Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 558 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 8

Chapter 558 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 8
Xia Yichu stayed in her room the next day. The burns on her face and body had healed, and it was impossible to tell that she was still wrapped in bandages in the hospital a week ago, unable to go out to meet people.

Even when Yushi came to her and saw Xia Yichu's intact face, Yushi was taken aback and almost jumped up: "Sister Nian, what kind of panacea did you take? It's so good Fast? Plastic surgery can’t be so fast, right?”

No one knows the burns on Xia Yichu's face and body better than Yushi.

Because when Xia Yichu was lying on the hospital bed and couldn't move, it was Yushi who washed and washed Xia Yichu's body, and it was Yushi who changed Xia Yichu's dressing.

The large area of ​​burns was as bright red as a centipede sticking to it, which made people feel a little scary wound.

Now it's all lingering in Yushi's mind.

But looking at the eyes, it's not only that the burns have all healed.

Even after healed, Xia Yichu's skin was fairer and smoother than before the injury.

Yushi has a feeling that in fact Xia Yichu didn't get burned, everything was an illusion that she was dreaming.

However, even with many doubts in his heart, Yushi still didn't ask Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu was very satisfied with her sense of humor.

In the next room, Murphys was on the phone with his friends.

It was Moore who called, although Murphys answered, but his expression was slightly dissatisfied: "Didn't I tell you not to contact me?"

"..." Moore: "I think it's normal for an older brother to contact his younger brother occasionally. In contrast, it's a little strange that you haven't visited Ye Nian after so many days in the capital." Yes, I heard people said that you went out once in the past few days?"

"Heard from someone? Who did you listen to?" Murphys looked a little disgusted: "Could it be that you found someone to follow me again?"

"How could it be?" Moore resolutely refused to take the blame for himself: "Since I promised you, I will definitely do it. I just sent someone to hack the surveillance in your residence."

What Murphys hates the most is talking to this brother.

It's the same now, he stopped asking this question and started to change the subject: "Then why are you calling me this time?"

"Of course I gave you the admission ticket. On Tuesday, Ye Nian's contracted company will hold a press conference to talk about the accident last time. This time, the reporters who can enter are all well-known, except for the senior staff. Other than that, no one else can enter. But there is a very interesting link here, a few reporters will be found at the scene, and they will ask questions to Ye Nian at will. Are you interested?"

"This kind of questioning looks very real. In fact, it is also a marketing strategy of the business. Not only the people who ask the questions are selected, but also the questions to ask are selected. Everything follows the script."

"However, if you want to ask questions, then I'll get you a roll and make sure that you will be the one who asks the question. It's a gift for you this holiday."

"How? Are you interested?"

Moore spoke.

Although he opened his mouth to ask in this way, in fact, he already had the answer in his heart.

Since Murphys came here on a mission three years ago, for some reason, he suddenly fell in love with that actress - Ye Nian.

Ye Nian is always in his mouth.

As a result, everyone who knows him and everyone he knows knows that Murphys has an idol actress named Ye Nian.

Moore predicted that Murphys would not refuse.

But Murphys refused.

"You... what did you say?" Moore couldn't believe the three words he just heard.



should be……

no more?
Damn, it's a lie!
"You heard me right, and I don't want to say it a second time. I don't want that volume." Murphys responded coolly as if he knew what Moore was thinking, and then hung up the phone directly.

After hanging up the phone, the room was very quiet.

Murphys often does tasks, and it is rare for him to be as leisurely and relaxed as he is now.

He doesn't like watching TV or playing computer and swiping his phone.

After hanging up Moore's phone, Murphys threw the phone on the sofa beside him.

Then, after a while, he picked up the phone again.

Reluctantly looking through, no, the exchanged phone number did not receive a single call, nor a single greeting text message.

Murphys' tall and slender figure huddled on the sofa, looking a little aggrieved, like a big dog abandoned by its owner.

Tuesday arrived as scheduled, Xia Yichu dressed up a bit, put on light makeup, and after seeing that the time was almost up, he took Yushi to the company's press conference.

The press conference has already started, and Ye Qingwei walked up to the high stage from the lounge in the eyes of everyone and a bright light with a rattling sound.

The host had already stood on it, and after seeing Ye Qingwei coming, she enthusiastically spoke warm words, and at the same time brought the topic to Ye Qingwei, after she briefly talked about the purpose of today's press conference, then He was invited by the host to sit down.

Click, click.

Ye Qingwei sat on the seat, enjoying the feeling of being under the lights and cameras, feeling proud in her heart.

She likes living under the camera, likes the feeling of being photographed by the camera, and also likes the sense of vanity that many people like.

This is what she longed for before, but now, she really has it.

Although, it is replacing the identity of another person.

Thinking of someone who might still be unconscious in the hospital, Ye Qingwei slightly tightened her folded hands on her thighs, and a gleam of pleasure flashed across her eyes.

Looking at the reporters below, Ye Qingwei looked like a peacock with its screen open, slightly raised its head, waiting for the host to ask questions after the host finished speaking.

This press conference was supposed to explain the news about Ye Nian's accident, but in fact it was just Ye Qingwei's first appearance in front of everyone.

Ye Qingwei looks very similar to Ye Nian, but after putting on makeup, they look even more similar.

Moreover, the reporters who came here today are all reporters sent by some media that have a good relationship with the contracted company, and some are entrusted by the company itself.

Even the questions were prepared beforehand, and Ye Qingwei even kept the answers to each question to himself.

She looked calm, calm and confident. After the host said that the questioning session was over, she began to wait for the first reporter's question.

"The first question, I would like to know, is it against the law to substitute the other party's identity for some commercial activities without the other party's knowledge?"

(End of this chapter)

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