Chapter 246 Rescue (2)
"you you you……"

Looking at Qiu Ju's bullying appearance, Jun Yao and Xia Yue couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, how old are you, it's not embarrassing to argue with a little doll." Xia Yue stepped forward and pulled Qiu Ju and scolded with a smile.

Qiu Ju turned her head and looked at Xia Yue with grievances, "Sister Xia Yue, I have a good heart."

"Yes, yes, we all know that you have good intentions, can we go back now? Do you still want the boss to wait for you?" Xia Yue persuaded.

"Ah!" Qiu Ju slapped her head, and looked back at Jun Yao, her face flushed red, "Master, it's Qiu Ju's fault."

Jun Yao shook her head, "What's wrong with you, you obviously did the right thing, and I can still reprimand you."

When Qiu Ju heard that it was all right, she secretly made a face at Xia Yue, and then ran to Jun Yao's side in a dreadful manner.

Seeing Qiu Ju's playful look, Xia Yue had no choice but to return to Jun Yao with a wry smile.

After that, the three of them walked slowly around Xiaowu Mountain. The weather in May was neither too cold nor too hot, the sun shone on people, it was warm, and the air was free from all kinds of pollution. The sound of the stream was like pearls falling on a jade plate.

This kind of day, to be honest, is a kind of enjoyment.

However, before the three of them had walked a few hundred meters, bursts of loud cries entered the ears of the three of them.

Jun Yao frowned and turned around, and saw several children running downstream along the river, and an ominous premonition rose in Jun Yao's heart.

"Tianji, save people!" She shouted loudly.

"Yes!" As the voice fell, a blue figure flew up, and when it reached the river, the blue figure flickered across the river, and then landed on the bank, holding a drenched body in its arms with a pale face. Pale child who doesn't seem to be breathing.

The children were frightened to be honest. After they found out that one of their little friends was drowning, they cleverly ran along the river, and the timid ones stood still and did not dare to move.

When Junxi ran over, she stretched out her hand to touch his neck, her breath was as thin as a gossamer, but there was still hope.

Immediately afterwards, she leaned over... paused!

"Tianji, breathe out for her!" This is ancient times, artificial respiration is not allowed casually.

"Yes!" Tianji helped the boy up, and raised his hand to pat him on the back, but was stopped by Junxie.

"It's a mouth-to-mouth crossing, and you didn't let you cross your inner strength." Really, can you come back alive like that?This child has pleural effusion, what's the use of you doing that.

Afterwards, Junyi asked him to pinch the child's nose to breathe out for him, while she kept pressing the child's chest. This was repeated more than ten times, and finally with a burst of coughing, the little boy's body was finally recovered. A trace of heat.

"Whose child?" She raised her head and asked an older child standing beside her.

"Grandpa's!" Xiaowazi said quickly.

"Grandpa?" Just a little guy like him, all the old people in the village are his grandpa, how did she know about that grandpa.

"It's from Lizheng's great-grandfather's uncle's uncle's."

"Okay!" It's the great-grandson of her great-grandfather's family. It's so difficult.

"Tianji, send him back! Let him drink more porridge these few days and eat some thin meals." No wonder this brat dared to talk back to Qiu Ju, but he actually has a backer.

Tianji left at the sound, leaving only a group of half-children around, looking at the disappearing master with admiration and excitement, all of them had bright eyes.

"Hey, what are you still doing standing here? Why don't you go back quickly? The river on the other side of the mountain is not enough for you to play with? You actually came here. Look, isn't this an accident?" Qiu Ju pointed angrily. they said.

This time, no one dared to refute, so they hurriedly put on their shoes, and the hula group all ran away.

"Really, kindness is like a donkey's liver and lungs. Now that it's healed, it's time for them to suffer." Qiu Ju muttered.

"Okay, it's just that you are very angry, it's okay, I believe they will not dare to come here in the future." Xia Yue smiled and pinched her little face.

"That's right, if you don't listen to Qiu Ju's words, you will be at a disadvantage, hum!"

"Oh, our family Qiu Ju is still a talented girl, and she is right when she says it." Jun Yao teased.

"Boss, you know how to tease Qiu Ju." The little girl twisted her body and hid behind Xia Yue, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Stopping and stopping along the way, when the three of them returned home, it was almost noon, and as soon as they walked into the upper room, they saw a lot of people sitting in the room.

When a group of people saw Jun Yao coming back, they stood up quickly and greeted her with a smile. A young couple was so excited that they almost knelt down for her, but they were stopped by Xia Yue and others next to her.

"Old man, it's just a matter of raising a finger. Is your whole family here?" Jun Yao walked to the side and sat down, and said with a smile.

"That's right, you saved my little great-grandson, can you not show me such a great favor?" Jun Pingshan said while stroking his beard with a smile.

"I've said it's a matter of little effort, but I just happened to meet it. Can I not save it? You guys are too motivating. Did my parents make you guys mess up and don't know what to do?" She joked.

"Girl, do you talk about your parents?" Yang scolded with a smile, this girl is getting wilder and wilder, like a pony, no one can control her.

These words made the atmosphere at the scene extraordinarily relaxed, and it seemed that even the purpose of Junpingshan's visit had been forgotten.

At this time, Jun Qingshan's wife Xiao Gu came to Jun Yao's side, took her hand and said affectionately: "Sister Jun Yao, sister-in-law doesn't know how to thank you, Brother Yong is a naughty child, and he was taken care of by his father-in-law." I'm too spoiled with my husband, and it's fortunate that I met you, otherwise..." Tears couldn't stop streaming down my face as she spoke.

"Sister-in-law, what are you crying for? The one in your stomach can't stand your crying. Look at how big it is, maybe it's about to give birth soon?" She frowned and looked at Xiao Gu's protruding belly, and asked with a smile .

"Yes, yes, Miss Junxie, it's a good thing you were there at the time, otherwise that brat would really be finished and scare me to death." Jun Qinghe also rushed over, and the sound of the little nephew being carried home by a strange man, Her heart couldn't stop beating.

"It's not as serious as you said, at least don't let him go to the river behind the mountain in the future, the water is much deeper than the river behind my house, even if my father goes down, he will have to drown his chest. "Jun Yao said in detail.

(End of this chapter)

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