Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 582 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 33

Chapter 582 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 33
Murphys didn't know that his cool feeling was not an illusion, but because Xia Yichu used the aura in his body to relieve his pain.

He just felt that it would not be so uncomfortable to be next to Xia Yichu, so he pushed his body into Xia Yichu's arms. Xia Yichu indulged his movements, and when he felt that it was almost done, he raised his hand to pat Patted him on the head.

The driver drove the car to the gate of the hospital. After Xia Yichu paid, he and Murphys got out of the car one after the other, and then the two walked in.

Murphys is just allergic, not a big deal.

Although his allergies were a bit serious, Xia Yichu used spiritual energy to relieve him in the car just now, so after arriving at the hospital, although it looked scary, it was not a big problem.

After seeing it, the doctor asked the nurse to give him an injection, then handed him two boxes of plasters, and went back to apply them.

After that injection, Murphys felt no itching all over his body.

Xia Yichu took the ointment and asked where Murphys lived now, but after getting an innocent look from the other party, Xia Yichu did not take him to his own place, but took Murphys to find a hotel, Opened a single room.

Once inside, Xia Yichu stuffed the ointment into his hand, turned around and wanted to run away, but was caught by Murphys.

"Nian Nian, you apply it for me." Murphys pulled Xia Yichu, and handed the ointment to Xia Yichu's hand.

"Apply it yourself." Xia Yichu said lightly, pushing the ointment back in his hand.

Murphys avoided the ointment on purpose, not only did not pick it up, but also hugged Xia Yichu directly, as if to blame, stretched out his foot and kicked the door shut with a bang, his whole body stuck to Xia Yichu's body , Wronged Baba: "Nian Nian, I feel very itchy, my face is itchy, my body is itchy, even my bottom is itchy, as long as I hold you, it will not itch."

Xia Yichu listened to his serious hooliganism, and endured it, but he still couldn't hold back, and scolded: "Murpheus, let me go!"

"Don't let go!" Murphys also became stubborn, not only did not let go of Xia Yichu, but also directly pushed her down on the sofa beside him.

On the soft sofa, two people suddenly fell down, pressing the sofa deeply into it.

"Morpheus!" A sense of crisis suddenly emerged in Xia Yichu's heart, she was a little nervous, and she struggled harder.

"Don't move!" Murphys moved his body, pressed himself firmly on Xia Yichu's body, and said to her, "I just want to say a few words to you."

"What are you talking about?" Xia Yichu was disturbed by the seriousness in Murphy's tone, so he stopped struggling and just looked up at him.

Murphys was very satisfied with Xia Yichu's cuteness, moved his hands, hugged Xia Yichu tightly in his arms, and then said to Xia Yichu: "You are not allowed to be with others, and you can't be with others just because I am not beautiful now." Don't want me anymore, you even took my ring, you can't be irresponsible to me."

Before Murphys was injured, it was because No. 2's mission failed, so Murphys went, but he didn't expect that the other party was really an old fox. Even if Murphys went, he still fell into the other party's conspiracy.

And the Mo family and that old fox's family are completely hostile, either you die or I die.

The Murphys family occupies the underworld business in Southeast Asia, with a century-old foundation, it is not so easy to say that they can be whitewashed if they want to.

Therefore, Moore is in charge of the Mo family's public affairs, and Murphys is the person in charge of the Mo family's underground business.

The opponent he met this time was so powerful that even Murphys didn't know if he could come back alive.

Therefore, even though he knew that he might have a crush on Xia Yichu at that time, he didn't say it out, but couldn't help but left the two extraordinary things to Xia Yichu.

In the eyes of people who don't understand this industry, those two things are dead things.And in the eyes of those who know its value, that is the supreme right.

 【Good night!Ask for a monthly ticket as usual~]

(End of this chapter)

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