The Super Summoning System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 253 Liu Bian's Strategic Policy

Chapter 253 Liu Bian's Strategic Policy

On Zhao Kuangyin's side, Bao Xin, chancellor of Jinbei, Zhang Miao, prefect of Chenliu, and Qiao Mao, prefect of Dongjun, were elected governor of Yanzhou.Of course, this is Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

At this time, Zhao Kuangyin adopted the advice of counselor Xi Zhicai, Mao Jie and others, and first sent troops to Jibei Kingdom, which is the closest to Mount Tai, to wipe out the main force of the Yellow Turban.This will not only save food and grass, but also provide quick support if there is an emergency.

First wipe out a main force of the Yellow Turbans, then frighten them, and send lobbyists to persuade the Yellow Turbans to surrender. In this way, with the help of Yanzhou's contribution to suppressing the rebellion, Yanzhou is sitting on Yanzhou, relying on the Yellow Turbans' population of one million, training troops, and accumulating strength. Sitting in the Central Plains.

This is Zhao Kuangyin's strategic policy in recent years.

Bao Xin and Zhang Miao sent a letter to Chang'an in which they jointly recommended Zhao Kuangyin to be the governor of Yanzhou.So at the same time that Zhao Kuangyin cleared the Yellow Turban in Yanzhou, the letter was sent to Liu Bian's desk in Chang'an.

In Liu Bian's study, Cao Cao, Wang Meng, Xun Yu, and Guo Jia sat on both sides.

"Kong Wenju defeated the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou. Millions of Yellow Turbans were transferred to Yanzhou and plundered wantonly. The governor Liu Dai was killed. Bao Xin, Qiao Mao, and Zhang Miao jointly wrote a letter recommending Zhao Kuangyin as the governor! Let him preside over the overall situation and lead the troops What do you think about the extermination of the Yellow Turban?" Liu Bian asked with his eyes burning.

Hearing Zhao Kuangyin's name, Cao Cao stood up and cupped his hands with resentment in his eyes, "Your Majesty, I am from Yanzhou, and I know Zhang Miao, Bao Xin and others quite well. The three of them are mediocre because they are not capable. , the soldiers and horses under his command were vulnerable, so they were occupied by the Yellow Turbans. Now they push Zhao Kuangyin out, but they want to cover up their crimes by paying off their merits!"

"Your Majesty must not allow them to act like this. You should send a general to Yanzhou to destroy the Yellow Turbans!"

Liu Bian stared at Cao Cao, seeing his words coming from the bottom of his heart, he couldn't help being a little moved, he wanted to kill his relatives righteously!Now the Cao family, except for Cao Cao, all defected to Zhao Kuangyin, and only the Xiahou brothers who had a good relationship with Cao Cao quietly came to defect.

Cao Cao naturally knew the family's behavior, and even Cao Song wrote to Cao Cao many times, hoping that he could return to Yanzhou to stand on his own, but Cao Cao refused.But now the Cao family and Zhao Kuangyin are like grasshoppers on the same rope. Cao Cao's move is to suppress Zhao Kuangyin and his family!

Seeing the sincere and loyal Cao Cao, Liu Bian nodded with a smile, looked at Wang Meng, Xun Yu and the others, and said, "What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, I do not agree with General Cao's statement!" Wang Meng and Cao Cao can be said to be close friends and cherish each other, but now it is rare to disagree.

"Oh? Let's talk about it," Liu Bian laughed.

"There are two reasons. First, there are not many troops under His Majesty's command now, and there are millions of Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou. It can't be wiped out without [-] to [-] soldiers! What's more, there are many soldiers in Yanzhou. It will take a lot of money to calm Yanzhou. Talent! His Majesty's manpower is obviously not enough!"

"Secondly, Yanzhou is deep in the hinterland of the Central Plains, and the north and south are flanked by Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu. Even if your majesty controls Yanzhou, in the future, once you fight with the princes, there is no danger to defend.
It will be captured easily!Unlike Youzhou and Qingzhou, which His Majesty set up in Hebei, Youzhou is close to the border and has Bingzhou as a backup. Qingzhou is close to the sea, so it is not an enemy on all sides!If Your Majesty sends troops to Yanzhou, it will not only consume manpower, but the loss outweighs the gain! "Wang Meng analyzed two reasons to Liu Bian.

"Your Majesty, you can send a general to send troops to Yanzhou, and return to Luoyang after the Yellow Turban is cleared! In this way, you can still win the hearts of the people in Yanzhou. As for Yanzhou, you must not hand it over to Zhao Kuangyin and others!" Cao Cao said urgently.

"Meng De, in this way, the labor force's expedition will cost countless food and robbing. What if the Yellow Turbans cannot be cleared within a period of time? And your Majesty wiped out the Yellow Turbans in Yanzhou and withdrew from Yanzhou. Wouldn't it be thankless? Your Majesty's soldiers After the horse leaves, who should be in charge of Yanzhou?" Wang Meng asked suspiciously, feeling that Cao Cao was a little weird today.

Seeing the argument between Cao Cao and Wang Meng, Liu Bian reluctantly walked away and shook his head and asked Xun Yu, "What do you think of Wen Ruo?"

"I don't recommend sending troops to Yanzhou either. Your Majesty should accumulate power at this time! When the situation in the world changes, we may send troops to Nanyang, take Liangzhou, or attack Gongsun Zan from Youzhou! Right now, we really shouldn't waste our strength to go to the muddy waters of the Central Plains." !"

"In my opinion, the situation in Yanzhou is critical. Counting the time, Bao Xin and others should be killed first and then played. Zhao Kuangyin should have led the governor of Yanzhou himself. At this time, he has already sent troops to fight against the Yellow Turbans! So there is no need to send troops to Yanzhou at this time!" Xun Yu cupped his hands and said.

The analysis of the three people all focused on different points. Cao Cao knew that Zhao Kuangyin was not an ordinary person, and he would definitely rise up if he won Yanzhou, so he wanted to suppress him, but he didn't want to fight against Cao Ren and others in the future.Wang Meng analyzed the situation in Yanzhou, and Xun Yu analyzed Liu Bian's strategic policy.

On the court, Guo Jia was the only one who didn't speak. Guo Jia got up and said with a smile: "General Cao was born in the Central Plains, and he knows the characters of Bao Xin and others, so he must know a lot about Zhao Kuangyin, right? According to my court, it is a land of chickens! It would be fine to let Zhao Kuangyin be the governor, but General Cao tried his best to stop it, it seems that this Zhao Kuangyin should not be underestimated!"

Wang Meng and Xun Yu looked at Cao Cao, hoping to get confirmation from him.

Cao Cao shook his head bitterly and wanted to speak, but Liu Bian waved his hands and said, "No need to say more, I know everything! This Zhao Kuangyin's talent is several times better than Yuan Shao's!"

"However, I also have a way to deal with him!" Liu Bian stood up with a smile, walked to the map hanging in the hall and said, "Look, Yanzhou, to the east is Xuzhou, to the north are Jizhou and Qingzhou!"

"Now Jizhou is in the hands of Yuan Shao, and its strength is strong. If Zhao Kuangyin wants to rise, his goal will be Qingzhou, Xuzhou Central Plains! But Qingzhou is in the hands of Kong Rong! Zhao Kuangyin only has Yanxu as the enemy's place! Not enough Think about it!" Liu Bian laughed.

"But Qingzhou is sandwiched between Jizhou and Yanzhou. What if Yuan Shao and Zhao Kuangyin attack Qingzhou together and wipe out Qingzhou's forces first?" Xun Yu worried.

"Haha, Qingzhou seems to be isolated and helpless, but it is the most mysterious place! If Yuan Shao attacks Qingzhou, Youzhou can attack Yuan Shao's rear and help each other! Moreover, Qingzhou Peninsula is only a sea away from Liaodong Peninsula! As long as you eliminate Gongsun Zan occupied Liaodong, and the naval army I established in Qingzhou played a role, and Qingyou and Qingzhou can continue to send troops to help each other as if walking on flat ground!" Liu Bian laughed loudly.

Sure enough, the officials took a closer look and found that Donglai of Qingzhou and Liaodong of Youzhou were the closest, only about [-] miles away. If there is a navy, it is equivalent to connecting Youzhou and Qingzhou, and this road is only Liu Bian's family. can walk.

"Your Majesty built the navy in advance, not to prepare for the attack on the south of the Yangtze River, but to connect Qingzhou and Youzhou with the navy?" Xun Yu asked in surprise.

Liu Bian said with a smile: "Sooner or later, the navy will be built, and the sooner it can play a role, the better?"

"Looking at the land of Huainan again, Yuan Shu caused anger and resentment in Huainan, and his disobedience is already obvious! So I decided that after recuperating, the northern Youzhou will attack Gongsun Zan, connect the Qingyou and Youzhou states with water troops, and pass the troops from Guanzhong to Wuguan Raid Nanyang, Runan and other places!"

"Nanyang, Runan has a population of more than 200 million. I can't let Yuan Shu harm me anymore! In the next few years, the two of Qingyou will unite to suppress Yuan Shao, Zhao Kuangyin will develop, I will send troops to Nanyang to eliminate Yuan Shu, and soldiers from Luoyang will send troops to Yingchuan Jizhou, surround the Central Plains and Hebei from several sides! If the Central Plains are certain, the other princes will have nothing to worry about!" Liu Bian spoke out the strategy he was thinking about.

(End of this chapter)

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