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Chapter 847 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 14

Chapter 847 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 14
After Xia Yichu gave Wang Shuhui the injection, he also prescribed a medicine for her.

Wang Shuhui was very grateful to Xia Yichu, not only gave her some rewards, but also gave Xia Yichu a jade plaque.

Facing these real money, Xia Yichu didn't delay, pocketed all of them, and left here.

After Xia Yichu left, Luzhu looked at Wang Shuhui whose complexion had returned to rosy and said: "I never thought that there would be such a skilled medical person in this place. But since she is still young, I don't know where she studied under. Madam, we need Will the servants send someone to investigate?"

"En." Wang Shuhui nodded, remembering the calm look on the child's face when he was facing a box of real gold and silver just now, and the desire to win was even stronger in his heart.

If you can bring this child with you, then there will be hope for her body in the future.

Xia Yichu didn't know that Wang Shuhui not only had a good impression of her just because of this meeting, but even wanted to bring her by his side.

After Xia Yichu left the small courtyard, he keenly noticed that someone was following him.

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Yichu understood that it was probably his high-profile just now that attracted Wang Shuhui's attention.

Although I don't know if Wang Shuhui sent someone to investigate her out of good intentions, but Xia Yichu doesn't want her to find out the existence of Xiaohan in his family for the time being.

Xia Yichu went into a clothing store, and after she was refitted, she walked past the person following her openly, but the other person didn't notice.

Xia Yichu hurried to the entrance of the town, Su Mei was already there waiting for her.

Seeing Xia Yichu's figure, Su Mei immediately walked up to him, and said to Xia Yichu, "Why did you come here? I'm so anxious."

"Accidentally walked away just now, big sister, have you bought everything yet?" Xia Yichu asked.

"Yeah, I've already bought everything." Su Mei nodded, and pulled Xia Yichu into the bullock cart.

The people on the bullock cart were either from the same village or neighboring villages.

When they saw Su Mei and Xia Yichu, they couldn't help gossiping.

Xia Yichu was thinking about Xiaohan and Wang Shuhui all the time, he didn't want to talk to anyone, so he turned his head aside and asked Su Mei to chat with them.

After returning, Xia Yichu took out the candied haws in the basket as usual and distributed them to Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao.

In the basket are the new clothes she bought for Xiao Han, a bunch of candied haws, and some three catties of peaches.

Xia Yichu put the peaches in Su Zhenghe's room, and then went to see Xiaohan with the bunch of candied haws and new clothes.

After these three days, Xiaohan's injuries have almost healed.

However, Xia Yichu didn't heal the broken bone on his body, so he can only lie on the bed now.

As soon as he saw Xia Yichu, Xiaohan's originally dark eyes suddenly became black and bright, shining brightly.

He raised his hand to Xia Yichu, begging for a hug every day.

Xia Yichu hugged him, squeezed the flesh on his face, and said to him: "Xiaohan, do you want to get better? Just like before, you can sit, stand, run, and jump. "

Xiaohan's body trembled slightly, he tightly grasped the hem of Xia Yichu's side clothes, with a fragile light in his black eyes: "Really, really?"

"Well, but it will be very painful, maybe you will be killed by the pain." Xia Yichu said.

This remodels bones and tendons, just thinking about it makes one's hair stand on end.

Xia Yichu didn't have to go to this point. She planned to save Xiaohan before, part of the reason was to use Xiaohan to find a backer for herself.

But when this happened today, Wang Shuhui had already given her a jade badge representing her identity.

In fact, it is the wisest idea for her to send Xiaohan back now.

However, Xia Yichu's thoughts are no longer so kind.After experiencing so many worlds, she always thinks about things more than ordinary people.

After Xia Yichu looked at the jade plaque that Wang Shuhui gave her, she recognized that the jade plaque actually belonged to the royal family.

This can only show that Xiaohan's life experience is more noble than she thought before.

It would be fine if Xiaohan was really just a child from an ordinary big family, but he was born in the royal family.

Even with Wang Shuhui's favor, but with his body like this, after Xia Yichu sent him back, he could only be like a fish on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

This is what Xia Yichu doesn't want to see.

However, after these few days of getting along.

Xia Yichu discovered that Xiaohan was a very unusual child.

He is well-behaved, sensible, and able to endure.

The pain of reshaping the bones and tendons is unbearable even for many adults, which is why Xia Yichu didn't treat Xiaohan before.

But now, Xia Yichu suddenly had an idea.

Maybe, he can actually survive it?

Xia Yichu looked down at Xiaohan.

After hearing Xia Yichu's words, Xiaohan just thought about it for a second or two, and then said without hesitation: "I'm not afraid."

"Good boy." Xia Yichu held him in his arms, raised his hand and stroked his head.

Xia Yichu can exchange the medicine for Xiaohan's tendons and bones directly in the system mall.

Having done so many missions, Xia Yichu has been spending time, points and energy helping people outside of missions like this for a long time.

After Xia Yichu got everything ready, he sneaked out with Xiaohan in the dark.

Xia Yichu carried Xiaohan to the cellar, it was the quietest place, where he would not be disturbed by others, nor would he disturb other people.

In the cellar, before the two of them went in, all the things Xia Yichu exchanged in the system mall had already been placed in it.

In the cellar, candlelight flickered, there was not only a table, a small bed, but also a tub full of medicinal baths.

"Are you ready?" Xia Yichu put Xiaohan on the bed.

There are so many things in the cellar, but Xiaohan's all eyes are on Xia Yichu, with a desperate decision in his eyes.

"I'm ready." Xiao Han said.

Xia Yichu gave him the pill to reshape tendons and bones.

Just in case, Xia Yichu also took a cork stick and stuffed it into his mouth, lest he hurt himself later.

After Xiaohan took the medicine, he lay quietly on the bed.

At the beginning, Xia Yichu didn't realize it. It wasn't until he saw the sweat dripping from his forehead that Xia Yichu realized that the effect of the medicine had already begun, but it was just that Xiaohan hadn't said a word.

Xia Yichu stood aside, staring at Xiaohan without blinking.

The effect of the medicine does not take effect immediately, but gradually takes effect as time goes by.

Beads of sweat kept sliding down his face, and Xiaohan, who was originally calm, finally couldn't help showing a look of pain.

(End of this chapter)

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