Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 78 Raiding the Blackened Prince

Chapter 78 Raiding the Blackened Prince (15)

As the days went by like this, Mo Qianchen didn't know when he started to become more and more clingy.

He spends all his time pestering Xia Yichu all day, and I don't know if it's because of the assassination when he went out. Every time Xia Yichu mentioned that he wanted to go out for a stroll, he would be strongly opposed by Mo Qianchen.

Even after Xia Yichu assured him that he would not be in danger, Mo Qianchen still refused to let Xia Yichu leave the gate of the mansion. Of course, he did not go out by himself.

And Xia Yichu found out that Mo Qianchen has changed quite a lot recently. He used to be like a child with ADHD, playing in mud all day long, or catching dragonflies, butterflies and picking lotus flowers.But now, he is quiet, silent most of the time, sitting beside Xia Yichu and looking at her.

Apart from not allowing Xia Yichu to leave the mansion, Mo Qianchen did not object to Xia Yichu in the slightest.

However, Xia Yichu actually didn't have much of a problem with leaving the house, she just wanted to know who the person who sent someone to assassinate her and Mo Qianchen was.

But now Mo Qianchen is watching her closely and won't let her go out. It's better to wait until she sees the commander that day before asking.

Can't go out of the mansion, and the 233 system is not there, but Xia Yichu doesn't feel bored. Most of the time, except for dealing with the big and small affairs in the mansion, Xia Yichu spends the rest of the time on the library or martial arts. .

Her current identity is the seventh concubine on the surface, but in fact she is an undercover agent sent by a certain organization. On the day Xia Yichu came to this world, the note that Biyu gave her was the paragraph given to her by the organization. tasks assigned within the time frame.

However, after Xia Yichu read the note, he burned it immediately.

The task in that note is to let Xia Yichu settle down in the mansion, take good care of this fool, and win his joy.

At that time, Xia Yichu destroyed the piece of paper just by glancing at it, but her subsequent changes and her attitude towards Mo Qianchen made Biyu think that her changes were due to reading the note. The reason for the above content.

Therefore, regarding Xia Yichu's changes during this period of time, Biyu didn't think about anything else, but even silently sent Xia Yichu a secret letter to her.

Xia Yichu walked in the study room, and after opening the letter, his expression immediately sank.

In this letter, apart from the new tasks assigned to her by the organization, Xia Yichu was also informed of one thing. She did not expect that Mo Qianchen was reborn!

She was the only one who was kept in the dark about what the whole Chu country knew about.

After Xia Yichu was stunned in the study for a few minutes, he quickly burned the letter in his hand.

Looking at the extinguishing fire in the brazier, Xia Yichu finally knew what happened to Mo Qianchen during this period of time.

Moreover, when she thought about it further, she also knew the reason why Mo Qianchen didn't let her go out.

Xia Yichu's big clear eyes not only showed the slightest sign of being deceived by Mo Qianchen, but also showed a hint of interest. He did not expect that Mo Qianchen would be reborn earlier than in the novel.

It seems that she doesn't have to stay in the mansion to wait for time, she can do the task earlier and capture this person.

 【Thank you for this summer.And Moming∝Youshang's rewards, okay, I came back late today, and I won't go out tomorrow, so I will give you six thousand updates.Good night. 】

(End of this chapter)

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