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 551 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 1

Chapter 551 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 1
As soon as the soul merged with this body, Xia Yichu felt the pain all over his body rushing towards her like a tide.

Xia Yichu gasped in pain, but found that her face hurt the most compared to the pain on her body.

Just when Xia Yichu rolled his eyes to see what was going on, the person guarding Xia Yichu seemed to have noticed her movement, and said, "Sister Ye, you just finished the operation, The doctor said, you can't open your eyes and talk for the time being, go to sleep first."

From her words, Xia Yichu couldn't hear any malice, and she didn't know what was going on with her now. Xia Yichu closed her eyes, tried her best to ignore the pain in her body, and began to read the information sent to her by the system.

The person she traveled through this time was named Ye Nian.

The Ye family's status in the capital is not low. The current chairman of the Ye family group is Ye Haocheng, Ye Nian's adoptive father.

Yes, Ye Nian is the adopted daughter of the Ye family.

After Ye Haocheng and Yang Yiyi gave birth to their eldest son Ye Beichen, when Ye Beichen was three years old, they missed October and gave birth to their daughter Ye Qingwei.

However, Ye Qingwei was lost by Yang Yiyi while the Ye family was traveling together.

The world is so big and there are so many people, to find a lost little girl is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Yang Yiyi fell into the guilt that she couldn't extricate herself for a long time, and she didn't recover until she saw Ye Nian.

Because Ye Nian and Ye Qingwei are so similar, not only in appearance, but also in age.

If it weren't for the fact that she knew that she had only one child, Yang Yiyi would have thought that she had actually given birth to twins.

Ye Nian was abandoned by his parents in the orphanage since he was a child, and it was very easy to go through the adoption procedures.Therefore, the six-year-old Ye Nian officially became a member of the Ye family.

However, although Ye Nian and Ye Qingwei look alike, their personalities are not alike at all.

Ye Qingwei has been held in the hands of the Ye family since he was a child, so not to mention his soft personality at a young age, he is even clingy and coquettish in life, often acting like a baby to Ye Haocheng and Yang Yiyi.

Ye Qingwei is not only the daughter of Ye Haocheng and Yang Yiyi, but also the pistachio of the Ye family.

And Ye Nian, because he lived in an orphanage since he was a child.

Although the orphanage is a charity base, a group of children will inevitably cause trouble when they are together, and bullying the weak is even more common.

Ye Nian's personality is not at all the same as Ye Qingwei's.

Not only can she not act like a baby, but she also has thorns all over her body, so she is very guarded against everyone.The character is very resolute, not limited to talking and laughing, and the character is very introverted.

Even if Yang Yiyi often tempted her to speak with various dolls and snacks in the first few days, Ye Nian would not say a word, often sitting in his room for a whole day.

Although he was young, he was extremely boring, not at all comparable to Ye Qingwei.

After Yang Yiyi's novelty towards Ye Nian passed away, she also started to ignore her.

Every time she saw Ye Nian, Yang Yiyi would think of Ye Qingwei who was lost at that time, and Yang Yiyi's attitude towards Ye Nian became worse and worse.

Even after growing up, Ye Nian's personality has become much more cheerful, but she still doesn't like Ye Nian.

Ye Nian knew her identity as an adopted daughter since she was a child, and even when Yang Yiyi was upset sometimes, and would ridicule her, she would use words such as "adopted daughter" and "Ye Qingwei's substitute".

Ye Nian's grades were very good, but when she was in college, she resolutely disregarded Ye's family's opposition and entered the entertainment industry.

Although the current stars are popular, everyone is chasing after them.

However, among those powerful and powerful, few people think highly of them.

Thinking that these stars are ancient actors, their value has dropped in vain.

The original owner grew up, although she was not very welcomed by the Ye family in the Ye family, but she never did anything to resist the Ye family.

This is her first and only decision to go against the Ye family to go to the University of Performing Arts.

Then, this decision directly caused her to be kicked out by the Ye family.

Ye Nian's appearance is not bad, it can even be said that he is loved by God.As early as when he was in high school, scouts came to contact Ye Nian, but at that time Ye Nian rejected these scouts on the grounds that his studies were the most important.

After college, Ye Nian began to receive various part-time jobs from the first year of freshman year.

These part-time jobs are all related to the entertainment industry. She has worked as a model and a group performer. Although these meager part-time jobs can't bring her anything, they can allow her to accumulate experience while ensuring Take care of your own life.

The emperor paid off, Ye Nian worked hard part-time for more than two years, when he was in his junior year, he was spotted by a director and played the role of the second female lead.

This play is adapted from the most popular romance novel at the moment. In addition to love and hatred, there are also happy rivers and lakes.

Although Xia Yichu played the second female lead, she was very popular.

As soon as that play became famous, it not only made the lead actress and lead actor popular, but also made several important supporting roles popular.

Ye Nian was also one of the people who became popular.

After she became popular, an artist company immediately approached her to sign a contract, and then several directors also contacted her and handed her the script.

Ye Nian took advantage of the previous drama to sign a contract with an artist company with a good reputation, and then made his debut completely, embarking on the road of acting.

Ye Nian's career in acting is like a cheat, acting in one drama is popular, but in just three years since her debut, she has already been popular for half a year. Nominated for Best Actress at the Magnolia Awards.

And just when Ye Nian thought that her journey would be smooth from now on, the daughter Ye Qingwei, whom the Ye family had lost in the early years, appeared.

She appeared neither early nor late, and her appearance was very special.

Every actor, more or less, has some parts that he can't or doesn't want to play, and these parts that he doesn't want to play are all done by substitutes.

Generally speaking, actors' substitutes are replaced by people who look very similar to the actors.

And Ye Nian's stand-in actor is Ye Qingwei.

When Ye Nian saw Ye Qingwei for the first time, he didn't think much about it. After all, in the entertainment industry, there are too many doubles who look similar but have no blood relationship.

So when she saw Ye Qingwei at the time, she didn't have too many thoughts at all, she just thought that this double really looked like herself.

(End of this chapter)

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