Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 791 Interstellar Era: General, Bed Wars 7

Chapter 791 Interstellar Era: General, Bed Wars 7
"Stop! What are you doing!"

While roaring, a hand stretched out, blocking the Asian boy.

This hand is slender and tender, but it accurately grasped Shang Chong's kicked foot, and she tightly twisted his ankle tightly.

With the sound of "click", Shang Chong's bones were directly broken by Xia Yichu who rushed over suddenly!
"Ah!" Shang Chong's screams resounded through the sky, making one's scalp tingle, but thinking of the things he did before, everyone felt a tinge of joy in their hearts.

Xia Yichu directly threw Shang Chong out, and without looking at Shang Chong who was thrown out by herself, she anxiously grabbed his arm, and asked the Asian boy, "Are you okay?" ?”

The Asian teenager who was pushed to the ground kept his head down from the beginning to the end, neither spoke nor looked up.So no one saw Shang Chong's eyes that suddenly became dark when he stretched out his feet towards him just now.

However, in such an imperceptible change, after his arm was grabbed by another warm hand, the deepness dissipated in an instant, and the deep-colored eyes immediately returned to their innocent appearance.

He raised his head, and when Xia Yichu saw his appearance, he was stunned for a moment.

When he came out of the small apartment yesterday, Xia Yichu noticed that the people here seemed to be all white and black.

Bug is the only Asian boy she has seen here besides herself.

Xia Yichu looked in the mirror, she knew what she looked like, with black hair and black eyes, she was a pure Asian.

Before, Xia Yichu thought that Bug was pure Asian, but when he saw the other party's blue eyes as pure as the sky, Xia Yichu knew it was not.

He should be of mixed Asian and European descent.

His hair is the purest black, his skin is fair and flawless, his facial features are exquisite, his eyes are bright and white, his eyebrows are green, especially those blue eyes, which are as pure as the sky washed by water, transparent and flawless. flaw.

He feels as pure and ethereal as a newborn baby.

Being watched by him, one would either feel ashamed under his eyes, or one's soul would be cleansed.

It's just so beautiful you can't take your eyes off it.

After going through so many planes, this was the first time Xia Yichu saw such a bug, and her heart softened.

Bug just looked up at her and didn't speak.

Xia Yichu thought that when he was bullied by those three children just now, he didn't seem to ask his side for help, so he thought that he was physically unable to speak in this plane.

There was distress in Xia Yichu's eyes, he grabbed his arm and checked it, and found some scratches on his palm.

Xia Yichu got up and pushed the overturned wheelchair over.

"Come on, I'll carry you to sit on it." Xia Yichu said to him, wrapped his arms around his waist, avoiding his palms, and hugged him on the wheelchair in one breath.

Over there, Shang Chong had stopped crying and howling. Shang Zuo and Shang You were surrounded by him. Seeing that Xia Yichu was about to leave with the bug, Shang Chong sat on the ground, pointed at Xia Yichu, and said, "Slow down!" Go! You two are not allowed to go!"

"Huh?" Xia Yichu simply uttered a syllable, and glanced at Shang Chong.

However, the fluttering glance and the fierce aura in the eyes made the three of Shang Chong tremble in their hearts, but Shang Chong persisted and did not let go. He looked at Xia Yichu, his face flushed, and said to Xia Yichu: "I I have notified my housekeeper, you two are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Xia Yichu sneered, so he didn't take his words seriously.

Even if these little white people are aggressive, they are just a few brats.

Xia Yichu pushed the bug and turned around to leave.

But just after she took a few steps, exclamations sounded, and Xia Yichu also felt the danger coming from behind.

Xia Yichu frowned slightly, and was about to turn back to fight back, but a figure suddenly appeared and blocked the attack for her.

The man who appeared suddenly raised his hand, and a light blade appeared in the air. It collided with Shang Chong's light blade in mid-air, and then exploded together, turning into countless lights and shadows.

The man who blocked Shang Chong's attack was the man Xia Yichu saw behind Bug yesterday, helping him push the wheelchair.

Song Yan had a cold face, never thinking that he would discover such a thing after only leaving for a while.

"Shang family?" His eyes were on the third son of the Shang family. Song Yan was a soldier who had been on the battlefield and killed the Zerg. Under his coercion, the three young masters of the family immediately turned pale, their legs softened, and they became a ball.

Song Yan withdrew his gaze, and said to Xia Yichu: "I'm Song Yan, thank you for saving my young master today. May I ask where is your house? We will come to your house some other day to offer our thanks."

"You're welcome, it's just a little effort, but next time, don't leave him alone. Also, his palm is scratched, remember to disinfect and apply medicine to him." Xia Yichu let go of her hand holding the wheelchair, she Taking a look at Bug's whirling hair, Song Yan was taken aback by the sincere concern in his eyes.

Xia Yichu squatted down, looked at the bug, and a bright smile appeared on his face: "My name is Dengmeng, and I live at No. 26 Huayuan Street. If you are bored in the future, you can come and play with me! Goodbye."

Xia Yichu turned around and left, leaving in a clean and tidy manner.

However, she didn't know that after she left, a pair of azure blue eyes had been watching her back, and it wasn't until her slender back disappeared into the crowd that he took his gaze back and said softly to her. Looking at Song Yan, he said, "Let's go."

"Yes, young master." Song Yan responded with an expression of respect that couldn't be concealed.

It wasn't until the two of them reached a place where no one was around that Song Yan asked, "Master, what should we do with the three children of the Shang family?"

"You're disabled." The low and indifferent voice of the young man sounded.


The Shang family is one of the three great aristocratic families on Shui Lanxing, with a deep foundation. Usually, even the alliance has to give the Shang family some face, otherwise it would not allow the three little bullies of the Shang family to pretend to be powerful on Shui Lanxing.

But after the young man uttered those three words, Song Yan did not hesitate, as if they were not the three treasures that the Shang family held in his hands, but three dead things that could be disposed of casually.

Song Yan pushed the boy in the wheelchair and walked step by step. The rolling sound of the wheelchair was rumbling, and the figures of the two gradually disappeared into the depths of the path.

(End of this chapter)

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