The first peasant girl of splendid elegance

Chapter 288 Salted Duck Eggs VS Tea Eggs

Chapter 288 Salted Duck Eggs VS Tea Eggs (4)
"Yes, old slave, thank you for your master's trust." Liang Quan bowed and saluted with a serious and serious expression.

It has been almost half a year in Jun's house, and these days are very peaceful. Although the wine in the village is not very good, it has a faint sweetness and strong stamina. After drinking for a long time, I will naturally get used to it.Now I calculate the accounts in the workshop every day, watching the money come in and out is very fulfilling. In the evening, I can drink a little wine with Zhou Guang. The food is still cooked very well by Mrs. Ke. After so long, they eat nothing. It’s no worse than the owner’s, and the leftover lettuce was almost never eaten, and Mrs. Ke sent all of them into the mouths of the big sows raised by the wife. According to the wife’s intention, they will keep the ones they raised for the New Year in the future Killing pigs for the new year is clean, and it is safe to eat in your mouth.

Liang Quan felt particularly comfortable in this kind of day when he worked as if he was out and rested at sunset. Sometimes the workshop was not busy, and he could even ask Zhou Guang and the two to go to the field to chat with Old Qiao. There was no need to intrigue. There is no need to deduct money crazily, this kind of life makes him feel that it is good to live a lifetime.

She was sighing, but in the chicken coop next to her, the two girls were happily from ear to ear.

Looking at the densely packed eggs, Qiu Ju held one in each hand, and smiled at Xia Yue: "Sister Xia Yue, there are so many, hundreds of them, right? Did Aunt Ke clean them up?"

"That's right, who else can there be besides Aunt Ke?" Xia Yue also looked at the three full-sized eggs, her brows and eyes curved in joy. There are more than a few hundred of these eggs, but there are hundreds of them here As for the chickens, one chicken lays one every day, so there are dozens of chickens every day, and it has been laying for almost a month now, right?

"Oh, has everyone put away this?" Jun Yao came in, and looked at the three big baskets full of eggs, and his mouth twitched happily.

"Master, it must be Aunt Ke." Qiu Ju said with a smile.

"So, let's find someone to carry it home and make tea eggs." There are so many eggs, you can buy them in restaurants, and you can buy a few when you order food. They are refreshing and not greasy.

"The servant girl went to call Uncle Zhou and asked him to push the cart and drive him home."


In the kitchen at home, Mrs. Yang, two mothers-in-law, four maids, and Qiaoer are all surrounded by the chopping board, each holding a loofah pouch, and wiping some dirty duck eggs with white wine.

"Hey, you salted duck eggs, aren't they cooked? Just marinated like this, can the taste go in?" There is a shell on the outside.

"Yes, mother, wait for ten and a half months, and I will make you say it's delicious." Junxie put the eggs they wiped with white wine into the jar, and then sprinkled salt evenly on top of the jar until it covered the bottom of the jar. , and finally poured warm water to dilute the salt, and then dipped her fingers into her mouth, and her face wrinkled suddenly because of the saltiness, which was just right.

After that, I picked up the wine gourd on one side, poured a little white wine into it, then put the lid on, and finally pressed a stone on it to ensure that it was tightly sealed, and then put it in a cool place in the corner of the kitchen.

After one jar was finished, another one was fetched, and the process was repeated.

Because there are only more than 400 duck eggs, and each jar can hold [-] eggs, so only one jar is used to store them.

After finishing their work, everyone looked at a jar in the corner, thinking that there were more than 400 duck eggs in it, which was delicious, but if it didn't taste good, it would all be wasted.

"Baby, is it really delicious?" She asked again.

"Well, it's delicious. I'm sure my mother will like it. We can't finish eating so much. We'll sell it at a restaurant. We'll sell a salted duck egg for [-] Wen. Don't worry."

"Fifty Wen?" Qiu Ju whispered, "Boss, you can buy ten ducks here."

"Well, don't we still have labor costs, salt, and wine, all of which count as costs." Jun Xi said seriously.

When everyone heard this, they thought, this duck egg is not as busy as them, so how could it change its taste? If it is really so delicious by then, it will not be expensive at fifty renminbi.

"Then master, where are the tea eggs?" There are thousands of eggs there, and the eggs can't be kept for too long. When the temperature is slightly lower, it can prevent two or three months. In summer, it will last for almost a month. It's gone, so it's better to eat it quickly, or sell it.

"Do it now?" They wiped so many duck eggs one after another just now, so they are not tired.

"You have to do it, mother." Qiaoer knew it was delicious when she heard it, and waved her hands, trying to increase her speaking power in Junxie's eyes.

"Since we're all busy, let's do it." Mrs. Yang has also been in a hurry recently. Being an old lady from a rich family is really boring.

"Then do it." Jun Yao nodded.

She first asked everyone to wash the eggs, and then put fifty eggs in the pot, lit the fire and cooked them first.

Junyi uses boiling water to soak the tea leaves, then pours out the original tea water, and then puts it aside for later use.

After the eggs were cooked, Junxi asked them to take out the eggs, put them in a porcelain basin, pour cold water that had not been used for ordinary eggs, peel off the eggshells after a little cooling, and then put them into the pot that had been replaced with clean water, and then added I bought star anise, tea leaves, cinnamon bark, pepper, ginger, bay leaves, soy sauce, and no spices, and asked Mrs. Ke to cook for half an hour, and then asked them to wait for two hours, because the tea eggs taste better after soaking.

Such a group of women sat around the kitchen and chatted.

"Mother, let's wait for the fish pond to go out this year, and I will start to let people build a village on the outskirts of Yancheng, and we will move there in the future." Junxi said, just because she liked the endless comfort, and In the future, Jiangyan City will be the first stop for her to open a store. It is also a good choice for her to set up her home in Yancheng in the upper reaches of the Yanjiang River. The location is excellent.

She doesn't think about the south, after all, the summer in Jiangyan City is very hot, and she doesn't know how to suffer there.

"Why, it's good to be at home, after all, I've lived here for decades." Yang asked.

"I'm thinking of opening our first shop in the city in the second half of the year. Mother, our village is good, but after all, the traffic is not very convenient. The roads extend in all directions, and there are always merchants coming and going. What will we do in the future? , fish, it will be transported to other prefectures at the fastest speed, and Yancheng also has the largest water transport terminal in Tianqi Kingdom, which is its advantage." Junyi said to Yang Shi little by little, and Yang Shi made sense Well, let Mrs. Yang do Jun Zhengmin's work. If you are worried about the old man, you can take it with you if it's a big deal.

"I have lived in this village for more than 20 years. People I know, people I don't know, people with good or bad relationships are all here. When it comes to leaving suddenly, let alone your father, even I don't want to part with it," said Yang. sigh.

"I know, isn't this discussing with you? Although you can continue to live here, I don't worry about it. In fact, it doesn't matter where you live. As long as our family is together, wherever we go is home. .”

(End of this chapter)

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