Chapter 102 Cautious (1)
Meng Ni also heard the meaning from Jun Yao's words, put down her needle and thread, poured a bowl of sugar water from the side, put it in Qiaoer's hand, and said: "Qiaoer, drink a bowl of sugar water, that big pig is for us to eat Yes, if Qiaoer likes it, next year the big pig in my aunt's house will give birth to little piglets, and we will take two of them home and raise them."

"Really? Auntie has little piggies?" she asked.

"Well, yes, it's just born, it's pretty." Meng Ni nodded at Jun Yao, indicating that it's good to teach Qiaoer to her.

Jun Yao pursed her lips into a smile, and then gently left the backyard.

In the front yard, Junxie took out a porcelain basin and put it under the chopping board, ready to receive pig blood, and there were several large porcelain basins beside it, which were used to hold pigs into the water.

Mao Dafei is a very good butcher, saw the white knife go in, and with a scream, the big fat pig struggled more violently, a lot of pig blood was thrown away, and it was everywhere, but it was only for a while , soon gradually quieted down, and finally completely lost the signs of life.

The next step was relatively easy, the belly was cut open, the pig's internal organs slid down into the porcelain basin under the chopping board, and Jun Kui saw the gradually exposed pork meat, thinking about how much lard could be boiled out, and then stir-fried vegetables ?

Thinking about it, I feel a little unhappy. If I eat it, I will gain a lot of meat, and it will be difficult to lose weight.

However, seeing the red and white pork belly made her feel better again, and she just happened to fry it to make onion pork belly or barbecue.

That's right, barbecue, how long has it been since she ate?
Raising her hand and pressing on her cheeks, feeling the secretion of saliva, she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, has she fallen?
She is the president of the imperial consortium. She is in a high place, holding hundreds of billions of assets and countless real estate, and she would drool over a pork belly.

Meimou raised her head to look at the sky, and secretly stretched out her middle finger: Damn.

"Hey, let's put all the pork in the yard?" Now Kazakhstan's breath is full of smoke, and if it is left overnight, it will definitely freeze.

"Um, put half of it, and I'm going to make something with the other half," she said.

Jun Zhengmin then asked Mao Dafei to divide the meat into pieces, which were very even, and each piece weighed about five catties.

When all the parts are ready and put on the plate, the pig will be slaughtered.

Since the New Year pig was slaughtered, it was necessary to invite others to eat pig dishes, and then Yang took out some pork and divided them into pieces, put them in baskets, and asked Jun Zhengmin to carry them door-to-door.

In the kitchen, the smell of pork spread out again, and for some reason Junmai felt that today's pork was definitely the best.

Suddenly, Jun Yao's eyes fell on a porcelain basin on the stove, where there were big pig's trotters.

Then, a certain woman's eyes suddenly lit up, and they were extremely bright.

This pig's trotter is a top-notch supplement. The trotter is rich in collagen, which can nourish the skin and promote the development of young girls. Although she has given birth to two children, she is just a young girl, right?

Jun Yao looked down at her slightly protruding breasts, wondering if she could cook some breast-enhancing food in the future, after all, in a few years, she would be completely stereotyped.

"Mother, these four pig's trotters, I have stewed them myself, do you want them?" She asked.

Mrs. Yang stopped the knife in her hand, looked back at her daughter and stared at the four pig's trotters, and said with a smile, "You stew it, mother doesn't like it, there are enough ribs, and the pig's trotters are tasteless." .”

How could it be tasteless? I'm not willing to use the ingredients.

At noon, it was pig-killing dishes, but after Yang's cooking, Jun Zhengmin never came back. Just when Yang was waiting anxiously and wanted to go out to look for it, Jun Zhengmin came back along the entrance of the village in the distance. .

As soon as he walked up to Yang, Yang noticed her husband's drooping face, and couldn't help being surprised, so she moved to his side and asked, "Brother Min, I asked you to send pork. With what face do you come back?"

Jun Zhengmin looked at his wife, and remembering what the old lady had said to him for a long time, he couldn't help shaking his head, and walked into the house with a face full of helplessness, "It's nothing, Su Lan, are you ready for dinner?"

"Ah, well, Brother Mao is waiting for you in the house. I see that you haven't come back for such a long time, and I'm going to find you."

"Well, it's nothing, I gave away all the pork, and they were all very happy." He sent the bamboo basket on his back into the kitchen, saw Junxie sitting in front of the stove and lighting a fire, and went out without making a sound.

Seeing the suddenly sullen Jun Zhengmin, Jun Yao's eyes hesitated for a moment, and then he had some answers.

Someone must have said something to Jun Zhengmin.

After Jun Zhengmin left, Yang Shi went into the kitchen, saw Jun Xie sitting beside her with a stool in her usual appearance, and whispered to her, "Your father, what do you think your father is doing?" What's the matter? It was fine when I went out, but it's like this after I came back, look at your father's face, it's not good-looking."

Jun Yao smiled, looked at Yang Shi and said, "Mother, since you are muttering in your heart, why can't you ask my father, so as to save yourself from guessing wildly in your own mind."

But Yang stared at Junmao, and then said while touching a handful of dried fruit from the side and handed it to Junmao: "I asked, your father said it's okay, it's not that you don't know who your father is, why are you wronged?" Wrap it up by yourself, and mother doesn't want to ask too many questions, lest your father feel more troubled."

"Then you're just guessing here?" Looking at Mrs. Yang, Jun Yao raised her eyebrows, looking like she wanted to laugh but tried her best to hold back. This old lady is just a perfect match with that old man, they are both good people, No heart, do not know how to detour.

"Aren't I asking you to discuss it? Would you like to ask your father?" She asked, but her husband didn't say anything.

Jun Yao simply shook his head and refused, "I won't ask."

She already knew it in her heart, so why ask?Asking is just disgusting to herself, she finally had a quiet life, if she got involved in any messy things again, she would definitely get furious.

"Why, you just look at your mother and I am worried here?" In fact, she has some answers in her heart, and Shan also confirmed that because of this, it is even more impossible for Jun Zhengmin to tell her, because she is afraid that she will feel unhappy .

However, she wanted to ask clearly, and it was not purely out of curiosity, but to keep Jun Zhengmin from holding it in her heart, otherwise she didn't know how long she would be depressed like this.

Finally, Jun Yao sighed, added a piece of firewood to the stove, and said, "Mother, you know it in your heart, don't you just give a piece of pork to Jun's family this time? And Dad knows that there is hair in the family." Uncle is waiting for a drink, but he still comes back so late, who else can make my father feel so aggrieved except for that old lady?"

After Jun Yao finished speaking, Yang's expression also changed, his lips trembled, whether it was anger or forbearance.

(End of this chapter)

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