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Chapter 849 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 17

Chapter 849 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 17
For so many years, Liu Xia has already seen clearly the prejudice against these two old people, and she no longer has any expectations for them in her heart.

But the reason why Liu Xia was so angry was that Su Zhenghe's leg was injured this time.

After Su Zhenghe's leg was injured, Liu Xia borrowed money from everywhere in order to see a doctor and get medicine for him. Among them, she went to the homes of Su Zhengxiong and Su Zhengming.

In the end, I didn't expect that Su Zhengxiong and Mo Fanghua couldn't borrow a single coin!

Moreover, the expressions of Su Zhenghe's two younger brothers changed immediately when they heard Liu Xia said that they wanted to borrow money!

In short, these people are desperate, desperate iron cocks!
Seeing that Su Zhenghe still cared about these few people now, how could Liu Xia not be angry.

Every family has its cupboard.

Xia Yichu comforted Liu Xia and told her not to worry.

But in fact Xia Yichu was the most anxious one, Xia Yichu went to the town again, not only saw a courtyard, but also was very interested in the location of a restaurant.

It just so happened that the owners of those courtyards and the restaurant were both in a hurry to sell, Xia Yichu offered a suitable price, and actually bought these two places directly.

For a day, Xia Yichu went to run official documents, and finally felt relieved after seeing that the two house deeds and land deeds were changed to his own name.

With a house in the town, Xia Yichu doesn't have to go back to Sujia Village.

She first took Xiaohan over, and then gave Liu Xia and Su Zhenghe a sum of money.When they packed up, they would help them out. Xia Yichu gave them a sum of money to buy a carriage.

Moving house will definitely take a lot of things. It would be more convenient and trouble-free to buy a carriage.

The restaurant that Xia Yichu sold was not doing very well.

Of course, if the business was good, the former boss would not have sold it.

The employees in the restaurant heard that their boss had changed hands these days, and everyone was panicked, fearing that the new boss would lay them off after taking office.

As a result, after Xia Yichu came, not only did he not lay off staff, he even said a lot of good things to appease everyone: She will continue to run this restaurant.Moreover, not only will she not fire everyone, she will even give everyone a raise.

However, now, she is going to give everyone half a month off to re-plan the future operation and sales route of the restaurant.

Even if it is a holiday, everyone is also paid!

Although some people questioned Xia Yichu's gentle words because of her age, most people believed her.

Haoweilai Restaurant has since closed and is no longer in business.

Xia Yichu even had someone remove the plaque on the door.

The area of ​​this restaurant is not small, the location is not biased, and its decoration is not outdated. After looking around, Xia Yichu drew a stick figure and handed over some things that need to be changed. to construction workers.

Moreover, Xia Yichu also re-designed the future menu of the restaurant.

She found several previous chefs in the restaurant and signed a non-disclosure agreement with them alone.

There are a total of five masters, four of them signed, and one didn't trust her and left.

Xia Yichu didn't hide any secrets from these four, and directly handed over some modern medicinal recipes to them, letting them practice their cooking skills at home during this period of time.

If the cooking skills are not up to par with her, Xia Yichu will not let them into the kitchen after the restaurant opens.

Xia Yichu was busy during this time, when Xiaohan started, he often stayed alone in the small yard waiting for her to come back.

But later, after Xiaohan followed Xia Yichu out once, he was like a little bee who had tasted the sweetness, and never wanted to stay at home alone again.

Xia Yichu was busy all day, until he looked at the time that day, and suddenly found that tomorrow is the time for the Chen family to come to ask for debts. Xia Yichu quickly packed his things, took Xiaohan with him, and went back to Sujia Village.

Obviously, the time was one day away from the time the Chen family said to repay the debt, but when Xia Yichu came back with Xiaohan, he found that the gate of his yard was suddenly full of people.

Xia Yichu had money in her pocket now, so she wouldn't feel wronged, so she directly found a carriage to drive her and Xiaohan home.

Xia Yichu and Xiaohan got off the carriage, immediately attracting many people's attention.

"Hey, isn't this Mrs. Su's erya? Look, she's back!" In the crowd, someone shouted, and everyone turned their heads immediately, and their eyes fell on Xia Yichu and Xiaohan.Moreover, all the crowd that surrounded the gate of the Su family courtyard spread out towards the two of them, abruptly making way for Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu looked calm and walked in.

In the courtyard, there are three groups of people standing.

On one side were Liu Xia, Su Zhenghe, Su Mei and others who looked extremely angry, and on the other side were people sent by the Chen family.

As for the other group of people, the leader is an old lady who is thin and thin, but she has bright eyes and is not easy to get along with at first glance.Behind the old lady, there were two peasant women who were mean-looking and thoughtful, and two strong and strong men.

This was actually Su Zhenghe's mother, Mo Fanghua, and Su Zhenghe's two younger brothers and sister-in-law.

Xia Yichu raised his eyebrows, did these people really make a bunch?

Regarding the fact that these two groups of people would appear in her home, Xia Yichu had guessed eighty-nine percent in her heart, but she walked up to Liu Xia pretending not to know, and asked, "Father, mother."

Xia Yichu was wearing the clothes that she had specially customized in the tailor shop. Not to mention the simple and elegant style, it directly brought out her whole body's temperament.

In addition, after Xia Yichu came to this world, she never treated herself badly in terms of food.

Today's Xia Yichu looks much prettier and healthier than before.

After she got rid of her yellow and waxy face, she was already growing in the direction of the juicy girl.

Xia Yichu's temperament is outstanding, and her eyes are bright. From the moment she came in, the young master of the Chen family who came along with her has been looking at Xia Yichu, squinting and never moving away.

"Erya, why are you back?" Liu Xia grabbed Xia Yichu's hand, with a worried expression on her face: "You shouldn't have come back."

Xia Yichu didn't answer, just grabbed Liu Xia's hand, patted it reassuringly, then moved his eyes to the two groups of people opposite, and spoke again with a trace of imperceptible coldness: "Come here What are you doing at home?"

"Hey! What a heartless little bastard! Leave grandma in the village and leave her alone, and spend all day outside eating and drinking!"

 [Eight thousand is over, good night everyone. 】

(End of this chapter)

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