Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 74 Raiding the Blackened Prince

Chapter 74 Raiding the Blackened Prince (11)

Mo Qianchen spoke in a very aggrieved voice, like a loyal dog who hasn't seen its master come home for a few days.

While holding Xia Yichu tightly in his arms, he rubbed against Xia Yichu's body as if acting like a baby.

But Xia Yichu knew that he wasn't acting like a baby, it was just because of the insecurity in his heart.

"I'm fine, Qianchen, don't be afraid." Xia Yichu raised his hand and patted his shoulder, comforting him softly.

The 233 system is gone, and now Xia Yichu can't see how Mo Qianchen likes her. In the future, when the 233 system is not around, she will have to figure it out by herself.

"Blood, a lot of blood." Mo Qianchen did not relax at all because of Xia Yichu's reassurance, but seemed to think of Xia Yichu who had mingled in front of him at that time, and even his body trembled slightly.

Xia Yichu had no choice but to put his hand on his back and pat him gently, comforting him in a low voice.

However, Xia Yichu didn't see that Mo Qianchen, who was holding her tightly in his arms, had a terrifyingly deep and silent gaze at this moment, not at all like the gaze that a fool should have.

Mo Qianchen gradually calmed down under Xia Yichu's consolation. The two just hugged each other like this, and neither of them opened their mouths to let go of each other.

The sunlight outside the window came in from the outside, it was golden, and Mo Qianchen rested his head on Xia Yichu's shoulder lazily, rubbing his head affectionately, narrowing his eyes slightly, like a noble cat.

A feeling of time and peace flowed on the apex of the two of them.

It wasn't until Xia Yichu's stomach sang loudly that the tranquility was broken.

"Qianchen," Xia Yichu moved his hands, looking a little embarrassed.

However, Mo Qianchen didn't notice Xia Yichu's expression, but after looking at Xia Yichu's belly that had been singing for a while, he said with a distressed expression: "It's all my fault, Ranran must be hungry after sleeping for so many days. Ranran Just wait, I'll go get someone to bring in some delicious food right away."

Saying that, Mo Qianchen got up and ran out quickly without waiting for Xia Yichu's answer.

Sitting on the bed, Xia Yichu looked at his hurried background, while feeling funny, there was a faint warmth in his heart.

However, after leaving the room, the expression on Mo Qianchen's face gradually cooled down.

At the gate of the courtyard, there were rows of servants standing in Xia Yichu's courtyard, from Xia Yichu's two personal servant girls, down to the courtyard's rough envoy.

Everyone stood in a row, and when they saw Mo Qianchen's figure, they quickly lowered their heads, as if the other party was a very terrifying monster.

There was only fear and respect on everyone's faces, and there was no longer the casual and perfunctory expression when they looked at Mo Qianchen before.

"Do you remember what I told you before?" Mo Qianchen's cold gaze swept across these servants.

Although the voice was deliberately lowered, although it was deep and pleasant, it made these servants feel full of murderous intent.

"Yes, the slave (servant) understands."

The servants standing at Mo Qianchen said in unison.

They used to be arrogant in front of Mo Qianchen, but now they are as timid as quails in front of Mo Qianchen.I'm afraid that if he is unhappy, he will lose his life.

"Let's go back to their respective jobs." Mo Qianchen said indifferently, his eyes fell on Xia Yichu's close maid, Hongyue, and continued: "Hongyue, go to the kitchen and get the meals."

"Yes, this servant obeys." Hong Yuefu responded, with a trace of fear that ordinary people could not hear in his voice.

Mo Qianchen turned around and went back to the room where Xia Yichu was.

Behind him, after the servants saw Mo Qianchen enter the room, in an instant, as if they had received amnesty, their tense emotions and bodies gradually relaxed.

That day, the day when Xia Yichu and Mo Qianchen went out for an outing, because they didn't get Xia Yichu's order to go together, they performed their duties in the mansion, and lived just like usual. When they were bored, You can also sneak around while Xia Yichu is not in the mansion.

However, I am afraid that everyone will never forget in their hearts that at sunset and dusk, they hugged Mo Qianchen who was covered in blood with a stern look on his face, those icy eyes, and the powerful aura that exuded silence all over his body.

That kind of strong sense of shock came to everyone's face, even more shocking than Xia Yichu who was covered in blood in his arms.

That day, everyone knew a piece of news.

The seventh prince, Mo Qianchen, and the seventh prince's concubine Su Ran were assassinated while they were out on an outing, and after Mo Qianchen watched the seventh prince's concubine shield him from the sword, his sanity returned to normal!

After bringing Xia Yichu back to the mansion, Mo Qianchen ordered the people in the mansion to invite the most prestigious doctor in the capital.

At the same time, after receiving the diagnosis from the doctor, who concluded that Xia Yichu was only seriously injured externally and that nothing was wrong internally, Mo Qianchen guarded Xia Yichu for a while, watching Xia Yichu's wounds being bandaged, and then he was alone, without even changing his clothes. He entered the palace.

In recent years, although the emperor has not treated this seventh son badly, he can't say that he cares about him, at most he can only be regarded as a free-range state.

He was quite surprised when he heard the news that his seventh son had recovered from his subordinates, so after hearing Mo Qianchen begging to see him, he agreed to Mo Qianchen's summoning without much thought.

That afternoon, no one knew what Mo Qianchen had said to the emperor in the study, but everyone was watching. After Mo Qianchen and the emperor stayed in the study for an hour, although Mo Qianchen was not stayed by the emperor, Enjoy dinner together.However, the emperor rewarded Mo Qianchen with a lot of good things. At the same time, he also issued an order to let the imperial doctor Wang with the best medical skills in the palace go to see Xia Yichu.

Moreover, in the next few days, although Mo Qianchen did not go to the court hall to attend the morning court with the other princes and all civil and military officials, every time after everyone attended the morning court, Mo Qianchen would enter the palace alone, Going to the emperor's study, the two retreated all the servants, and each time they stayed inside for at least half an hour.

No one knows what these two people talked about in the study, but everyone knows that the emperor is in a very good mood during this time, and even rewarded the seventh prince Mo Qianchen with many good things. In the early court, but in the court hall, the number of times the emperor mentioned him gradually increased.

Many civil and military officials wanted to visit the Seventh Prince, but Mo Qianchen didn't even take a look at those invitations, and let his servants deal with them directly.

 [Haha, it’s so good to see a reward!Thank you, baby chestnut, for the reward, and the second update will be sent~~ The update of [-] is completed today, see you tomorrow! PS: The temperature has dropped drastically in many places recently, everyone should keep warm and don’t catch a cold]

(End of this chapter)

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