Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 561 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 11

Chapter 561 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 11
"Avoid rumors?" Xia Yichu sneered, looked up at Mr. Wang who was sitting on the boss's chair, and mocked: "What is a rumor? Does Mr. Wang really not know if I'm hurt? Oh, yes , At that time, Mr. Wang was busy meeting with big clients, so why did he remember the injury of my little star?"

Xia Yichu showed sarcasm, and his words were not polite at all.

Mr. Wang was a little guilty by what she said, but after all, he was an old fritter who had been in the mall for so many years, so he would not be shocked by Xia Yichu's simple words.

He looked at Xia Yichu and said, "We are both responsible for this matter. You didn't tell the company about your injury, and the company only looked at the company's interests. Besides, you and Ms. Ye are still sisters. Whoever, that honor belongs to the Ye family, and from a certain point of view, the company is also for your own good. It's better than finding someone else to replace it."

After all, if someone else is found, this honor is not only not yours, Ye Nian's, but also not the Ye family's.

Xia Yichu sneered, Mr. Wang actually had the nerve to say such a thing, and he didn't know what his face was made of.

Mr. Wang watched him speak a few times, and Xia Yichu's expression was always dismissive, even with a hint of mockery. Gradually, Mr. Wang became a little annoyed.

His company has become somewhat famous in recent years.

Although he is still a small guy in front of many big people, but under him, there are still many small guys who are lower than him and eat by his face.

In a certain way, he also has many people to curry favor with.

"Ye Nian, you chose this time to come to the company today, isn't it just to screw up our press conference on purpose? Tell me, how much money do you want as a hush money, and after you get the money, go to the reporter to clarify This matter will prevent everyone from misunderstood that our company treats artists badly." Mr. Wang said.

Xia Yichu came here today, he did it on purpose to make trouble.

However, besides messing things up, she has one more thing to do.

With Ye Nian's current identity, he was kicked out of the house by the Ye family 18 years ago because he was going to study at the Academy of Performing Arts.

At that time, he was kicked out of the house, not verbally, but Ye Nian was actually kicked out and removed from the Ye family's hometown.

The Ye family is big and powerful, and Xia Yichu actually has the same scruples as Mr. Wang.

It's just that Wang always dared not offend the Ye family, and wanted to try his best to climb up this thick thigh.

But Xia Yichu was not afraid of offending the Ye family, nor did he want to have anything to do with the Ye family.

Now, listening to Mr. Wang's words, Xia Yichu smiled slightly: "Money? How much do you want to pay for keeping quiet?"

As soon as Xia Yichu's words fell, the office door that was not closed was suddenly pushed open by someone outside.

"How much money do you want? Our Ye family will give it to Qi! I just don't know if you will have any luck with this money!" Another strong female voice came from outside.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and there were several people standing outside the office door, led by a lady.

In the office, Ye Qingwei, who had always been an invisible person, immediately walked up to the lady after seeing the lady: "Mom, why are you here?"

That's right, that lady standing in front of the office and speaking suddenly was Ye Qingwei's mother, and she was also the one who despised Ye Nian after she brought Ye Nian back because of Ye Nian's appearance.

The current mistress of the Ye family, Yang Yiyi.

"Silly boy, if I don't come again, maybe you will be bullied into something." After Yang Yiyi hugged the petite and exquisite Ye Qingwei in her arms and comforted her, she told the people behind her to wait outside first. Then, she pulled Ye Qingwei in with a strong aura.

"Ah, Mrs. Ye, I didn't expect you to come in person today. Come, please sit down." Mr. Wang stood up from his seat at some point, and walked in front of Yang Yiyi himself.

Xia Yichu looked at the fawning smile on his fat face, and a look of disgust flashed across his eyes.

Why did Ye Nian choose such a contracting company?
As soon as he came in, Yang Yiyi, who was invited by Mr. Wang to sit on the sofa, didn't give Mr. Wang a good look at all, and even ignored him at all.

Yang Yiyi's sharp and unfriendly eyes fell on Xia Yichu, and then said to Xia Yichu: "Ye Nian! What's going on with you, you, don't you know that today's press conference is very important to Qingwei? If you suddenly come out to stir things up like this, where will you put Qingwei's reputation!"

Yang Yiyi's words made Xia Yichu laugh, this Yang Yiyi was really just like Ye Nian remembered, she was obviously a lady, she was okay before, but after Ye Qingwei came back, she only had her own daughter in her eyes.

At that time, when Ye Nian knew that his identity was replaced by Ye Qingwei, he also called Yang Yiyi, but the other party yelled at him: "Our Ye family let you live for nothing for so many years, so now Qingwei wants yours?" Is this identity not enough? Do you still have a conscience, and you look at yourself in the mirror now, you are neither human nor ghost, which director do you think dare to want you? And which audience will like you?!"

With those words, Ye Nian, who had just been discharged from the hospital at that time, was covered in bruises.

Ye Nian's personality is very gentle, he doesn't fight or fight, he is gentle and quiet when he puts it well, but he is a little timid if he puts it badly.

Xia Yichu knew that he shouldn't destroy this persona, but he didn't expect to continue to act according to Ye Nian's character.

Ruining her appearance is a great stimulus to a woman.

It's not unreasonable to have a sudden change in personality after being stimulated.

Xia Yichu looked at Yang Yiyi with cold eyes and an indifferent expression: "Because the Ye family has allowed me to live for so many years, so I should give her what Ye Qingwei wants, right?"

"Mrs. Ye, you were the one who took me back. After you brought me back, you were the one who didn't give me warmth, and even treated me coldly and violently for so many years. You kicked me out because I was going to the Academy of Performing Arts. You are still the person in the family. Why do you think that after you have done so many things, you still think that I will be grateful to the Ye family? It is your responsibility to raise me, who is called You were the one who brought me back. You are responsible for what you did."

Xia Yichu's words sounded hopeless in Yang Yiyi's ears. In her eyes, the Ye family has never treated Ye Nian badly in these years. The food is good and the living is good. She is an orphan, what's not to like? of?
[The update is complete, please subscribe, ask for a reward, ask for a ticket, QAQ Junbao stayed up all night for three consecutive days for this update, all the babies in the group know, please support!Today's data is good, and there will be the next [-] explosive update, so it's up to everyone!Then, I recommend Huan Chu's article "Quick Transmigration System: A Guidebook for Male Gods" All male gods are in my hands~ Don't jump into the pit carelessly! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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