Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 6 818 That cold-faced domineering ascetic brother

Chapter 6 818 That cold-faced domineering ascetic brother (7)

A cafe with a beautiful environment and a peaceful and melodious atmosphere.

It may be that it is morning, everyone is busy with school and work, and there is no one in the cafe.

In the sixth position in the second row inside, sat a middle-aged man with a fat body.

The man was wearing a dark shirt, black sweatpants and a long black hat.

It's different from the other people sitting next to them who come to drink coffee and look relaxed.Even when the middle-aged man came to the cafe, his expression under the hat was still frowning.

His name is Zhou Xiaohong, and he is a well-known director in the film and television industry. After the first small film he invested and directed became popular, all his film and television works after that have not only high box office, but also a good reputation. A well-deserved "genius".

The film and television works shot by Zhou Xiaohong have a high box office. In addition to good scripts, Zhou Xiaohong's unique shooting techniques, and strong and sufficient script funds, what is more important is Zhou Xiaohong's vision in selecting actors.

Zhou Xiaohong writes scripts and selects actors for almost every work he shoots.

Moreover, Zhou Xiaohong's word of mouth and box office are there. As long as he releases the news that he will shoot a work, there will be a steady stream of people who come to invest.

However, Zhou Xiaohong recently encountered a major problem.

The reason is that this time he spent more than a year to go out to step on the scene, and it took him more than a year to write the script. Now that he has attracted investors, he has to prepare for shooting immediately, but the selection of actors has appeared. problem!
There is a very important supporting actress in it, but he has never been able to find a suitable candidate!
This made Zhou Xiaohong feel very heavy. Several other persons in charge also recommended many well-known male stars to come over and let him make do with it, but Zhou Xiaohong insisted on refusing to do so. It's all done. I'd rather cut the supporting actor's role than just make it up.

Thinking of the excitement he felt when he was lying on the table day and night, forgetting to eat and sleep, Zhou Xiaohong sighed quietly, looked up at the coffee shop, and planned to ask the waiter to pay the bill.

However, when he raised his eyes, Zhou Xiaohong froze as if the pause button had been pressed.

Zhou Xiaohong stared fixedly at the girl who walked into the cafe slowly and finally pushed the door open.

The girl who pushed the door and entered was young, she seemed to be in her twenties, she had a very cute oval face, her skin was as white and tender as a baby, and her big eyes were like sparkling gemstones. Yes, very attractive.

She was dressed very simply, with a white shirt and a pair of light blue jeans. She walked steadily, exuding youthful vigor all over her body.

But what makes Zhou Xiaohong unable to move away from her is the impression she gives people. She is supposed to be dressed in a youthful way, but she does not have the impetuous aura of an adolescent girl at all. Instead, she exudes a kind of Introverted and calm without losing the temperament of tenacious struggle.

If you just look at her clothes and face, you will definitely think that she is a pure but energetic, youthful little girl.But looking at her big clear eyes and tall figure, it gave off a mature and charming feeling.

And these are obviously two opposite and extreme temperaments, when they appear on her body, there is no conflict at all, but they are very harmonious.

Zhou Xiaohong looked at it for a long time, until she chose the seat diagonally opposite her to talk to the waiter, then she reluctantly looked back.

Zhou Xiaohong regretted secretly in his heart, it would be great if it was a man, isn't the character in his script supposed to be charming and seductive, but also forbearing and tenacious.

The woman Zhou Xiaohong could not take his eyes off was naturally Xia Yichu.

After sitting in the seat and ordering a cup of coffee and snacks with the waiter, Xia Yichu asked the 233 system in his mind: "System, how did I behave just now?"

"The host's performance is really good! It's all right!" The system said happily in Xia Yichu's mind: "Look at it, after the director looked away, he looked regretful, as if he wanted to marry his wife. It's like a divorce."

"233, it's time for you to update your vocabulary." Xia Yichu chuckled.

"Huh? But I just updated it last night when I was sleeping, and now it's the latest version." Xia Yichu's expression on the system's face was ignorant and innocent.

Xia Yichu stopped talking to the system, but began to taste the coffee and snacks brought to her by the waiter.

In the past, Xia Yichu would never have eaten something sweet and greasy like dim sum, but now that she died once, after experiencing the lukewarm, neither sleepy nor hungry state of her soul floating in the air, her state of mind instantly changed. changed.

The feeling of being alive in this world is really fascinating.

Zhou Xiaohong never came to talk to Xia Yichu, and Xia Yichu was not in a hurry, he ate the last bite of snacks, drank some coffee, and after sitting quietly for a while, she waved her hand, paid the bill, and went out.

And Zhou Xiaohong, who was sitting obliquely behind Xia Yichu, couldn't help but put his eyes on Xia Yichu, observing her every move, the longer he looked at this person, the more regretful he felt.

Although he has never had contact with Xia Yichu, his senses are very sensitive. Just by observing this person's every move, or meeting this person for the first time, Zhou Xiaohong knows whether she is what he is looking for people.

But now, after his brief observation, he found that this girl was 100% consistent with the imagination he had when he first wrote the character 'Chang'an'.

It's just that it's a pity that she is a daughter.

Zhou Xiaohong shook his head, suddenly, Zhou Xiaohong seemed to think of something, he slapped himself on the head, why 'Chang'an' must be a man!You can also change his gender into a woman!
Zhou Xiaohong looked up at the girl who had already walked out, and immediately stood up from his position, and was about to chase her out.

"Sir, you haven't paid the bill." The waiter on the side noticed Zhou Xiaohong's movement to leave, and hurried over.

"You don't need to look for it." Zhou Xiaohong took out his wallet, took several hundred-yuan bills and put them in the waiter's hand. Looking at Xia Yichu's figure who was about to blend into the crowd, he looked anxious and walked out quickly.

 [I received a short signing today, hehe, I will add another chapter willfully. 】

(End of this chapter)

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