Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 862 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 31

Chapter 862 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 31
How to put it, Ji Han was the first accident that Xia Yichu encountered after he came to this world.

Moreover, it was because of her existence that his future was changed.

If she hadn't rescued Ji Han at that time, Ji Han was so young and injured so seriously, if he hadn't met Xia Yichu in advance, by the time the rescue arrived, he would have already ceased to exist in this world.

After finding the initial sense of familiarity, the image of this person in front of him gradually overlapped with the stern-faced Xiaohan a few years ago.

Xia Yichu's eyes gradually became gentle, he raised his hand, landed on his back, and patted lightly: "Actually, I have only come to the capital not long ago, and I haven't had time to inform you yet."

Almost after Xia Yichu finished saying this, Ji Han silently added in his heart: Lie.

She clearly knew his identity, and she had never stopped writing to him over the years.

But she didn't say a word about her coming to the capital in the letter.

Moreover, she could go directly to his mansion to find him as soon as she entered the capital.

But she didn't, not even sending someone to inform him.

She didn't put him in the most important position at all.

Ji Han blinked, his eyes darkened slightly.

However, he didn't let Xia Yichu see his emotions at the moment, he quickly calmed down his emotions, like a big dog that hasn't seen its owner for a long time, let go of Xia Yichu's hand, But taking advantage of the trend, he squeezed his whole body into Xia Yichu's arms.

His face was buried in her flat chest, Xia Yichu couldn't see his expression, but his sad and sad mood came out of his mouth sullenly: "Su Tao can be whatever he says, anyway, Su Tao doesn't Take me to heart, and don't miss me as much as I miss Su Tao, I believe everything Su Tao says."

"...What are you doing? Speak well." Xia Yichu's head was full of black lines.

Ji Han took the opportunity to cuddle in her arms, "The people here are not good to me, brother, they all try to win my favor in front of the father, and there are countless ways behind the scenes that almost cost me my life. After I came back, I realized that in this world, only Su Tao treats me best."

Ji Han's words made Xia Yichu's hand that was originally stretched out to push him away, silently put down, and instead patted him on the shoulder, as if coaxing a child.

Xia Yichu is still clear about the situation of Ji Han's family.

In this feudal patriarchal society, it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

Not to mention the most honorable man in this country.

Three thousand harem is definitely not an exaggeration.

Every prince who could sit on that seat in the Golden Luan Palace must have blood on his hands and bones on his feet.

The most ruthless imperial family.

Ji Han was only a few years old at the time, and he suffered such inhuman cruelty.

Xia Yichu couldn't believe how he survived the past few years.

But since Ji Han was born in the emperor's family, from the moment he was born, his fate of being indifferent to his family was already doomed.

Xia Yichu didn't know how to comfort him, and she also knew that Ji Han didn't need her comfort.

He was just venting casually when he was tired.

Xia Yichu's heart softened.

Ji Han was keenly aware of her emotional changes.

There was a sly look in his eyes, like a cat that has stolen Xing'er, but his tone of voice was still sullen, as if he had been wronged by the heavens: "Su Tao, you have to stay in the capital How long will it be? How about going directly to live in my house?"

"Wouldn't this be too troublesome?" Xia Yichu's hand patting his shoulder paused in mid-air, and then, as if afraid of his misunderstanding, Xia Yichu quickly added: "Actually, I don't know how long I'm going to stay in the capital. Time, I came out this time to find someone."

Xia Yichu's voice was still soft, but when that soft voice said the last sentence, there was nostalgia that could not be concealed in the tone of his speech.

Ji Han's eyes darkened slightly, and for the first time he hated himself for being so subtle.

He huddled in Xia Yichu's arms, felt the heat and light fragrance of the other person, tried his best to control his anger that was like a volcanic eruption, and asked Xia Yichu calmly, "Human? Who is Su Tao looking for?" Huh? I can send someone to help you find it together." It would be fine if that person was a woman, but if it was a man, he would kill him immediately, destroy the body and wipe out the traces.

Ji Han narrowed his eyes slightly, and even though he didn't know who that person was, he had already decided two solutions for that person in his heart.

Moreover, it is very willful and is determined according to gender.

"No need, I'll do it myself." Xia Yichu shook his head.

In this life, she has never seen a bug.

She also doesn't know what bug looks like in this world, its name, or its family background.

However, even if she didn't know all of this, it still couldn't stop Xia Yichu's determination to find him.

Ji Hanlai pressed on Xia Yichu's body, and persisted in questioning her twice, but he didn't ask anything, and he was driven out of her arms by Xia Yichu.

Ji Han sat on the side, looking aggrieved and sullen, but he was always thinking about the person Xia Yichu was looking for.

Xia Yichu's personality has always been gentle, but this is Xia Yichu's rare persistence in front of him.

In Ji Han's heart, for no reason, there was a trace of hostility towards that person whom he didn't even know whether he was a man or a woman.

Ji Han secretly decided that during Xia Yichu's stay in the capital, he must keep a close eye on him, and decided not to let her have the chance to find that person.

Xia Yichu turned his head to look at the bustling street outside the window, full of infinite expectations for the future.Her eyes fell on the passers-by on the street, and she didn't want to miss every possible opportunity to meet the bug.

The two sat in the same carriage, but they had different thoughts.

It wasn't until the slowly moving carriage stopped in front of the Seventh Prince's Mansion, and the coachman outside said respectfully, "Here we are", that Ji Han smiled, and regained his cheerful appearance in front of Xia Yichu again, and took Xia Yichu out of the carriage, He directly entered the Seventh Prince's Mansion with magnificent architecture and luxurious decoration.

Logically speaking, Ji Han has not reached the crown yet, so he should live in the palace, and he is not qualified to own his own mansion.

But the current emperor is suspicious by nature, but for all the princes who have grown up, the emperor neither crowned them kings nor stayed in the palace.

After the princes turned 13 years old, they were thrown out of the palace one by one by the emperor.

 [The reason for the interruption has already been mentioned in the book review area, I don’t know if you have seen it. . . 】

(End of this chapter)

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