Dominate Xiantu

Chapter 133 Chapter Family

Chapter 133
"Master, master, wake up? Wake up..."

The servants of the Zhao family surrounded the unconscious Zhao Feng and kept calling.

A figure appeared on the square, it was the local guardian Gao Minggao.

Gao Ming checked Zhao Feng for the first time, and found that he was only seriously injured and unconscious.When he turned his head and looked at Wang Chenghao again, there was a hint of complexity in his expression.

It took this boy just over a year to grow to the point where even he couldn't see through it.

I really don't know if this kind of talent is good or bad.

As a guard, he naturally has certain channels to know that Wang Chenghao was excluded by Zhang Wuji, the great elder of the inner courtyard in Dongling courtyard.In his opinion, being involved in this kind of storm is mostly a rhythm of courting death.

Gao Ming looked at the old man behind him again, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"This is……."

In his eyes, Zhu Ganglie exuded an aura that was as deep as a pillar, and this aura was strongly suppressed, which was clearly a unique coercion.I'm afraid that even the elders of the East Soul Academy didn't have this kind of aura.

Who is he? !

Gao Ming's brain centered with electricity, and his face remained unchanged.

Gao Ming's own cultivation was already at the beginning of the Vajra Realm, but because he was seriously injured when he was young, his cultivation had stagnated since then, so he retired from the inner courtyard of Dongling Academy and volunteered to be a guard in this remote town.

With a brilliant cultivation base, it is more than enough to serve as a garrison general, but for some unknown reason, he finally chose Yong'an Town as a leisurely garrison.If that's the case, the garrison within a hundred miles in all directions will give him some face.

"Master Gao is well, student Cheng Hao is polite."

Wang Chenghao took the initiative to go to salute. Speaking of which, Gao Ming was his savior.

There is kindness for kindness, and there is revenge for revenge.Wang Chenghao's grievances and grievances are clear, and this point feels a bit like a knight-errant.

"Okay, let's go, you guys, take Zhao Feng back, he won't die for now."

Gao Ming didn't pay attention to Wang Chenghao, just nodded his head, and ordered the servants of the Zhao family sideways.

He deliberately didn't look at Zhu Ganglie who was behind Wang Chenghao, probably because he kept his eyes open. When these people came over, he couldn't control most of the things involved, so it's better to pretend that he didn't know him.

The people from the Zhao family left, and those dandies all dispersed.

"Oh, it's really Cheng Hao, he's not dead, his aunt, let's go, let's report to the scholar's house!"

"Oh, really, after all, he came from the Dongling Academy. Look at that handsome man, no one in the ten miles and eight villages around us is like this."

Liu's mother was still the same, she had a natural and strong comprehension ability for such news, and immediately took the aunt from the next door to Wang Xiucai's house to announce the good news.

"Let's go, let's all go and have a look, Aunt Wang is very lucky..."

Yong'an Town is not big, those teenagers hide in the crowd and peek.Wang Chenghao scanned them one by one, some of them were chasing him with Zhao Feng two years ago.

Now that Zhao Feng is defeated, most of them don't dare to take the lead.Wang Chenghao glanced over, and they hid in the crowd one after another.

The past goes with the wind, in his eyes now, it is all a smile.

Wang Chenghao led the horse forward, smiling and nodding all the way to say hello: "Auntie, I haven't seen you for more than a year, you are beautiful again, how is your daughter?"

"Oh, why does this child speak so sweetly? My daughter is fine, you still miss our daughter..."

"Uncle Zhang Gen, your body is still strong..."

"Okay, okay, this kid is promising..."

Just cut Zhao Feng like chopping vegetables, Wang Chenghao led the horse forward as if nothing happened, calling out the shadows in his memory one by one along the way, this way, Yong'an Town became lively.

Almost at the door, Wang Xizhi and Li Xiangjun ran out after them, and saw Wang Chenghao coming with a smile, leading a horse, dressed in a white robe, and looked imposing.

"Chenghao, my child, you really miss your mother."

Li Xiangjun lost weight and had gray hair. When he saw Wang Chenghao approaching, he hurriedly took Wang Chenghao into his arms with small steps.

After a while, she raised her head, stared at Wang Chenghao's face, and kept stroking his face with her hands, with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, and there was endless love in her eyes.

Wang Chenghao was moved in his heart, the feeling of longing burst out suddenly, he seemed to have a thousand words to say, but he didn't know where to start, and finally turned into a simple call:



"I am back!"

"Okay, okay, just come back." Wang Xizhi also murmured with moist eyes, his hands trembling when he put down.

"Come on, let's talk when we get home." Li Xiangjun took Wang Chenghao's hand, so warm, so warm.

Mother's hair is a little white, and she still had black hair when she left that year.

Mother's face was still warm and white that year, but now it is a little wrinkled.

Wang Chenghao couldn't help but was about to shed tears. It seems that they have also endured too much pain during this period.

"Let's go, let's go home!" Wang Chenghao threw the reins to Zhu Ganglie, took Wang Xizhi with one hand, and Li Xiangjun with the other, and the three walked towards their small courtyard.

The setting sun stretched the shadows of the three people very long.

At this moment, Wang Chenghao remembered that when he had just left that year, the sun was shining everywhere, and his shadow was stretched very long.

"Hey, you're promising, this kid. Blessed is Wang Xiucai, look at how handsome this kid is."

"Yes, yes, unlike the kid in our family who knows how to play every day and doesn't make progress at all."

"Mom, how can I not be motivated, I'm just young, after two years, I will definitely learn from Brother Chenghao, and go out to make a living."

"All right, all right, go and do your homework."


In the palace, Li Xiangjun went to get some food, while Wang Xizhi stood in the living room, looking at some strange children, but didn't know what to say.

Zhu Ganglie led his horse in, settled down, and walked in.

Wang Chenghao said: "Father, this is one of my elders, Zhu Ganglie."

"My father." Wang Chenghao pointed to Wang Xizhi and said to Zhu Ganglie.

Wang Xizhi made a bow, and said bookishly: "Thank you, Mr. Wang, for taking care of the dog, Senior."

Zhu Ganglie said: "Chenghao is a talented and intelligent child, and it is my luck to be able to get married together."

One of the two is an old monster with hundreds of years, and the other is a scholar who has been immersed in the sea. They talked freely, and they talked very happily.

A breath approached from outside the door, Wang Chenghao suddenly said: "Father, Mr. Gao is here."

As soon as the words fell, Gao Ming's figure had already appeared at the door.

"Master Gao, a rare visitor, come here, please take your seat. Sir Gao, it's been more than a year, and I still want to thank you for taking care of me." Wang Xizhi went up to greet him.

Gao Ming glanced at Wang Chenghao from the corner of his eyes, and laughed loudly: "My brother, you are polite, this is my duty. You know that the Zhao family is in the countryside, and their family has some background in the capital city, so I don't care about it." Move him. However, if they want to move you, they have to ask the old man for his opinion."

"Xizhi, go and prepare some food with your younger siblings first, brother, I'm going to have a big meal here tonight."

Wang Xizhi is not a stupid person, seeing Gao Ming's eyes almost never leave Wang Chenghao, knowing that he probably has something to say in private, he said heartily: "Okay, Chenghao, stay with Mr. Gao well. I'll go show my hands, let's have something tonight OK."

The living room became quiet, and Gao Ming said solemnly: "Chenghao, let's open the skylight and speak honestly. What is your purpose when you come back this time? Do you know that everyone thinks that you have been hijacked to death now? Why are you so bold?" Are you back?"

Wang Chenghao knew that Gao Ming was concerned about him, so he said seriously: "Master Gao, there are some things I can't say, but what I want to say is that I recently came back to visit my parents after I received news that there was a ghost in Yong'an Town. I don't want my parents to suffer any harm."

"Phantom? This is impossible. The old man didn't find out. How could you know?" Gao Ming didn't believe it.

"However, three diamond-level spies have disappeared around here. These three spies are specially used to protect my parents." Wang Chenghao stared into Gao Ming's eyes and said seriously.

Gao Ming was silent.

Judging by Wang Chenghao's attitude, he believed that what he said was true.It's just that he couldn't believe it, such a kid could command three King Kong-level powerhouses to lurk in?And the old man behind him is obviously stronger than the Diamond Realm expert. Could it be that he is referring to the Profound Realm expert?Does Wang Chenghao have other identities?
Wang Chenghao remained silent, waiting for Gao Ming to digest the news.

After a long time, Gao Ming let out a breath and said, "I'm sorry, I still can't believe it."

"It doesn't matter whether Mr. Gao believes it or not. When I come back this time, I want to take my parents away. This place is no longer safe." Wang Chenghao said firmly.

"What kind of phantom is that? In the past few decades, I haven't heard any news about phantom. How can you make me believe this?"

"Is there anything special around here that others can remember?" Zhu Ganglie suddenly interjected.

"Something special?"

Both Gao Ming and Wang Chenghao fell silent.Both of them remembered the story under Xianren Peak.

"There is a dragon here, it's a real dragon." Wang Chenghao took a deep breath and emphasized.

"There is also Xianren Peak."

Zhu Ganglie's expression was horrified. Maybe others don't believe in dragons, but he does. He himself is the descendant of an ancient alien species of sky-splitting boar demon.

"Lord Gao, dinner is ready, good wine and good food, Cheng Hao, senior Zhu, let's move to the backyard." At this time, Wang Xizhi came to invite each other after finishing the processing, and the three of them consciously shut up.

Gao Ming glanced at Wang Chenghao meaningfully, and said with a smile: "Okay, then I will nagging my brother."

At the dinner table, the three of them didn't talk about the topic just now. Instead, they told all kinds of anecdotes and strange things from all over the world.

Wang Chenghao sat at the banquet, just smiling and kept picking up vegetables for his mother and father.Li Xiangjun was eating vegetables, and the corners of his eyes were slightly wet. His son has really grown up.

A family banquet, the whole family enjoys themselves happily, laughing and talking, this feeling is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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