Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 94 Plus Chapter 1 Short Little Jun

Chapter 94 Adding a new chapter to Xiaojun (good night!)

Although Mo Qianchen longed in his heart to desperately possess Xia Yichu deeply to feel each other's existence, but in the end, he was still thinking about Xia Yichu's statement that he had to go on the road tomorrow.

So, this time, although he was a little out of control, he still let Xia Yichu go early, and he didn't do it as hard as the first time.

The next day, when Xia Yichu woke up, he didn't feel any discomfort except for some soreness all over his body.

In the morning, an imperial decree came out from the palace, ordering Mo Qianchen to go to Anping immediately, and Mo Qianchen will be the master there from now on, telling him not to disappoint the emperor's expectations, to take good charge of his fiefdom, and to do nothing back to Beijing.

Because Xia Yichu and Mo Qianchen knew the result long ago, their expressions were very calm. Xia Yichu called all the servants in the mansion. Now she and Mo Qianchen are going to Anping, and the Seventh Prince The current situation, from the outside, seems to be in the rhythm of not being liked by the emperor and facing downfall.

Therefore, Xia Yichu also directly made it clear that if he is willing to stay, he can continue to stay in the mansion to look after the house, and the monthly payment remains the same, but if he is not willing to stay, Xia Yichu will also return their deed of sale to them, and Each person will be awarded ten taels of silver.

Whether to go or stay, everything is in their own hands.

As soon as Xia Yichu said this, the servants below made a fuss, and they didn't know who started it, and each of them expressed their wishes in the end.

Originally there were nearly a hundred servants, but only a dozen or so remained in the end, and all the others took the silver and the bond of sale and left.

Xia Yichu didn't feel very emotional about this result, so he immediately asked someone to pack up his things. At noon that day, he and Mo Qianchen hired an escort agency and left the bustling capital with a salute.

Not only Xia Yichu and Mo Qianchen, but the two servant girls Hongyue and Biyu also left the capital together, but they were in another carriage.

Biyu is a spy placed by Xia Yichu's side in the organization, Xia Yichu naturally can't just find a reason to send her away, and Xia Yichu still has her useful, so he just ignored her.

However, for Hongyue, who was wholeheartedly serving her and Su Ran before her, Xia Yichu originally didn't want her to follow him to such a dangerous place as Anping, and wanted to find a good place for Hongyue in the capital. home.Unexpectedly, as soon as Xia Yichu said this plan, Hongyue burst into tears immediately, kneeling beside Xia Yichu, begging Xia Yichu not to abandon her.

Xia Yichu was a person who wanted to be soft rather than hard, but when he saw Hongyue's tears, Xia Yichu's heart softened immediately, so he had no choice but to answer.

A group of people left the capital in a mighty way, and set off towards Anping.

Maybe the land of Anping would really be as barren and dangerous as the rumors said, but it gave Xia Yichu and Mo Qianchen a new hope.

Things have always had two sides. Whoever says that what is seen on the surface must be true.

For others, they only see the danger and danger in the land of peace, but for Mo Qianchen and Xia Yichu, what they see in their eyes is unrestrained, the sky is high and birds are allowed to fly, a person who is very suitable for cultivating The headquarters of their own dark forces.

(End of this chapter)

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