Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 884 Heavy Chapter High 1: Bug, don't leave after school

Chapter 884 Returning to the first year of high school: bug, don't leave after school (end)
The system originally wanted to search for some evidence and hand it over to the police secretly. As a result, it not only found out that these people were called by Xia Anrui to pour sulfuric acid on Xia Yichu today, it even found out that Zhang Suzhi's cause of death three years ago was not normal. .

Zhang Suzhi died of cancer at the time, but in fact, it was Xia Anrui who injected cancer cells into Zhang Suzhi's body, which made Zhang Suzhi suffer from cancer.

The system told Xia Yichu about this matter. After hearing this, Xia Yichu was silent for a long time, and finally asked the system: "Is there a way to get those evidences?"

"Of course!" The system patted its small chest with pride.

In this world, the system is almost omnipotent.

It didn't take long, just one night's work, and it collected all the evidence of that incident back then.

The system found the recordings of Xia Anrui's conversations with others, as well as the unscrupulous doctor who sold cancer cells, and the system also found his location.

After Xia Yichu obtained these evidences, Shen Jiaye also found a lawyer for her.

Xia Yichu directly took the Xia family to court.

She sued Xia Anrui for the crime of harming others. Yesterday she found someone to pour sulfuric acid on her, and she even killed her own mother three years ago.

She accused Xia Zhengxiong and Yang Lu of having an extramarital affair, and the existence of Xia Anrui and Xia Yuchun was the proof.

With the Shen family backing Xia Yichu, the court quickly accepted the matter, and, on the second day, distributed leaflets to the Xia family.Even the police came to the door.

The Xia family was completely ignorant, they never expected that Xia Yichu would sue them all in court without saying a word.

Especially Xia Anrui, who was taken away by the police directly in the classroom under the eyes of everyone.

Xia Anrui immediately called Yang Lu. He didn't dare to say that he did these things by himself, but kept saying that he was wronged.

But whether he was wronged or not, the evidence speaks for itself.

When Yang Lu received the call, she almost passed out.

Even Xia Zhengxiong was dumbfounded when he received the court leaflet.

Xia Zhengxiong immediately called Xia Yichu, wanting her to quickly withdraw these matters, but in the end he heard the mechanical female voice on the phone.

Only then did Xia Zhengxiong remember that he had already been blocked by Xia Yichu.

With a dark face, Xia Zhengxiong borrowed someone else's cell phone.

However, no matter whose mobile phone he used to call, he couldn't get in, as if Xia Yichu had already stopped using this phone number.

But, did Xia Yichu really change his number?
That is impossible.

It's just that the system helped her and automatically blocked all Xia Zhengxiong's calls.

The power of the system is so powerful and mysterious.

Before the court session, Xia Yichu didn't want to contact Xia's family.

Xia Zhengxiong didn't know where Xia Yichu lived, so he could only ask people to look for her at the school, but he was told that Xia Yichu had already suspended her studies, and no one knew where she had gone.

Not finding Xia Yichu, Xia Zhengxiong started to panic.

And Yang Lu really panicked.

Regarding what Xia Anrui asked people to do to Zhang Suzhi three years ago, Yang Lu actually knew about it.

At that time, she was always worried in her heart that this matter would be exposed, but no one knew about it until Zhang Suzhi died.

Three years later, Yang Lu almost forgot about this incident, but it was suddenly exposed. What's more, Xia Yichu didn't even give them a break, and directly sued them all in court.

Xia Anrui is Yang Lu's lifeblood, so how can she not panic.

Seeing that the time for the trial was getting closer, Yang Lu and Xia Zhengxiong stopped looking for Xia Yichu and started looking for the best lawyer for themselves and Xia Anrui.

The day of the court hearing arrived as scheduled.

When they saw Xia Yichu at the gate of the court, Yang Lu and Xia Zhengxiong looked at Xia Yichu's expression and almost wanted to cut off all the flesh from her body.

Xia Yichu lowered his eyebrows, and there was no disturbance in his heart.

The evidence given to Xia Yichu by the system is very sufficient, and there is also the witness Shen Jiaye found for Xia Yichu, and there is even a gold medal lawyer with great help. In several lawsuits, Xia Yichu has won beautifully.

Regarding Xia Anrui's murder, he has been refusing to plead guilty.In the end, Yang Lu was even anxious to take the blame for Xia Anrui herself.

But all the evidence Xia Yichu presented pointed to Xia Anrui, and there was also a recording of Xia Anrui finding someone to do this.

The court rejected Yang Lu's crime and sentenced Xia Anrui directly.

There is also Xia Zhengxiong and Yang Lu's extramarital affair, this lawsuit, Xia Yichu fought even more effortlessly.

The existence of Xia Yuchun and Xia Anrui is the evidence, so there is no need to say more.

Xia Zhengxiong and Yang Lu were also sentenced, and within a short period of time, they couldn't get out at all.

All the properties of the Xia family fell into Xia Yichu's hands.

Xia Yuchun went crazy.

It seems that she was still sitting in the dream of Xia Yichu's death yesterday, but today, what is broken is her own home.

Father, mother and elder brother were all imprisoned overnight.

And she, from the Qianjin lady that everyone admired before, has become an existence that everyone ridicules.

This gap was too great, and Xia Yuchun couldn't accept it at all.

She locked herself in the room, dreaming sweet dreams under the quilt.

She dreamed that Xia Yichu was dead, and her brother, mother, and father were all there, and she was still the little princess held in the hands of everyone.

Everything in the dream was so beautiful, Xia Yuchun lay in her quilt, indulged in fantasies all day long, unwilling to face reality, when Xia Yichu found out, she was already crazy.

Xia Yichu sent Xia Yuchun to a psychiatric hospital.

The lawsuit between Xia Yichu and Xia Zhengxiong was known to everyone, even the Zhang family in City A knew about it.

Zhang Hongtu and Zhang Jinzhi all came to the capital, and the family got together again, but they didn't have the hearty laughter they had when they met last time.

Xia Yichu took Zhang Hongtu's hand and patted it. People always have to learn to face the reality, even if they lose something, but sooner or later, time will let you meet the most important thing.

The Zhang family stayed here for nearly a week, and after seeing that Xia Yichu was really not affected by these things, they left with confidence.

City A still has business waiting for them to deal with, and coming here for a week is already their limit.

After Xia Yichu sent the Zhang family away, he asked the driver to divert to the prison.

Xia Yichu didn't go to see Xia Zhengxiong and Yang Lu, she went to see Xia Anrui.

Xia Anrui is two years older than Xia Yichu, and now is the most beautiful age in one's life.

A boy of this age is full of vigor and blood, easily impulsive, easy to make big mistakes, and easy to shirk responsibility.

(End of this chapter)

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