Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 797 Interstellar Era: General, Bed Wars 14

Chapter 797 Interstellar Era: General, Bed Wars 14
After finishing another book, Xia Yichu closed the book and put it back on the shelf.

The system hasn't made any sound since it just made it sound, and Xia Yichu doesn't care about its silence.

Although during this period of time, she seemed to have nothing to do every day, but Xia Yichu never forgot her mission.

When she came to this world, she was still in the eggshell. Although she had received the soul inheritance passed down to her by the Zerg Queen, those things were of great help to her in cultivation, but not in other things.

Lu Jiyan has been on the battlefield since he was young, and when he was 16 years old, he broke into the Zerg nest by himself.

In his study room, there are many books introducing the Zerg race. After reading these, Xia Yichu finally understood the Zerg race better.

Subtle brain waves, invisible to the naked eye and invisible to machines, spread to Xia Yichu from afar.

Xia Yichu accepted them all.

These brain waves were sent to her by the Zerg guards who guarded her when she broke out of the shell.

After Xia Yichu followed Feng Si away, he immediately gave them an order to leave.

These Zerg guards, following Xia Yichu's order, had already left the mountain range, and were still scattered, blending into other Zergs.

Because they are some of the lowest-level Zerg, they are commanded to be porters.

But even the porters can find out a lot of things, so Xia Yichu ordered them to contact him immediately if they heard anything important.

Now this brain wave is the first time Xia Yichu received the brain wave from Zerg guards after he came to Shuilanxing. Xia Yichu received all of them, and then checked them carefully.

The Zerg guard who sent the brainwave said that it is now on the Miaomiao planet, because Fengsi took Xia Yichu away one step ahead of schedule last time, so the Zerg leaders of the other five territories actually discussed it and united together to treat Fengsi. Si proposed a crusade and asked him to hand over Xia Yichu.

Now, there are rumors among the Zerg tribe that Fengsi imprisoned the new queen.

Suddenly, Feng Si has become the enemy of the entire Zerg race.

The Zerg guard sent this message mainly to ask Xia Yichu's current location and whether she was injured by Feng Si.

During this period of time, Xia Yichu has already understood the importance of the Zerg Queen to the Zerg from the book.

She thought that her disappearance would cause great confusion to the Zerg race, but she didn't expect that Feng Si, who had become the public enemy of all insects, did not contact her.

Xia Yichu thought for a while, and sent back a brainwave, telling the Zerg guards to be safe and calm, she is very safe now, and at the same time, let the Zerg guards take good care of themselves, safety first, and don't follow everyone around.

As soon as Xia Yichu finished replying, someone knocked on the study door twice from outside.

Then, the study door was pushed open from the outside, Lu Jiyan stood upright, and walked in with a glass of milk.

"Don't look, just take a rest." Lu Jiyan put the milk in Xia Yichu's hand.

"Thank you. What about him?" Xia Yichu looked up out of the window, the sun was strong outside, and it was clearly still daytime.

"Falling asleep." Lu Jiyan sat opposite Xia Yichu, his eyes were fixed on Xia Yichu's body, as if he wanted to see a hole in her body.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Xia Yichu asked calmly after taking a sip of milk.

"Are you sure you want to listen?" Lu Jiyan looked at Xia Yichu, as if he never thought about asking Xia Yichu to answer, and continued: "Just now, who were you contacting? Zerg?"

"Yeah." Speaking of this, Xia Yichu felt a little distressed, and she never thought about hiding her feelings in front of him.

Xia Yichu frowned slightly: "The day I woke up, I was taken away by another Zerg with a strong cultivation base, and then he handed me over to Jon, and finally Jon took me to Water Blue Planet and met you. I After all, I am the queen of the Zerg, and now those Zerg think that I have been imprisoned by that powerful Zerg, and are going to attack it."

"And then? Are you planning to leave now?" Lu Jiyan explained Xia Yichu's thoughts in one word.

"No." Xia Yichu shook his head: "I'll heal your leg before leaving."

Lu Jiyan raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then smiled: "Okay, anyway, I haven't left Shuilanxing for a long time, and I will go with you when the time comes."

"Yeah." Xia Yichu nodded, and couldn't help but smile with his eyes bent. It's such a good feeling to know that he is not alone.

When Xia Yichu said that he wanted to help Lu Jiyan heal his legs, he was not just talking.

The reason why the shy version of Lu Jiyan falls asleep during the day is because Xia Yichu gave him an injection.

During this period of time, Xia Yichu exhausted all kinds of medical skills, and finally saw a case in an isolated book that was very similar to Lu Jiyan's situation.

Xia Yichu studied medicine all day long, and finally came up with a brilliant solution.

Acupuncture, massage, medicated bath, spiritual nourishment, and medicated diet.

Xia Yichu didn't leave anything behind, and all of them were carried out on Lu Jiyan's body.

Lu Jiyan also allowed Xia Yichu to stab his leg, and even allowed Xia Yichu to use a knife on his leg.

Lu Jiyan's wholehearted trust made Xia Yichu's desire to cure Lu Jiyan even stronger.

However, before Lu Jiyan, he was in a coma for a year, and then he was disabled for two and a half years. It has been three years now.

No matter how good Xia Yichu's medical skills are, his leg cannot be healed within a day or two.

While Xia Yichu was concentrating on treating Lu Jiyan's leg, the battle on the Zerg side started.

Fengsi's territory was already surrounded by other Zerg races.

The battle is about to start!
The Zerg guards kept sending Xia Yichu brainwaves, but Xia Yichu blocked them all.

In the end, in order to concentrate on treating Lu Jiyan's leg, Xia Yichu directly ordered the Zerg guards to stay calm and not contact him before he contacted them.

After Xia Yichu gave such an order, those Zerg guards really stopped, and no more brain waves came from them.

And Emperor Tian paid off, one month later, the leg of the shy version of Lu Jiyan was finally healed by Xia Yichu.

Although I can't walk like the wind, but I already feel it, and I can even stand up. Only in the future with some rehabilitation treatment, I can walk like the wind, it will be a matter of time.

[Jun Bao wants to end this, not immediately, everyone, don’t panic, there are all the heroic heroines mentioned earlier!Yes yes yes!Good night! 】

 The new book will be released on the 8th of next month!Title of the book "Quick Transmigration: Sick and Delicate Host, Beg for Light Petty"

  After Ningmeng's death, not only did she become a system, but she also contracted a host with a strong desire for control and would turn black from time to time!
  The protagonist's time-travel all comes with a golden finger, but I didn't expect that she would actually wear a golden finger!
  Ningmeng was angry: "Why are the hosts of other systems all good-tempered and gentle national male gods, but her host is a disagreement, just playing all kinds of tricks against the walls of his own system?" High-cold hooligan!? Raise your hand in protest, I want to change the host!"

  An adult host who came belatedly smiled evilly: "Little Ningmeng, what were you talking about just now? Come here, let's discuss the position of tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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