The first peasant girl of splendid elegance

Chapter 140 New Year's Eve

Chapter 140 New Year's Eve (3)
Cabbage stuffing and fungus mushroom stuffing, two fillings, two wrapping methods.

Jun Yao decided to make more fillings and make more dumplings, so that you can eat as much as you want and make as many as you want, and store the extra in the shed in the yard. It’s so cold outside, it won’t take long for it to freeze, it’s completely fine Comparable to modern quick-frozen dumplings, and this is natural, absolutely delicious than the ones frozen in the refrigerator, and can preserve the original flavor.

Hearing what Jun Yao said, Mrs. Yang agreed, and made more dumplings. If you are hungry at night, you don't have to work hard, and you can just eat the dumplings.

On the large chopping board in the kitchen, Junxie was vigorously stirring the already chopped fillings, which were filled with seasonings according to her experience, while Liu Niangzi and Yang Shi each made a large piece of dough and kneaded vigorously.

When everything was ready, Mrs. Liu rolled the dumpling wrappers by herself, and she and Yang made a kind of stuffing each. During the Chinese New Year, of course, they still had to eat dumplings stuffed with cabbage, so I left it to Yang, and the stuffing of mushrooms and fungus , relatively smooth, Junxie walked out of the yard, found a piece of bamboo, took a machete and broke it open at once, and then broke the other half again. The spoon of the spoon returned to the kitchen and gave Yang one.

"Mom, use this, it's convenient and quick."

"Hey, what's the use of this?" Yang asked looking at what was a piece of bamboo in his hand.

Jun Yao picked up a bamboo slice, twisted a dumpling wrapper, then used the bamboo slice to scoop up a little filling, put it on the dumpling wrapper, and pinched it easily with both hands, a small and delicate dumpling with a round belly appeared impressively Jun Yao's palm.

"My boss's bag is so pretty!" Mrs. Liu smiled, the more she got to know Jun Yao, the more surprised she was, and she always felt that this woman seemed to know everything, and nothing could be difficult for her.

"But, it looks much better than the one I wrapped." Yang saw that it was really easy to use, and then tried to wrap one, and it really was very convenient.

But Junxie picked up a dumpling wrapper, filled it with fillings, folded the dumpling wrapper in half, then pinched the two corners, bent backwards, and pinched the two corners together. It looks round and beautiful. .

"Boss, what is this?" Why do you have to pinch the two ends.

"Yuanbao, I just thought of it, isn't it pretty?"

"It looks good, it's not bad!"

"Yes, it means that you can get rich next year, and it is also different from my mother's bag."

Next to the pigsty in the backyard, Jun Zhengmin and Liu Shan were together, each with an axe, and the black one was chopping firewood. Although it was such a cold day, the two of them still took off their cotton coats, and they were sweating profusely .

"My lord, let me chop it myself." Liu Shan wiped off his sweat and said.

"It's okay. When you didn't come, I was all alone. Chopping firewood is not a big job. It's faster for two of you."

Seeing what Jun Zhengmin said, Liu Shan didn't feel well, but struck harder.

They have been to several big families to work, Junmai's is the most inconspicuous one, but it is also the one that makes them feel the most relaxed and warm. The food is the same as that of the owner's house, the work is really not much, and they can sleep a few minutes a day It feels good, this is the happiest time in the past six years since his family was ruined, and he also has an idea in his heart that the owner will definitely get better and better in the future, and maybe more and more servants will be bought in by then, and he also has an idea in his heart. It's not because they're afraid that their position will be threatened later, but because of the feeling of seeing the owner gradually develop, and the feeling of sharing weal and woe makes him feel very excited just thinking about it.

After chopping firewood, he fed all the livestock again, and then cleaned the yard. Although it was not dirty, he still cleaned it twice a day, morning and evening.

In the kitchen, the three of Jun and Yao counted the wrapped dumplings and found that there were as many as five hundred, which really shocked Yang.

"So many, how long will it take to eat?"

Jun Yao chuckled, "Mother, there's nothing too much, this is the meal for our family of seven, even if we can eat 150 per meal, it's only three meals, don't forget that my father and Uncle Liu can They're all big men."

A meal for the two of them would cost about seventy or eighty yuan.

"That's right, your father is the rarest of these dumplings. It used to be... In short, let him eat until he is full tonight. Chunmiao will cook more. It's the New Year's Eve. He can't be full. If he wants to eat again in the future, Let's pack it again." Yang has already regarded Chun Miao and Liu Shan as her own, and she is kind-hearted, so naturally she doesn't care how much they eat, anyway, since the two of them came, the family's Things, she can hardly get involved.

"Hey, thank you madam and my boss." Who would tell a servant that you can eat as much as you want, and only this kind-hearted madam is the only one.

After the dumplings were wrapped, Aunt Liu carried them to the shed in the yard, placed them neatly on the shelf, then took out a large piece of meat from the side, and walked back.

At noon today, I want to make a hearty meal. Eating a hearty meal at noon on the [-]th is the meaning of saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new year. The better you eat, the more smooth your life will be in the coming year. When it is a beautiful yearning.

Jun Yao went out and left the kitchen to the two. She went back to her room, took out an account book, and looked inside, thinking that although Liu Shan and his wife had only been at her house for ten days, Jun Yao could tell , They know how to be grateful and are down-to-earth, so they decided to give each of them a tael of money at night. After all, there are some things that she doesn't think about. If they like them, they also have money in their hands, and they can buy them by themselves. .

There are also two children, who put ten copper plates in the purse she sewed by herself, which is regarded as lucky money, and Jun Zhengmin and Yang Shi, they have some broken silver they gave them, so they don't have to worry about it at all.

In the account book, there are many densely packed accounts. Although there are many, they are extremely obvious and easy to understand.

Turning to the expenses to be used next year, it has also been carefully calculated by Junyi. The reconstruction of Xiaowu Mountain and the excavation of fish ponds are all calculated clearly. Xiaowu Mountain is not big or small. I thought about enclosing the entire Xiaowu Mountain, but using bricks and tiles is not a small expense, but using thorns is very good, there is no need to invest a little cost, and it has a good anti-wolf effect, but it takes time to grow.

Of course, this wolf is not that wolf.

She guarded against some greedy wolves and white-eyed wolves.

As for the glazed greenhouse she envisioned, she didn't want to build it here. She only wanted to buy countless land properties in a place not far from the capital, but with convenient transportation, and then build several glazed greenhouses. Greenhouses will be continuously supplied to the one-stop shopping center she runs. After all, there is a mantra in modern times: If you want to get rich, build roads first.

She doesn't know how to repair roads, but finding a place with convenient transportation is much more convenient than repairing roads.

(End of this chapter)

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