Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 568 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 18

Chapter 568 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 18
Bai Weiwei slumped on the ground, looking at Xia Yichu's back, her eyes were so cruel as if they had been poisoned.

Xia Yichu took the costume and went to the dressing room, when she came out, Bai Weiwei had already disappeared.

In the dressing room, many people who were gathered together had already left.

Xia Yichu sat in the seat where Ye Nian used to sit, and the makeup artist put on her makeup.

And I don't know if it's because Xia Yichu heard Bai Weiwei's words just now, even if they didn't say what they said, but they were heard by Xia Yichu and Director Wang, everyone still felt a little embarrassed in their hearts.

The makeup artist applied Xia Yichu's makeup more carefully and seriously than before.

But soon, the make-up artist discovered that Xia Yichu's skin was really good, without a single blemish!As white as condensed!It was smoother than an egg, which made her feel a little bit stuck.

It took some time to put on makeup, and when Xia Yichu went out, the outside shooting location was ready.

Several of Xia Yichu's previous missions were related to the entertainment industry, and these were not difficult for her.

Moreover, the original owner, Ye Nian, was very obsessed with the Best Actress award, so Xia Yichu did not hide his strength, and was serious and focused in front of the camera.

Standing outside the camera, Director Wang looked at Xia Yichu who was in control of the audience and could freely retract and release his aura. He couldn't believe that Xia Yichu would give him such a big surprise when he came back this time!
Xia Yichu was very involved in the shooting, but when it was approaching noon, Xia Yichu vaguely felt that he had forgotten something.

However, she frowned, but couldn't think of what she had forgotten.

It wasn't until after the third scene that Xia Yichu was sitting on her resting seat that she remembered that she had forgotten about Murphys.

Xia Yichu quickly took out his mobile phone from his bag and called Murphys.

"Hello? Nian Nian, are you hungry?" Murphys answered the phone when it rang for the first time, his voice couldn't hide his joy.

"No, I'm at the shooting site now, I won't go back to eat at noon, you don't have to cook for me." Xia Yichu said to Murphys, glanced at the time on the phone from the corner of his eye, it was just after eleven o'clock , he probably hasn't cooked yet.

"Ah? But I've already made it." Murphys looked at the rice cooker in his hand from which the leftovers from yesterday were taken out, and asked Xia Yichu, "Can I go in and visit the location where you were filming? Hua Guo is only your friend, I promise, I will not leak the situation of the crew!"

Listening to his words, Xia Yichu looked a little embarrassed: "But will this be too troublesome?"

"No, I'll be very happy." Murphys smiled with his eyes bent, Xia Yichu somehow remembered the look on his face when he said he would cook for himself yesterday.

Xia Yichu smiled: "That's fine, I'll ask the director, and after he agrees, I'll give you the address."


Xia Yichu didn't hang up the phone, but went directly to Director Wang with his mobile phone, saying that he had a friend who wanted to come and see.

Because of Xia Yichu's performance this morning, Director Wang was very satisfied with her, and his favorability increased greatly. After listening to Xia Yichu's question, he almost didn't think about it and said, "Okay, what's his name? I'll send someone Go talk to the guards outside."

Xia Yichu said Murphys' name, then walked back to his resting seat, and said to Murphys: "The director agrees, I will tell you the address of our crew now, please remember it. We are shooting now The venue is at..."

After Xia Yichu finished calling Murphys, it was almost time to rest.

Before Xia Yichu went on stage, he told Yushi not to get a lunch box for himself later, got up from his seat, and entered the shooting location.

Xia Yichu hadn't finished filming the scene in the morning, and when it was nearly twelve o'clock, Murphys appeared on the set.

Murphys was tall, slender, and handsome, especially his foreign appearance, which attracted frequent stares from the crew.

It's no wonder they are ignorant.I have never seen a foreigner, but this foreigner is really good-looking.

The second female number Zhao Qing happened to be out of action at this time. She looked at Murphys for a while, then turned her head and whispered to her assistant: "I always thought that foreigners all looked the same, so there are differences. , This is too handsome! I don’t know his name, I don’t seem to have seen him in the circle, Xiao Lizi, go, ask for his autograph, after I know the name, I will use the trumpet Follow her."

"...Grandma, please save yourself, if Brother Zhao finds out that you are messing around again, I'm afraid he will immediately arrest you from the set." The little assistant also persuaded her in a low voice.

Thinking of his brother, Zhao Qing couldn't help but shuddered, and his little infatuation with Murphys was also shattered in this shudder.

Murphys stood outside the venue, looking straight at Xia Yichu inside the venue, very focused and eager.

When the filming of a scene was finally finished, the director said that the intermission would continue in the afternoon, which made everyone feel a little relieved.

When Murphys came, although Xia Yichu was filming, he had already noticed him.After all, in this world, Murphys is the only one who can look at her with such eager and focused eyes.

As soon as Murphys saw Xia Yichu coming down, he immediately joined him.

When Murphys came this time, he not only brought delicious food to Xia Yichu, but also brought his own soup to the crew.

Although there were too many people in the crew, there were only two small spoonfuls in each person's bowl in the end, but this was enough to make everyone happy, not to mention, the soup was particularly delicious.

Murphys' outstanding appearance attracted everyone to look at him frequently, especially after he gave everyone soup, he instantly gained points in everyone's minds.

There are also a few actresses who came to befriend Murphys shyly by thanking him for the soup.

It's just that Murphy's approach is so easy to set.

In front of Xia Yichu, he can relax wholeheartedly, but when facing other people, it will be another masked him.

After Murphys dismissed those actresses effortlessly, he followed Xia Yichu all the time.

Murphys doesn't have to go to work, he comes to China purely for fun.

When Xia Yichu and the others started the machine in the afternoon, Murphys was still watching from the side, saying that he was watching, but in fact his eyes only fell on Xia Yichu.

Halfway through, when Murphys received the call, he frowned and glanced at Xia Yichu who was filming. After Murphys hung up the phone, he spoke to Yushi, and then left here with the insulated box.

 [What do you think is the hero's occupation? 】

(End of this chapter)

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