Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 868 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 37

Chapter 868 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 37
When Fuhua said this, he made no secret of his dislike for Xia Yichu.

She has always been like this before and after, and she doesn't care about anything she does, nor does she care about her reputation in front of others.

At least, in this capital, there are not many people who dare to fight against Princess Fuhua openly.

If Xia Yichu is really an ordinary farmer's girl, even if she is given ten courages, Fu Hua will probably be frightened by Fuhua at this moment.

But Xia Yichu is not, Xia Yichu doesn't pay attention to the coercion of Princess Fuhua.

Looking at Fu Hua who was sitting in the first place, Xia Yichu's smile remained undiminished, and he even directly raised his hand to take out something from his wide sleeve.

The appearance of that thing was very familiar to everyone present after seeing it.

This is an invitation card sent by Princess Fuhua, everyone has one.

When Fuhua saw the invitation in Xia Yichu's hand, his expression changed, and then he looked fiercely at the servant who had just stepped in quickly.

Obviously she had ordered before that when Xia Yichu came in, he had to take the post in her hand before letting anyone in!

The servant standing next to Fu Hua saw his feet go limp, and almost fell to the ground, he didn't know it either!Obviously, when Xia Yichu came in, he immediately took the invitation from the other party, and now that invitation is still in his arms!
He subconsciously raised his hand to touch it, and then his face changed. The invitation card he was holding in his arms disappeared...

Xia Yichu had a panoramic view of the interaction between the two, and a cold smile flashed across his eyes.

She opened the invitation, and then fell directly on the ground, looking at Princess Fuhua with cold eyes, and her tone of voice was also without warmth: "Since you look down on us country people, why should Princess Fuhua give me the invitation?" Next post. Fuhua County should find someone to verify the time on this post!"

Princess Fuhua has always been the only one who yells at others, and whenever it is, it is her turn to bear the yelling of others.

But unfortunately, Princess Fuhua couldn't speak at all after Xia Yichu finished yelling.

Of course, she knew the above time.

In order to embarrass Xia Yichu, she specifically ordered the maid who wrote the post to move back the time of Xia Yichu's post by a few quarters of an hour.

She just didn't expect that group of servants to be so useless.

It never occurred to him that Xia Yichu was not a coward who had never seen the world at all.

She even had the tone and guts to challenge her openly!

"You are presumptuous!" Princess Fuhua raised her hand, slapped the table in front of her hard, and immediately stood up from her seat.

The two looked at each other, and a battlefield without gunpowder spread between them.

Xia Yichu did not show any weakness to the angry eyes of Princess Fuhua.

"What's wrong with my presumptuousness? Because you are the princess, everyone has to support you? Because you are the princess, you can say that black is white? I don't even bother to participate in this kind of banquet!"

After Xia Yichu finished speaking, he turned and left.

This was the first time someone hit Fuhua in the face like this in front of Fuhua, and Fuhua was already mad with anger.

"How dare you talk to this princess like that! Someone, take her down for me!" Princess Fuhua said loudly.

As soon as she finished speaking, guards with weapons ran out and surrounded Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu took a look at these guards, and immediately took the initiative to strike first.

It has been three years since Xia Yichu came to this world. Because of her young age, she has never let go of her martial arts, and has always practiced the martial arts given to her by the system.

Three years later, Xia Yichu had already made some achievements, and she really didn't pay attention to the guards in front of her.

Xia Yichu dealt with these guards as easily as he dealt with some kittens and puppies.

Even, she was able to smile at Princess Fuhua with ease, and continued to provoke: "It turns out that if you can't say it, let your subordinates do it, Princess Fuhua, are you trying to kill people? Then there are so many people on the opposite side of you. What about the people, how should you deal with them?"

Xia Yichu's gaze flicked across those officials' ladies.

Each of these official ladies sat in their own seats with their heads down, wishing they could find a crack in the ground to get in.

Originally, I thought I could see Xia Yichu's jokes, but now it turned out to be good. Not only did I not see other people's jokes, but I got into a commotion.

Although they didn't do anything, they saw Princess Fuhua deflated on a small village girl, which was a mistake.

They are not as bold as Xia Yichu, they dare not open their mouths to refute.

Therefore, he could only lower his head under the cold gaze of Princess Fuhua, pretending that he hadn't heard or seen anything.

None of the guards in the mansion could stop Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu beat these guards to pieces in a few rounds, and then left the princess mansion without hindrance.

As soon as Xia Yichu left the mansion, a girl dressed as a maid greeted her outside.

The young girl looked delicate, and looked at Xia Yichu's whole body with her eyes, for fear that she would lose arms and legs when she went in.

This servant girl's name is Mo Zhu, and it was specially called by Ji Han to serve Xia Yichu.

Mo Zhu's martial arts is very high, and she has a calm personality. With her protecting Xia Yichu, Ji Han is very relieved.

Mo Zhu's gaze swept over Xia Yichu's body, she moved closer to Xia Yichu, and said in a low voice: "Miss, the slaves just heard the sound of a fight coming from inside, are they embarrassing Miss?"

Mo Zhu originally wanted to follow in together, but the person in charge who was guarding the door just now didn't let anyone in except Xia Yichu, so Mo Zhu waited for her outside.

After Xia Yichu heard what Mo Zhu said, he looked up at her more.The backyard where the banquet was held was a long way from here.

Mo Zhu could hear the sound at such a distance, seeing that her martial arts might be higher than what I thought.

Xia Yichu patted her on the shoulder: "It's okay, it's just a few shrimps, let's go."

Mo Zhu looked away from Xia Yichu's slightly messy clothes, and lowered his head.

The two got into the carriage back to the Seventh Prince's Mansion.

Sitting opposite Xia Yichu, Mo Zhu helped her tidy up Xia Yichu's messy clothes because she had just done it.

The carriage kept running forward, as if there was no end.

Xia Yichu suddenly realized something was wrong.

She glanced at Mo Zhu, and Mo Zhu nodded slightly, apparently already noticed.

Mo Zhu grasped the weapon at his waist with one hand, and raised the other hand, wanting to open the curtain to have a look.

As a result, as soon as her hand touched the curtain, her keen consciousness told her that there was danger approaching.

Mo Zhu quickly let go of her hand, turned her body sideways, and the second she turned sideways, an arrow was shot in from the window.

(End of this chapter)

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