Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 851 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 19

Chapter 851 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 19
Mo Fanghua heard that the secret he had kept for so many years was exposed in front of so many people, and it was still under such a situation that was almost condemned by everyone, Mo Fanghua couldn't bear it at all, and rolled his eyes After that, the whole person fainted.

After Mo Fanghua fainted, the scene was chaotic.

The second son, Su Zhengming, turned to Su Zhenghe with dissatisfaction and said, "Brother, how did you teach your daughter? It made our mother mad!"

In the past, Su Zhenghe would have gone to see the doctor behind Mo Fanghua's back without saying a word, but now, Su Zhenghe only had the words he heard just now in his heart.

He is not Mo Fanghua's son...

"Hehe, I'm very satisfied with my daughter telling the truth." Su Zhenghe suddenly laughed.

Su Zhengming choked, never thinking that Su Zhenghe, who never argued with them, would have the day to fight back.

However, the most important thing at the moment is Mo Fanghua's body.

Su Zhengming picked up Mo Fanghua and strode out.

Su Zhengan, Ying Cuihua and Wang Xiaohong also left here quickly.

After the people of the Su family left, apart from the spectators around the gate, there were only the young master of the Chen family and the puppies he brought along to ask for debts.

Ever since Xia Yichu appeared, the young master of the Chen family has been staring at Xia Yichu all the time.

Indulging in beauty, unable to extricate himself.

Because there were people from the Su family crying and shouting here before, his puppy legs didn't disturb his young master's mood of looking at the beauties.

Now that these wretched Su family members are gone, how should I put it, it's their turn to ask for debts, right?

Er Gouzi raised his hand and poked his young master's arm. Seeing that he didn't respond, he stretched out his hand and tugged at his sleeve.

At this moment, Young Master Chen finally shifted his gaze from Xia Yichu's body to him like giving alms: "Er Gouzi, what are you doing?"

"Young master, we are here to ask for debts! Remember, the evil spirits are evil, and it's time for us to appear." Er Gouzi whispered in Chen Gang's ear.

Chen Gang is the name of this young master.

After hearing Er Gouzi's words, Chen Gang finally remembered the purpose of his visit this time.

He gave Er Gouzi an approving look, then set his gaze on Xia Yichu and the others, and said fiercely: "You guys, are you ready for the 30 taels you owe my family?"

Both Liu Xia and Su Zhenghe set their eyes on Xia Yichu.

Liu Xia now has more than 30 taels of silver on her, but she didn't express her opinion.

It seems that subconsciously, everyone has begun to regard Xia Yichu as the backbone of the family.

Xia Yichu's eyes fell on the young master, and he smiled slightly: "30 taels? Isn't it ten taels?"

When the beauty smiled, Chen Gang almost fell intoxicated.

He frowned and turned to look at Er Gouzi behind him. Er Gouzi stepped forward appropriately, and in a few words, he borrowed ten taels from the Su family, and now he made it clear that he had to pay back the thirty taels.

This is not the first time the Chen family has done this kind of thing.

It's just that when Chen Gang came, everyone didn't say hello to him.

Now, as soon as Er Gouzi said it, Chen Gang immediately understood.

Knowing the ins and outs of this matter, Chen Gang instantly gained confidence in his heart.

He turned back to look at Xia Yichu, the lust in his eyes could no longer be concealed, and he had a bit of a dandyism: "Who said ten taels! I said 30 taels, then 30 taels, if you can't pay, I will drag you and your sister Repay the debt!"

Xia Yichu narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes fell on Chen Gang, and he suddenly smiled: "30 taels, right? Just wait, I'll get you 30 taels right now."

(End of this chapter)

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