Chapter 828 Your Blood, So Sweet 30
There is no woman who does not love beauty.

Similarly, beautiful women regardless of age.

Even though she is now gray-haired, she is still a woman, and her beauty is undoubtedly the biggest pain in her heart.

After Xia Yichu's words fell to the ground, the old nanny stopped talking, as if she was offended by Xia Yichu's answer just now, she kept a cold face, but in an instant, countless dark and gloomy monsters came from both sides of her body Appear.

"Go, kill them both!"

The old lady in black robe gave orders to those monsters in a cold voice.

The monsters responded, and then attacked Xia Yichu and Luan Jiu in unison.

Xia Yichu cast the light spell on these monsters, and found that the monsters summoned by the old mama were much more powerful than those monsters she encountered before.

If it is a great light technique, it can kill them in one go.

But if it is a small light technique, it must be divided into three times.

After Xia Yichu came to this world, she knew that sooner or later she would have a fierce battle to fight, so she never slacked off, and as long as she had time, she worked hard on cultivation.

The original owner of this body was not a lazy person. When Xia Yichu crossed over, the strength of this body was not low. After Xia Yichu practiced during this period, his strength has improved a lot.

If it was before, Xia Yichu would not be afraid of this old nanny.

Even if she can't beat her, but with Luan Jiu at her side, two to one, Xia Yichu and the others still have a great chance of winning.

But the surprise is that Xia Yichu didn't think about the banquet tonight, and she wasted too much power of light in order to appraise everyone.

Xia Yichu's eyes darkened slightly, just in time to see the flickering light in the old mother's eyes.

At this time, two women with exquisite figures and very coquettish appearance came out of the room.

These two women are obviously not human beings, but a pair of vampire sisters.

The two of them stood behind the old mother, looking at Xia Yichu, the greed and longing in the blood red eyes could not be concealed.

"Nurse, after you catch this saint, how about you give it to our sisters? We have never tasted the taste of a saint." One of the vampires said, with a flattering expression.

"Okay, if you want to eat, you can jump on it and bite right now." The old nanny replied with a bony bony tone.She clutched her black cane tightly, and looked at Xia Yichu with a very vicious look, obviously still remembering what Xia Yichu said just now.

The two sisters who were eager for the blood on Xia Yichu's body, after hearing the old nanny's words, looked a little hesitant.

Although the two of them were three generations of vampires, they couldn't stand the baptism of the great light technique released by Xia Yichu.

But in the end greed prevailed, thinking that drinking Xia Yichu's blood would improve the cultivation of the two sisters by one level. After thinking for a while, the two sisters joined the battle.

Xia Yichu looked at the two vampires rushing in, the coldness spread in his eyes, and the movements of his hands became more and more violent.

The two sisters originally thought that even if Xia Yichu was a saint, it would be impossible for them to lose to Xia Yichu with such a large number of people.

Unexpectedly, they really lost.

The two sisters were all traumatized by Xia Yichu's light technique. Seeing that Xia Yichu was about to kill them, the two sisters finally couldn't help asking for help to the old mother who had been standing there and watching coldly: "Mommy, Please, save us!"

"Useless trash!" The old mammy said with a cold face.

These two vampires are her subordinates after all, even if they don't ask for help, she will help them.

The old mama held up her crutch and slammed it on the ground, and dozens of monsters suddenly appeared beside her.

These monsters are a little more powerful than the group of monsters just now. Not only do they have a strong aura of resentment, they even have grown ferocious big mouths and a pair of eyes like black holes.

Xia Yichu noticed them, the movements of his hands remained the same, but the direction of the attack changed.

A gleam of joy flashed across the faces of the two vampire sisters, and when Xia Yichu was not paying attention to them, they quickly ran away from Xia Yichu's body.

Seeing the number of monsters becoming less and less under the attack of Xia Yichu and Luan Jiu, the old mama snorted coldly: "I didn't expect you to have some skills!" However, it is still not enough for her.

The old mammy grabbed the crutch in her hand and tapped the ground again.

A thin wisp of black mist flowed into the ground through her crutch.

The surrounding area was quiet, without any change.

But at the place where Xia Yichu and Luan Jiu settled down, there was a sudden slight vibration.

"No, run away!" Xia Yichu's expression changed, and he reminded him.

The two of them avoided it as soon as they realized it, but they were still a step behind.

Several thin black vines broke through the ground, and then grew up, became longer, and thicker at a speed visible to the naked eye.

These black vines that suddenly grow from the ground are not only black all over, but even the leaves growing on them are also black.

Even Xia Yichu and Luan Jiu felt a strong dark element on them.

Xia Yichu used the power of light to hit them, they stopped venting for a moment, but after a short period of stopping venting, they grew up even more crazily.

The soil in all directions is covered with this kind of vines.

As if they had their own consciousness, these black vines scattered into two groups, one group attacked Xia Yichu, and the other group attacked Luan Jiu.

Not only can Xia Yichu and Luan Jiu's divine power of light not harm them, it is even like a catalyst for them. The more you hit them, the faster they will grow.

When Xia Yichu and Luan Jiu wanted to escape, they realized it was already too late.

The gate of the yard was closed tightly, and there were such weird black vines in all directions.

In the end, whether it was Xia Yichu or Luan Jiu, both of them were tightly bound by the black vines.

"Mom, as expected, as long as you make a move, no one can escape from Mammy's palm." The pair of sisters saw Xia Yichu and Luan Jiu arrested, and there was a flattering smile on their faces, and they praised the old mammy with.

"You guys are still a little tender."

"Yes, yes, being able to be by Mammy's side is the greatest blessing in our life as sisters."

No matter what the old mammy said, the two sisters flattered.

And the old mama seemed to like this set, and the face that had been cold all the time relaxed slightly at this time.


(End of this chapter)

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