Chapter 49 What to Do (1)
Yang Sulan cast a reproachful glance at her husband, then her eyes fell on the faces of the two children, her eyes were gentle and loving, "We didn't even take care of our daughter, so how can we have the right to discipline our two little grandchildren, after all..."

Jun Zhengmin understood as soon as he heard it, and quickly retorted: "But I'm also doing it for her own good. It's so bad that people don't want to wake up so early?"

"No matter how bad things happen, what else can get over that?" Yang Sulan suddenly turned her head and glared at her husband, why is he so stubborn.

Jun Zhengmin was stunned, and it took him a while to stand up and walk out, squatting under the corner of the wall next to him, looking at the gray sky and sighing.

In the kitchen, Junxie was mixing gnocchi in a porcelain basin, preparing to make pimple soup, her hands were a little rushed, obviously a little angry.

He didn't even protect his daughter well, so now he's trying to show his prestige to his grandson?She has no father-daughter affection for Jun Zhengmin, but only accepts Yang's daughter-loving heart. If he really wants to show her father's majesty or grandfather's majesty, she will definitely It will not be allowed, her children can only live freely and unrestrainedly, without being restrained by the world.

After breakfast was ready, Jun Yao went back to the room to wake up the two little guys, but saw that they had already dressed and said this around Yang Shi.

"Grandma, are you going to live in our house from now on?" Qiaoer raised her face and looked at Yang Sulan with a smile.

"Not yet, Qiao'er's house is too small and there is no room. When a big house is built, grandma will come and live with Qiao'er, okay?" Yang said lovingly, stroking her little granddaughter's head.

"It's great, brother, grandma wants to live with us." The little guy turned his head and looked at his brother beside him.

"Yeah." Wuyou nodded lightly.

Jun Yao's heart was full, and she always felt that her cute daughter and son who pretended to be an adult made her especially fond of it.

"If you get up, wash up quickly, we are going to have breakfast." She walked over and said.

"Okay, mother!" Qiao'er replied sweetly, happily hugged Jun Yao's neck, then slipped down to the ground like a little monkey, rushed out of the room and into the kitchen.

After breakfast, Yang Sulan stayed at home with her two children, while Jun Yao took Jun Zhengmin to the mountains.

On the way, she didn't say a word, and Jun Zhengmin walked in front of her quietly.

After entering the mountain forest, the two walked in side by side without saying a word. After passing a clump of extremely lush fungus, Jun Kui began to explain some common sense of fungus to Jun Zhengmin.

Jun Zhengmin listened very seriously, but it was because of his seriousness that he became more and more shocked. When did his daughter have such an amazing talent? Missing is a lifetime.

After Junxi finished explaining, he carried a bamboo basket on his back and walked into the forest without saying a word.

Jun Yao looked at the man with a broad spine, smiled lightly and shook his head, and went to the other side to pick mushrooms. Now that the weather is so cold, he can pick mushrooms twice at most. Each time he can pick more, the rest can’t be taken away. You can find a haystack and put it there first, and wait for the cart to pull it back.

For the next half month, Junzhengmin went in and out of the mountains with Junxie every day. When the weather entered November, it would be really cold. Some big and old ones can be picked, but the fungus is rare.

On the night at the end of the month, after the whole family sat around and had dinner, Jun Xie took out the silver in the box and checked it in front of everyone, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there were more than 90 taels of silver, which almost made Jun Zhengmin and Yang did not die of excitement.

"Hey, so much silver?" Mrs. Yang still couldn't believe it, holding a silver ingot weighing twelve taels and looking left and right, unable to put it down.

"Well, the total is 93 taels. I also asked someone to buy [-] catties of white noodles, [-] catties of small yellow rice and [-] catties of rice. I also bought a lot of oil, salt, sauce and vinegar. I can eat them after the New Year. There is no problem in spring, of course I also bought cornmeal, and what’s more, mother..." She looked at Yang and said with a smile: "I also bought four bolts of cloth to make four sets of spring bedding, and another set In winter, when we build a new house, you can use the new house, and it will be warm.”

"No, no need, we can just use the old one." Jun Zhengmin quickly waved his hand when he heard this.

"That's right, baby, if you have money, save as much as you can. Building a house costs a lot of money. If you can save a little bit, it's a little bit." Yang's family was also a little shocked. Their current quilt was given by Yang Sulan's natal family when she got married. The dowry was stuffed into the quilt layer by layer by her every few years.

Jun Yao glanced at the two of them lightly, and said, "I said, do you really want to be so polite to me?"

In a word, Jun Zhengmin and Yang were completely dumbfounded.

Seeing that the two of them no longer refused, she sighed softly, looked at them and said, "I've already bought it back, and you are refusing, this will only make people feel uncomfortable. I really don't know what you think."

"Don't be angry, you, we just feel that there is really no need to do it. We just need to do something for the two children, and our bedding can still be used." Yang explained while holding Jun Yao's hand.

"It's all like that, it's okay, if you don't keep warm in winter, how can your body stand it?" Junxie shook his head lightly, and then said to Junzhengmin: "Father, you go to Grandpa's house tomorrow and tell him that my house is going to be built. Come with her and grandma."

"Well, no problem." Jun Zhengmin nodded, the house was built to talk to the old man, and then he said, "Should I tell your grandfather?"

Jun Yao looked at him with a half-smile, "Father, let's talk about it, after all, he is a scholar."

That night, when Jun Zhengmin and his wife went back, Jun Yao went to prepare some things for Jun Zhengmin to take to his grandfather's house tomorrow. He packed twenty catties of flour, ten catties of rice and millet, and then brought two blessings. The snacks prepared by Yun Restaurant Cao's shopkeeper, as well as ten catties of pork belly, such a gift is very rich.

After putting it on, when I went back to the inner room, I saw Qiao'er, who was only wearing a small pink coat, laying on the bed, looking at Jun Yao with her head propped up, and said, "Mother, why does Mother have a father, but Qiao'er doesn't? "

Jun Yao couldn't help but feel a little headache when she asked this question, she really didn't know this question.

"Of course Qiao'er has a father, otherwise, where did you come from?" Sitting on the kang, she lowered her eyes and caressed her little daughter's increasingly thick hair.

"Where is Qiaoer's father?" Her big eyes flickered, like two black grapes that were glistening.

The same goes for Wuyou, although he didn't make a big move, but Junyi knew in his heart that he must be the one who most wanted to know his father.

(End of this chapter)

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