Chapter 23 Separation? (2)
"Su Lan, tell me, don't be bored."

Yang Sulan looked at her husband. Although she had been unhappy and worked hard for so many years, every time she saw her husband's face, she felt very warm and at ease. If it wasn't because of him, she still didn't know if she could persevere. go down.

Finally, she plucked up the courage and said what was in her heart, "Brother Min, let's go out and live alone. Even if my parents don't give us anything, I'm willing. Brother Min, I don't think I can hold on any longer. .”

The Jun family is a big prison, imprisoning her all her life here, and what happened to Jun Yao is like a fuse, stimulating her desire to break free.

It's been four years, since the day her daughter was kicked out of Jun's house, she seems to have said this sentence, but because of her husband, she has been next to each other every day, God knows how long she can last.

Jun Zhengmin was a little dumbfounded. He never thought that one day in the future, his gentle and virtuous daughter-in-law would say such words, and immediately stare at him like a cow, destroying the layout of his facial features.

"Su Lan, what... are you talking about?" His voice trembled.

Yang Sulan looked at her husband's appearance and her heart ached. It took all her strength to say that sentence, but since she had already started, she couldn't let it go. Who knows if she will have a chance to say it in the future? .

"I said, let's split up."

Jun Zhengmin heard clearly this time. Seeing his wife's painful expression, the big man's heart felt like a stabbing pain, "Su Lan, it's impossible for parents to agree to our separation."

Yang Sulan gave a bitter smile, shook her head and let the tears slide down her slightly dark yellow cheeks.

"Su Lan, don't be sad. I'm all to blame for what happened today. It's because I didn't protect you well." He sighed heavily, rubbed his wife's callused hands, and said softly, "But now is not the time. Opportunity, even if it is broken, Dad will not agree, let's wait and see, shall we?"

Mrs. Yang can only nod, what can I do if I don't nod, Jun Zhengmin's words are very thorough, as long as the old man disagrees with the separation, they will not be able to separate anyway, just look at the incident with Jun Yao four years ago, the old man They didn't do anything to the third room, but just drove Jun Yao out.

And Yang knew that her husband was a dutiful son, and it was very embarrassing for him to be able to say this to her today, how could she be willing to push him too hard.

Junyi here, because she gave all the scallion pancakes at noon to Yang, so there is nothing at home, but she also wants to make all kinds of delicacies with the ingredients she knows, and give them to her two. children tasting.

In the kitchen, Junxie was kneading the dough, muttering to herself: How did she go from her initial depression to her current excitement?Is this showing off her thousands of years of civilization history?In her previous life, she had no siblings, or even friends, but now she can live such a leisurely life, surrounded by a pair of cute buns. This is simply her dream in her previous life, but there is only one man missing.

Thinking of this, Junxi had no choice but to search the information in her mind hard, wondering if she could find any news about the child's father, but Ren almost broke her head, but there was only one point: a not-so-wide mountain path , it was the autumn harvest time at noon, and an immature girl walked home slowly with a basket on her shoulders, but she was knocked out directly when she passed through a place with corn on both sides, and when she woke up again, her body was chrome The man's slate, the body is full of hot man's body odor, mixed with the man's panting and a faint cold plum fragrance, and the man said "clean up" before leaving.

The hand kneading the dough suddenly stopped.

"Clean up?" She frowned, with the same cold charm in her voice, "Hehe, clean up? Good one!"

If she guessed correctly, that man was poisoned by a love potion and urgently needed a woman to relieve him, otherwise, how could a man with that cool and elegant fragrance be willing to kidnap a village girl to have sex with him.

"Mother, what are we going to have for dinner tonight?" Qiao'er rushed into the kitchen, followed by Wuyou who also walked in slowly, holding a clean wild mushroom in her hand.

"Hey, finished washing? Qiaoer is really capable. Let's eat water fried buns at night. It's delicious." He knelt down, wiped the water drops from his little daughter's face, and said, pointing to her little nose.

"Then Qiaoer can help mother, okay?" The little girl was wearing a plain white skirt with pink flowers, and looked at her mother adoringly. My brother is no longer hungry, but also has enough food and warm clothes, which is great.

Put the kneaded soft dough in a basin to wake up, she chopped wild mushrooms, added seasoning, stirred well, and then cut the previous dough into uniformly sized portions with a rolling pin, each one was as big as the palm of your hand, and one with a rolling pin Flatten it, stuff it with stuffing, grab the dough's foot, then flexibly shake the thumb and index finger, and soon a small bun the size of the palm of your hand appears on the panel.

This has been repeated many times, and there are thirty small buns on the small panel, squatting there like fat dolls.

Junxie heated up the pan, poured oil, and then slowly roasted the buns with a small fire. After that, the small buns in the room suddenly had a scent mixed with a stinging sound, spreading throughout the small kitchen, making Qiaoer and Wuyou couldn't help grinning happily, thinking that there was something good to eat again in the evening.

After branding the bottom of each small bun with color, Junmai added water and sprinkled a little salt, squatted in front of the stove, and filled a lot of firewood.

Half an hour later, on the hot kang, Niang San was already sitting at the low table eating the fried buns in front of her. The smell and aroma made the two little guys salivate uncontrollably, but they dared not eat it. Just because Qiaoer couldn't help it at first, she wanted to bite down, it was so hot that she almost didn't cry.

"Mother, are you alright now?" Qiao'er asked again, this was already the tenth time within a few minutes.

Junxi used chopsticks to push the decocted buns in Qiaoer's bowl away from the creases and spread them out, and said with a smile: "See, you remember, this chat is quick, you have a taste."

Qiaoer heard that it was edible, so she pulled the punctured bun with chopsticks and bit it down. The skin was very thin and chewy, and the filling was wild mushroom, which was juicy and tender inside. When the stuffing and soup were eaten into the mouth, the little girl Qiaoer almost swallowed it even with her tongue.

After dinner, the stomachs of the two little guys were swollen, and they couldn't move at all. They lay on the kang and wailed continuously, and Jun Yao almost couldn't stop laughing.It seems that these two little guys must go to bed later tonight to avoid indigestion.

(End of this chapter)

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