Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 879 Heavy Chapter 1: Bug, don't leave after school 9

Chapter 879 Returning to the first year of high school: bug, don’t leave after school 9
Originally, Xia Yichu planned to fly back to the capital in the afternoon of that day, but Zhang Hongtu was a little angry, so he finally flew over to see him, but he left after eating only one meal, and insisted on staying here for one night with Xia Yichu. Playing chess until midnight, Zhang Hongtu went back to his room with thoughts after Xia Yichu stopped playing chess with him for the sake of his health.

Xia Yichu stayed here for one night.

The next day, no matter how reluctant Zhang Hongtu was, Xia Yichu had to study tomorrow, so he couldn't keep it.

Xia Yichu flew back to the capital in the afternoon of the second day.

Zhang Hongtu, Zhang Jinyuan and others sent Xia Yichu to the airport, and they didn't leave until Xia Yichu entered.

Zhang Jinyuan said, "There have been a lot of changes in the past two years."

Everyone knows Zhang Suzhi's personality.

It is precisely because of this that in a family where the father does not love the mother, everyone has a little more love and concern for Xia Yichu.

But Xia Yichu was not as noisy as other children since he was a child.

She is always obedient and clever, and the word trouble has nothing to do with her.

At a young age, there is no freshness that belongs to this age.

Everyone knows her lonely and self-contained personality, but they don't usually point it out.

In the end, I didn't expect that after this meeting, Xia Yichu's change could be described as more than big, it was a complete transformation, from the inside to the outside, everything seemed to be a different person.

Zhang Hongtu got into the car, sighed slowly, his eyes were slightly red: "This child, we are the ones who are sorry for her."

They walked away, escaping the facts, but left this child to survive in that dangerous situation.

At this moment, Zhang Hongtu regretted the decision he made at that time.

But no matter how much you regret it, you can't go back to the past.

Xia Yichu returned to the capital, and the next day, he went to school in his school uniform.

Walking on the narrow path of the campus, at the end of the path, someone was already waiting for her.

Xia Yichu didn't notice it before, until the other party brought a bunch of flowers to Xia Yichu and confessed to her, Xia Yichu didn't realize it.

"Student Xia Yichu, me, can we date?" The boy looked shy and extremely nervous.

On the other hand, Xia Yichu's expression was flat, as if the person who was confessed was not her.

At an unknown time, a lot of onlookers suddenly appeared.


Everyone is in adolescence, one by one, they are obviously not the ones who were confessed, but they are as excited as the one who was confessed.

The boy who confessed his face was flushed, even his ears were red.

Xia Yichu looked at all the hormonal agitation in adolescence, and felt nothing in his heart.

"Sorry, I already have someone I like."


Without looking at the boy's reaction, Xia Yichu walked away directly.

And everyone who was so noisy just now, because of Xia Yichu's refusal, all the shouts were swallowed into their throats.

Xia Yichu entered the classroom, the classroom was chaotic, everyone was discussing something excitedly.

Xia Yichu vaguely heard some words like "news" and "transfer student".

Not something she had just been confessed to.

However, Xia Yichu just noticed that not only did several girls in the class put on makeup, but even when she first came, she saw many girls who were all dressed up very beautifully today.

Could it be that the student who is going to be transferred has a lot of background?is a star?

This thought flashed through Xia Yichu's mind, and then was forgotten by her.

Xia Yichu was sitting in the classroom, although Xia Yichu had changed a lot now, and the feeling was not as gloomy as before, but still no one dared to talk to her.

It's because Xia Yichu's temperament is too strong, they still need to practice their endurance.

Until Liu Qi came to the classroom.After chatting with her little sisters Balabala for a while, she ran to sit down beside Xia Yichu, and asked, "Chuchu, I heard that when you came this morning, someone confessed to you?"

"Yeah." Xia Yichu replied casually, but she didn't really take this matter to heart.

But Liu Qi was different. Liu Qi laughed loudly: "Good job! The beauties in our class, although they can't beat the cobblers in our class, they can't beat the other classes either!"

"Liu Qi, who are you calling a cobbler!" Hearing her words, the boy behind him responded unconvinced, and secretly glanced at Xia Yichu from the corner of his eye.

Liu Qi was unceremonious and went straight to him: "Whoever answers, I will say that!"

The boy was completely silent.

Only then did Liu Qi turn around in satisfaction, and said to Xia Yichu curiously: "However, I heard that you not only rejected him, but also said that you have someone you like? Who is it? Is it from our school?"

"No, I don't know where he is either." Xia Yichu glanced at her, and added: "You probably don't know him either."

Xia Yichu said the truth, but in Liu Qi's ears, it had a different meaning.

She thought that the person Xia Yichu liked hadn't appeared yet, and the refusal was just her delay.

After all, for every single dog, there is a person whose name is unknown waiting for her/him in the future.

Seeing that Xia Yichu didn't seem to be very interested in this topic, Liu Qi simply changed the topic.

"Chuchu, I'm so excited, I don't know which class Shen Shao will transfer to!" Liu Qi held his face in both hands, with an adoring look on his face. She, who has always been extremely proud, did not appear incongruous in the movements of this little girl now.

"Master Shen?" Xia Yichu was puzzled for a moment, and then immediately realized: "The transfer student?"

"Yeah!!!!" Liu Qi pulled the tone of the old elders into a long voice, and it was only at this time that she realized that Xia Yichu's expression was still so flat!So no waves!

Liu Qi was shocked, she took a deep breath, and asked Xia Yichu: "Chuchu, Young Master Shen is going to transfer to our school, why are you not excited at all?"

"...I'm here right now. There's nothing to be excited about, but I'm just an ordinary person." Xia Yichu didn't like to talk about these things. She took out her phone, lowered her head, and tapped the code quickly with two fingers.

On the screen of the mobile phone, Liu Qi couldn't understand all the things jumping around.

Liu Qi looked at Xia Yichu's indifferent appearance, and an unbelievable thought came to his mind: "Chuchu, you don't... don't know who Young Master Shen is, do you? Shen Jiaye, you're not a little excited?"

Those three words spit out from Liu Qi's mouth, Xia Yichu raised his head suddenly, and even dropped the mobile phone in his hand to the ground.

What Xia Yichu held in his hand was the latest model of the fruit phone that just came out, and it was her pocket money for a semester!

Liu Qi opened his eyes wide, and was so frightened by Xia Yichu's action that he stood up directly from his seat, looking at the phone that fell on the ground, with a distressed expression.

However, Liu Qi discovered that Xia Yichu didn't pick up the phone immediately, but opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the classroom door.

The whole classroom suddenly became immersed at some point.

(End of this chapter)

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