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Chapter 871 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich

Chapter 871 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich (End)
With Ji Han's consent, Emperor Xiaoyun issued three imperial decrees in a row when he went to court the next day.

Together, Ji Han became the prince.

Together, they will give the new crown prince a marriage.

The last one is to ask the Ministry of Criminal Justice to thoroughly investigate Xia Yichu's assassination that day.

After all, after Xia Yichu was promoted to the new Crown Princess, she was also a member.

Xia Yichu didn't expect that he had the courage to confess his love to Ji Han yesterday, and today he even issued a marriage decree.

Xia Yichu is not stupid, looking at the successive imperial edicts, Xia Yichu also vaguely guessed something.

She looked at Ji Han, but Ji Han shook his head, hugged her in his arms, lowered his head and kissed her cherry lips.

As long as you can be with her, no matter what you pay, it is worth it.

Moreover, it seems to be a good choice to keep her from being bullied in the future and become a master.

The wedding between Ji Han and Xia Yichu was chosen next year.

Su Zhenghe and Liu Xia replied very quickly. The new letter was written by Su Zhaodi. In the letter, Liu Xia praised Ji Han vigorously, and even Su Zhenghe said that he was very satisfied with Ji Han.

Xia Yichu looked a little baffled. After seeing Su Jiabao's words at the end of the letter, Xia Yichu realized in vain. It turns out that in the past few years, Ji Han not only wrote letters to himself, but also carried out the policy of saving the country with curves. Someone sent some good things to Liu Xia and the others.

However, because Xia Yichu often ran business outside, and Liu Xia and the others wanted to test Ji Han's sincerity, they didn't tell Xia Yichu about it.

Xia Yichu thought for a while, then took a pen to write back, and told about Ji Han being crowned prince and himself being crowned princess, and also said that he had already bought a house in the capital, and sent someone to pick them up another day. Come.

Xia Yichu discussed with Ji Han, and the next day, Ji Han sent his own people to Qiuyun Town to pick up his future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Because he was afraid of accidents on the way, the people Ji Han sent were all first-class martial arts masters.

Xia Yichu bought real estate for herself in the capital, and Ji Han followed her, looking a little sullen and extremely wronged: "Why can't we live together? Didn't you live with me before? Why did you get married after you got married?" Hate me balabalababalabala..."

Xia Yichu patted his head, smiled and said nothing.

Her calm and calm appearance made his complaining behavior more and more childish.

But Ji Han just couldn't bear it.

Ji Han looked at Xia Yichu and made a decision in his heart, since Xia Yichu would not go to his place, then he would come to her.

However, he didn't come here openly, but secretly every night.

Then, for the next half a year, the watchmen will find that every night they will see a black shadow flashing across the eaves.

Su Zhenghe brought his whole family to Beijing. When Su Mei learned that her younger sister was named the crown princess, she was also very happy for Xia Yichu. However, a few days earlier, the doctor found out that she was pregnant. It was a long journey, that's why I didn't go to Beijing with Su Zhenghe and others.

Knowing that Su Mei was pregnant, Xia Yichu was also very happy, and personally prescribed a prescription for anti-abortion, and sent someone to deliver it to Su Mei.

Obviously, the assassin who assassinated Xia Yichu was sent by Emperor Xiaoyun at the expense of money, but finally the people from the Ministry of Criminal Affairs found out that this matter was done by the third prince, because the third prince wanted to win Prime Minister Zuo, so he did it , Win the favor of Prime Minister Zuo.

After the emperor learned about this, he was furious and demoted Prime Minister Zuo. At the same time, he took this opportunity to give the third prince a fief. If he had nothing to do in the future and was summoned by the emperor, the third prince would not be allowed to return to Beijing for the rest of his life.

Not only that, Emperor Xiaoyun also personally took action to suppress the first prince and the fifth prince, and also used the same method as the third prince, and threw the first prince and the fifth prince away from the capital one hundred and eight thousand miles away.

For a while, Ji Han had countless scenery.

It was only at this time that everyone realized that Emperor Xiaoyun deliberately did not appoint a crown prince, but deliberately loved the eldest prince, the third prince and the fifth prince, all in order to protect Ji Han.

But now, with Emperor Xiaoyun personally taking action, Ji Han's position as the crown prince is secure, and no one can pry him in the way.

After Xia Yichu reached Jiji, Ji Han couldn't wait to marry him into the family.

Su Zhaodi liked to read books when he was a child. Although this dynasty did not allow women to take the imperial examination, it did not hinder women from studying. After Su Zhaodi grew up, he became a learned and talented female gentleman.

As for Su Jiabao, even though his second sister became the princess, even though his family's property spread all over the country now, he still remembered the time when he was young and his family was destitute and he ate wild vegetables all day long.

After Su Jiabao grew up, he successfully won the No. [-] Scholar, becoming the youngest No. [-] Scholar in history.

Because of his good family background, good looks, and good conduct, there were countless girls in the capital who wanted to marry him, and the matchmakers who came to the door almost knocked down the door of the Su Mansion.

Liu Xia laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. Everyone was worried that their daughter would not be able to get married, and their son would not be able to marry a wife, but in her family, there seemed to be no such worries.

Three years after Xia Yichu married Ji Han, Emperor Xiaoyun died and Ji Han succeeded him.

Being in a high position, Ji Han's feelings for himself and Xia Yichu became more and more precious.

Xia Yichu knew that it was because of his own reasons that he gave up his freedom.So many times, Xia Yichu also accompanied him, and the two of them turned on the lights to handle the memorial.

This is the most harmonious life that Xia Yichu and Bug have lived together.

Although the persistence in Bug's bones is still there, Xia Yichu keenly feels that his personality has changed a lot in this life.

Although he was still overbearing and domineering towards Xia Yichu as before, but in other matters, he became gentle.

The previous bug was that no one cared about it except Xia Yichu.

But the current bug can not only take good care of Xia Yichu, but also take good care of the people Xia Yichu cares about.

It feels like a person with a broken soul is slowly returning to normal.

Xia Yichu lived to be 55 years old in this plane.

When he was dying, he squatted beside her bed, grabbed her hand and kissed her.

"Chu Chu, you wait for me, the next time we meet, we will never be separated again."

He whispered, Xia Yichu just wanted to open his eyes to see his expression, but a familiar ethereal feeling rose from the bottom of his heart.

She was pulled from that plane.

Ji Han looked at the lifeless corpse in front of him, just like the countless planes before, he hugged the corpse that was gradually losing temperature, and slowly passed away.

He swore that this would definitely be the last time the two were separated.

When we meet again, he will definitely hold her tightly in his hands and never let go.

(End of this chapter)

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