Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 844 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 11

Chapter 844 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 11
He was quiet, not noisy, Xia Yichu was very satisfied with his reaction.

At the same time, Xia Yichu finally had time to look at him carefully.

When he was in a coma before, looking at his facial features, Xia Yichu knew that he was a good-looking child.

But now, when he wakes up and opens his eyes to look at you, the delicate and outstanding facial features seem to come to life in an instant, more delicate and vivid, Xia Yichu can't help stretching out his wolf claws, pinching Pinch his pink and jade-carved face.

"By the way, what's your name?" Xia Yichu asked him.

"Han." The child's voice was slightly hoarse.

He didn't say his last name, maybe he was on guard against Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu didn't care about this either, she smiled: "You look younger than me, so I might as well call you Xiaohan. Are you hungry? I'll go back and bring you some food."

Xiaohan didn't speak, but when Xia Yichu was about to leave, he reached out and grabbed her trouser legs.

There was a trace of dependence and fear in the pair of dark eyes in the other party's eyes.

Xia Yichu was slightly taken aback, but she forgot that no matter how calm Xiaohan behaved, he was actually only ten years old...

Having experienced this kind of thing, don't be afraid that it is not normal.

Xia Yi bent down and hugged him: "Don't be afraid, it's safe here, those bad guys won't find out."

Xia Yichu comforted him with soft words for a long time, but the dependence in Xiaohan's eyes did not decrease at all, it was because of her warm hug, and the child was like a traveler floating in the sea, tightly holding on to her driftwood...

In fact, Xia Yichu herself is also very entangled, she is not a soft-hearted person.

In fact, she could just walk away, but when facing this child, there will always be a hint of reluctance and love in her heart.

She can only have this kind of feeling that she can't control by herself.

Is this a bug?
It's too small, too weak.

Xia Yichu thought with a blank expression on his face, and couldn't help stretching out his hand to pinch the other person's little face, dispelling his doubts in his heart, it shouldn't be a bug, he is too small, and a bug has never become so weak.

Xiaohan pulled her trouser legs to prevent her from leaving, and the whole body exuded the breath of asking her to take him back together.

Xia Yichu looked down at him, with a helpless expression, and finally expressed his concerns: "It's really not possible, if I take you out, it will happen to those people, the consequences are too dangerous."

Listening to Xia Yichu's words, Xiaohan blinked her eyelashes, and finally slowly let go of her grip on Xia Yichu's trouser legs.

Xia Yichu went out, and before leaving, she took the planks and those big stones and sealed the cellar.

Xia Yichu took a few steps, and his mind was full of Xiaohan's eyes when he was lying in the cellar when he just left.

Xia Yichu frowned, stopped in his tracks, and finally turned around as if accepting his fate, and walked back quickly.

Xiaohan was lying in the cellar, and since she left, the light in the cellar has also been taken away.

He was lying quietly, at first he felt that the temperature in the cellar was slightly cool and pleasant, but after he stayed here alone, Xiao Han realized that it was icy cold without any warmth.

He was lying in this corner, dark, cold, unable to move, and no one to talk to him.

It was like the feeling of suffocation after drowning rose from the bottom of his heart.

There was no light in his black eyes, only the despair that destroyed the world.

Suddenly some slight noises from the exit of the cellar caught his attention, and he couldn't help turning his head to look towards the exit.

The piece of wood blocking the exit was removed from the outside, and the person who had just gone and returned appeared at the entrance of the cellar, and countless lights poured in from behind her.

She came to his world and brought him hope and light.

"I'll come back and take you home." Xia Yichu said.

When she came back, she ran back completely. At this moment, she was out of breath, and beads of sweat the size of peas rolled down.

Xia Yichu walked in short, before she walked in front of him, he couldn't wait to reach out and want her to hug her.

Because the arm bones were broken, he couldn't lift his hands at all except for moving his fingers.

Xia Yichu bent down and hugged him in his arms.

Then, she heard the uncontrollable crying of the child in her arms, and the tears quickly wet the fabric on her chest.

The only two little hands he could move were tightly grasping her clothes, and choked sobs kept spilling out of his mouth.

Xia Yichu hugged him tightly until he vented all the emotions in his heart.

After he stopped crying, Xia Yichu took out a candy from his pocket, removed the wrapper and stuffed it into his mouth.

This candy was given to her for free by the 233 system just now, thanking her for finally having a conscience.

The clothes on Xiao Han's body were all stained red with blood, which was not too dazzling.

Xia Yichu was wearing four or five pieces of clothes, she took off one of her middle clothes, then took off the clothes on Xiao Han's body, and put her middle clothes on him.

Then, Xia Yichu directly carried him out.

Xia Yichu avoided the villagers all the way. Fortunately, at this time, everyone was drying rice at home, or doing farm work in the farmland. The only two villagers she met were still a little away from her. Those people couldn't see Xiaohan's appearance clearly, so they thought it was her younger brother Su Jiabao.

Xia Yichu hurried back to Su's house.

As soon as she entered, Su Jiabao and Su Zhaodi immediately surrounded her and said to Xia Yichu: "Second Sister, where have you been? We have been looking for you for a long time just now...Ah! Why are you holding someone in your arms! "

"Well, I went outside for a walk, this is the child I picked up, please close the door quickly." Xia Yichu said.

Both Su Jiabao and Su Zhaodi were curious about Xiaohan in Xia Yichu's arms, and after closing the door quickly, they followed closely behind Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu hugged Xiaohan directly into the room.

Liu Xia and Su Mei were both at home, when they suddenly saw Xia Yichu coming in with a child in their arms, both of them were stunned.

After quite a while, Liu Xia finally realized, and immediately asked, "Ah, whose family is this child?"

"I picked it up on the road, mom, big sister, don't spread the word about it." Xia Yichu put Xiaohan in his arms on the bed.

"He looks so good, Second Sister, can I pet him." Su Jiabao squeezed to the edge of the bed, looking at Xiaohan curiously.

Even Liu Xia said, "Erya, you can't bring him back just because he looks good. This child's family background can be seen as either rich or noble. You should send him back quickly."

There were so many people suddenly, Xiaohan seemed a little scared, he pursed his lips tightly, seemingly calm, but the hand that was tightly clutching Xia Yichu's clothes revealed his inner anxiety.

(End of this chapter)

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