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Chapter 856 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 25

Chapter 856 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 25
After the family moved to the town, Xia Yichu's life became even busier.

Xia Yichu is not a ten-year-old girl. She has traveled through so many planes. Although she didn't have the opportunity to show her talents many times before, she knows the way of doing business.

In many planes before, bugs were the presidents of large companies.

She has lived with the bug for so long, and she has learned a little bit about it.

The medicinal meals that Xia Yichu taught those cooks to cook all came from the modern plane.

As for some condiments and vegetables that are not available in this world, Xia Yichu directly contracted a large piece of land, exchanged those side dishes and cooking seeds from the space, and hired some people to take care of these vegetables.

At the opening of Xia Yichu's restaurant, she not only invited lion dancers to play along the entire street, but also organized activities, and all meals were half price.

These two points alone are enough to attract many guests for Xia Yichu.

Not to mention, the food served in Xia Yichu's kitchen tastes even better.

While making people feel novel, it also makes people never get tired of eating.

What's more, Xia Yichu gave special training sessions to the waiters who served the dishes.

Xia Yichu personally taught them how to introduce this dish to the guests. Medicinal food is a good thing to nourish the body. If you add some filters to the words, the feeling to the guests will be different in an instant.

Even if it is an ordinary dish, Xia Yichu can call it the king of tonics.

Moreover, the decoration of Xia Yichu's restaurant is different from other restaurants.Xia Yichu would ask the guys to clean the restaurant before leaving every day, and in the morning, he would ask everyone to clean it before opening.

Xia Yichu's requirements for customization are very strict, but her wages are also higher than other restaurants.

There are a lot of people who come to apply for the job every day, which makes those who are working in the restaurant not relax at all. Everyone is serious about their work and does not want to lose such a good job.

Xia Yichu didn't intend to monopolize this restaurant.At the same time, she never thought that she would continue to manage it.

Liu Xia, Su Zhenghe, and Su Mei were all illiterate.

After Xia Yichu came to the town, he invited the old gentleman to teach the three of them how to read and count.

At first, Liu Xia and the others were reluctant, thinking it was a waste of money.And they've all lived half their lives, so why are they still learning to read?

But after seeing Xia Yichu running around in the restaurant all day, but they couldn't help at all, the three of Liu Xia finally agreed to ask the old gentleman to come and teach them how to read.

All three of them have experienced hardships, and they also know that money is hard to come by, so they want to study hard to help Xia Yichu.

After Xia Yichu's restaurant opened, the three of them also learned some words.

However, Xia Yichu personally taught them the knowledge of arithmetic.

This ancient calculation is too complicated, even Xia Yichu's head hurts after reading it.

But modern arithmetic is different, and as long as you know numbers, after memorizing the formula, it will be a piece of cake.

It took Xia Yichu half a year to get the restaurant on the right track. Even without her management, the restaurant can operate automatically.

When buying a restaurant, Xia Yichu wrote down the names of Liu Xia and Su Zhenghe.

So there is no trouble in handing over the restaurant to Liu Xia and Su Zhenghe.

Su Mei got married when everyone came to town for three months.

In fact, at her age, in modern times, she was still the age of a girl like a flower, but in ancient times, at the age of 17, she was already a big girl.

The man Su Mei married was the young owner of a rice shop.

Xia Yichu gave some rice to Su Mei to buy.

The rice spent every day in the restaurant is not a small amount.

Su Mei often has to go out to purchase, and Su Mei also found that this is the only rice shop that does not fake or shoddy.

Therefore, she would come to this rice shop for every purchase afterwards.

After going back and forth, Su Mei gradually became acquainted with the owner of the rice shop, and they developed a secret love for each other.

Xia Yichu also paid close attention to the young owner of the rice shop and sent someone to inquire about it.

The young master was one year older than Su Mei, the only child in the family, who had studied before and won the Juren.

However, because the family was in business and he was the only son, he was destined to inherit his father's business in the future, so he didn't go to Beijing to catch the exam.

Xia Yichu had come into contact with this person through business matters before, and found that he was very eloquent, and had a gentle personality. big.

The parents of this young master's family are also well-known benevolent people.

During the disaster period in the early years, they often set up tents to give porridge to the victims.

Xia Yichu didn't have any big opinions on this marriage, her decision largely represented the decision of the Su family.Since Xia Yichu said that this person is good, then Liu Xia and Su Zhenghe also believed Xia Yichu's opinion.

The parents of Shaodong's family also like Su Mei very much, and they are also happy to see the success of their marriage.

So after the parents of Shaodong's family invited a matchmaker to come to Su's family to make an appointment, the matter was almost settled.

The Young Master's family was in a hurry, after choosing an auspicious day, they gave the dowry, and brought Su Mei home in a glorious manner.

After Su Mei got married, there were only five people left in the family.

Now that Liu Xia has nothing to do, she wanders around the restaurant, checks the account books, and occasionally takes Xia Yichu or some boss ladies she knows in this town to go shopping and buy clothes.

Su Zhenghe was born as a farmer. Even though he is the boss now, he still prefers some things in the farmland.

Xia Yichu contracted a large piece of land to plant some seeds that she took out from the space.

Later, after Su Zhenghe also learned how to count, Xia Yichu gave these workers and this piece of land to Su Zhenghe, and Su Zhenghe supervised the side dishes and vegetarian dishes.

It turned out that Su Zhenghe fell in love with the crops in this field after running a few times.

If you have nothing to do, run to the ground.

Su Jiabao and Su Zhaodi have been sensible since they were young, and they also know that going to school is not easy. Both of them are very eager to learn, and they like to compare since they were young. In terms of learning, they are both partners and rivals.

The first and second places in the class often fall in the Su family.

In fact, in a way, Xia Yichu's mission should have been completed.

After all, Su Mei's wish is to overcome the difficulties of borrowing ten taels of silver from the Chen family, and then make a fortune and lead the Su family to live a good life.

(End of this chapter)

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