Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 875 Heavy Chapter 1: Bug, don't leave after school 4

Chapter 875 Returning to the first year of high school: bug, don’t leave after school 4
Xia Yichu acted swiftly and resolutely, but Yang Lu didn't know the news until she came back from the company at night.

Yang Lu called Xia Yichu, intending to take good care of Xia Yichu in a gentle voice, but when she called, she found that she had been blocked by Xia Yichu since she didn't know when.

When Yang Lu called, Xia Yuchun was sitting next to her, so she naturally heard the mechanical female voice coming from the phone.

Xia Yuchun said dissatisfiedly: "Mom, you are always so concerned about what she is doing! Now she has a mental illness and moved out on her own initiative. Maybe you still want to call her back."

Xia Yuchun's face was livid, and when the driver said this afternoon that he would only be in charge of her, because Xia Yichu had already moved out of school to live in, Xia Yuchun didn't know how happy she was.

Since she was a child, Xia Yuchun knew that she was not a child without a father, she had a father, and her father was very rich.

Xia Yuchun hated Zhang Suzhi since she was a child. If she hadn't had the cheek to marry her father, she, her mother, and her brother wouldn't have lived so many years of hard life outside.

After finally looking forward to Zhang Suzhi's death, my father finally married her mother into the door, but I didn't expect that although Zhang Suzhi died, he left a little one behind!
Why should Xia Yichu enjoy all of this!All this should have been hers!
Xia Yuchun hated Xia Yichu so much, he pushed her aside whenever he had the chance.

Xia Yuchun likes to act like a baby with Xia Zhengxiong in front of Xia Yichu. Every time she sees Xia Yichu's expression, she is very relieved and happy.

Although I regret that I can't show Xia Yichu a show in the future, but Xia Yichu leaves and is good.

From now on, she, Xia Yuchun, will be the only little princess of the Xia family.

Besides, hehe, it's hard to say whether Xia Yichu will have a place in the family after Xia Yichu goes out this time.

Xia Yuchun bent her eyes, changed her angry look just now, and narrowed her eyes happily.

"Okay, okay, I won't call in the future, I just want to explain to your father." Yang Lu said, but what she thought in her heart was that this Xia Yichu was indeed too stupid, and she really didn't Mother taught children.

She didn't know that just because she blocked her today, if she found out about this matter in the future, it would be enough to make Xia Zhengxiong's dislike of her to a higher level.

Fortunately, Xia Yichu is not in this family anymore, if she knows what Yang Lu is thinking at the moment, Xia Yichu can only go back: Xia Zhengxiong likes her or not, none of her business!
Without Xia's family being an eyesore, Xia Yichu's mood improved a lot.

Xia Yichu stood in front of the mirror, the girl in the mirror was wearing a plain school uniform, wearing big frame glasses, her long bangs covered most of her eyebrows and eyes.

This is a rustic girl, no one can tell that this is actually the daughter of the Xia family.

Xia Yichu went to the barber shop and asked the barber to change her hairstyle, and at the same time took off her big black-rimmed glasses.

She was short-sighted before, but now that she came back, the system integrated her body's physique with the data of the starry sky layout.

Not only is Xia Yichu's short-sightedness gone, but even many minor ailments in her body that she didn't know about disappeared without a trace.

After cutting his hair, seeing the completely new person in front of him, even the barber was stunned.

He didn't expect that the girl was so good-looking.

But what makes people unable to take their eyes off is the confidence and temperament that come from within her!It's just eye-catching when you look at it, it's special and different.

Xia Yichu only took one day off and had to go to school the next day.

Putting it where he lives not far from the school, Xia Yichu simply abandoned the car and chose to walk.

As soon as she entered the classroom, it can be said that the entire classmate in the classroom was frightened. At first, everyone thought it was the teacher who came, but after seeing the school uniform on the other party, they realized that they were also classmates.

Class monitor Liu Qi looked down at his school uniform, and then at the opponent's, two lines of noodle tears flowed from the little person in his heart.It's obviously the same school uniform, why does the other party wear it as if it's a high-end brand name, while yours is like a jigsaw puzzle rag?

However, looking at the boys next to him who were eager to try, Liu Qi decided not to give them a chance to lose face in his class, and walked up ahead of them. When he was about to ask this classmate if he was looking for someone, he saw the other party He came in directly from the door, walked to the innermost seat by the window and sat down calmly.


An astonishing and bold idea emerged in Liu Qi's mind, and she said in disbelief, "Xia Yichu?"

"Well, what's the matter?" Xia Yichu looked up at her.

Liu Qi has been the class monitor for so many years, even facing those naughty boys, she is not inferior at all, but under Xia Yichu's plain eyes, she is a little timid.

"No, nothing." Liu Qi laughed dryly: "It's just that you have changed so much that I didn't even recognize you. Where did you get your hair done? Isn't it the same hairstyle in the future? When you came in just now, I thought I saw the teacher! Your temperament is simply too terrifying."

After a moment of embarrassment, Liu Qi talked non-stop.

Before Xia Yichu's tablemate came, she took advantage of the opportunity and sat next to Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu had some impressions of this monitor.

During the three years of high school, Xia Yichu didn't fit in because of family reasons. He didn't even go to the high school graduation party.

Liu Qi is the only one who remembers Xia Yichu.

She called Xia Yichu many times, even after the banquet, she kept sending text messages and pictures of the banquet to Xia Yichu.

After the banquet ended, she sent another message to Xia Yichu: "The party is over, everyone should take care of it."

It can be seen from this incident that this is a very patient and responsible person.

However, Xia Yichu really didn't expect that Liu Qi's personality was so cheerful.

Xia Yichu answered Liu Qi's words one by one.

She spoke neither fast nor slow, and looked a little cold, but Liu Qi didn't feel that this person was cold, but felt that even listening to the other party was a kind of enjoyment.

Until Xia Yichu's tablemate came, Liu Qi was still a little hesitant, she grabbed Xia Yichu's arm, her eyes glowed: "Xia Yichu, I really don't know in the future, so you are so charming! Oh, woo, in this future In class, you just walk sideways, I will cover you!"

She is in the class, Xia Yichu may really need her help in the future, Xia Yichu had a faint smile on his face: "Thank you, monitor, I will be taken care of by you in the future."

"No problem! Leave it to me!" Liu Qi waved his hand, looking proud like a mafia boss.

(End of this chapter)

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