Dominate Xiantu

Chapter 141 2 Months

Chapter 141 Two months

In the dense jungle, it has been raining continuously for more than two months.

Muddy mountain roads, turbid muddy water, cold raindrops, and pools of muddy water everywhere.

A teenager led a group of people lurking in the jungle, motionless.The green grass covered their figures, they bent down and rested their breath, quietly waiting for something.

The wind and rain howled in the jungle, and it was extremely cold, but this group of people seemed to be dead, motionless.

In the forest ahead, there was a sharp roar suddenly, followed by the tremor of the ground, and in the distance, a giant creature rushed towards this side violently.

A thin figure kept flickering forward among the jungles, and a berserk creature followed desperately behind it.

near, near.

The thin figure suddenly paused, turned in one direction, and said in a low voice: "Leader, this big man has been lured by his subordinates, what should we do?"

"Continue to pull into the encirclement." The boy responded calmly.

"Okay!" The thin man paused for a moment, and provocatively shot a khaki iron arrow towards the berserk creature.


A powerful blacksmith hit the giant creature, splashing sparks, which did not hurt it at all, but aroused its fury even more.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ground trembled at an accelerated rate, and the giant berserk creature rushed over desperately.

The thin man kept making various provocative actions, provoking the giant creature to rush forward in a frenzy and lose its mind, and gradually rushed out of the jungle and came to a valley.

Seeing the giant creature stepping into the encirclement, the young man smiled coldly, and waved quietly, motioning for everyone to retreat and surround them.

The people who were lying on the ground before came to life in an instant, retreated quietly, and merged into another environment.

"Kill!" When the giant creature just stepped into the best ambush point, Wang Chenghao roared angrily, and his spiritual sense urged the Dragon Spirit Sword to stab the giant creature's thigh joints.

There is the softest place for animals!
Destroyed there, these giant creatures are unable to move, and they can only be killed.These are the experiences that a group of people have slowly explored over the past two months.

In the past two months, they fought and walked, and after killing the earth demon wolf from Yong'an Town, they killed a few shadow demons.

After walking all the way south, he killed many monsters one after another, and harvested a large amount of monster fur, bones, and monster cores. These are treasures for refining weapons and medicines.

"Leader, you won!" Someone exclaimed in surprise.

The dragon spirit sword came out, surrounded the monsters, and controlled long-range attacks with spiritual knowledge.This point is Wang Chenghao's magic weapon, and he always sees miraculous achievements.

"This is the Flame Balrog, a monster that lives in the abyss. It feeds on underground magma and can live amphibiously. When they are on the ground, they present a light blue demon coat. Once they go berserk, they will transform into flames. The flame state of the true form of the devil."

This time it was not Zhu Ganglie who transmitted the voice, but the Primal Chaos in his mind.

This Primal Chaos Lord has lived for an unknown number of epochs, but he can say one, two, three, and four out of any kind of monsters he encounters.

Ever since the first time he hunted down the Earth Demon Wolf, the harvested monster cores had awakened Chaos Venerable.It couldn't wait to express its desire to devour, and Wang Chenghao also generously satisfied its desire to devour.

Since then, whenever it encounters any kind of monster, it will point out the advantages and disadvantages of this monster, and which parts can collect materials.

This made Wang Chenghao very emotional. Could it be that the lord of Chaos also devoured a book that specially introduced the monsters of heaven and earth before?

With the voice transmission of the Primal Chaos, Wang Chenghao is like a god, and every time he makes a move, he always hits the key point.This made the Dharma Guardians around him especially convinced of this young lord, even elders like Zhu Laoer and other old monsters.Even he doesn't know a lot of knowledge about monsters, but this young leader is actually clear about it. This kind of genius is rare in the world.

"Attention everyone, this giant monster is extraordinary. After we surround it, let's trap it with a hexagram of starlight. After it completes its transformation, we will surround it with water spells!" Wang Chenghao arranged in an orderly manner.

"Can you still transform? Leader, what kind of monster is this?" Now in the hearts of these guardians and generals, their leader already knows everything.

For example, the Starlight Hexagram Formation was during the sweeping and training all the way. When people in the team successively awakened the starlight and obtained life stars, and the number exceeded six, Wang Chenghao passed down a formation method, using these six people The Fate Star Awakeners stand in accordance with a specific magic circle, receive and guide the extraterrestrial starlight to charge the magic circle, and complete the magic circle's effect of trapping and killing enemies.

Because of the existence of the life star, the starlight energy of the magic circle is continuous, and it can achieve the effect of controlling and killing the enemy to the greatest extent without consuming its own energy. This is also the surprising effect of this group of people seeing the starlight for the first time.

The effect of the starlight hexagram instantly made the rest of the people envious. More and more people are practicing the star visualization technique. With the lord around, they can guide them, and their chances of success are greatly increased.

Not enough medicine?Go to the nearest city to find Wolongju to supplement.

Not enough to eat?Go and catch some edible monsters.

There is no opportunity for a breakthrough?You might as well go for a fight, maybe you will break through in one go.

In short, the past two months have brought a lot of benefits to this team, and everyone's growth can be seen.

Sometimes Wang Chenghao even used the starlight hexagram to attract all the starlight to help communicate with the stars.The consequence of this is that the speed at which everyone perceives the star of life is greatly accelerated.

"This is the flame demon. It is born to be huge, and it will also transform into flames. Everyone, be careful."

"Open the positive and negative starlight hexagram array!"

Following Wang Chenghao's order, in the valley, twelve Dharma protectors and god generals were placed in front and back according to the positions of the starlight hexagram.


The 12 people moved quickly, and with a roar, two starlights suddenly appeared and formed two hexagram circles.There seems to be a mysterious attraction between the superimposed hexagrams, which encircles the flames and flames, making it difficult to move.

The effect produced by this superposition formation is not simply the superposition of the effect produced by a single formation, and even has three or four times the effect.

The flame demon in the light blue coat began to become anxious and violent. It kept struggling and screaming, but the starlight from outside the territory kept guarding it. The more it struggled, the more immobilized it would be.

This is a trapped beast!

The flame maniac was overwhelmed, and became more and more manic, constantly twisting, roaring, and slamming hard. The hexagram was shaken by the impact, but it still couldn't break through the effect of the magic circle.

"It's done!" Everyone was determined, it seemed that the Lie Yan Yan Mo was nothing more than that.

"Everyone, don't relax your vigilance. Lie Yanyan is a high-level monster. Although it doesn't have similar wisdom, it will lose a lot when it goes berserk." Wang Chenghao stood outside the formation and warned.

Ever since someone broke through and completed the awakening of the star, Wang Chenghao has changed from participating to directing.And with the strength of these protectors and divine generals, they are all at the Finger Profound Realm, the combined effect of the same realm level is far better than the short board effect of him at the Diamond Realm.

In the past two months, Wang Chenghao has advanced from the middle of the Vajra Realm to the peak of the Upper Realm, which is only one step away from the Finger Profound Realm.

As his fate star is stable, energy is pouring down all the time. For him, he is really cultivating while standing.

The Flame Balrog was struggling continuously, and the roar was loud, but its struggle was ineffective. Gradually, its strength became weaker and weaker, and everyone had a smug smile on their faces.

This is not the first time I have seen such a desperate roar from a monster, it is really refreshing!

"not good!"

Wang Chenghao suddenly said loudly: "Everyone calm down, increase the output of star power, hurry up!"

The twelve guardians and generals in the formation who were originally smiling suddenly heard Wang Chenghao yell, and then a life-and-death crisis-like icy feeling came to their bodies. A star shield.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Lie Yanhou couldn't be restrained, and chose the most common way to die together.

It exploded!

It's too late to say, then soon!
From hearing the desperate roar of the flame demon to its sudden self-explosion, it took only a short sentence. Fortunately, Wang Chenghao reminded them in time, and everyone had a short guard period.

I saw a violent scorching energy raging in the positive and negative starlight hexagram, and the whole space was completely white and invisible.

"Pfft!" The twelve gods and guardians took a mouthful of blood one after another, and flew out backwards.

In the middle of that formation, there was nothing left, except for a hard demon core.

Wang Chenghao walked in, picked up the demon core and put it between his eyebrows, and it disappeared.Naturally, these monster cores were quietly thrown to Lord Chaos to absorb them.

To be honest, Wang Chenghao secretly longed for the day when the Chaos All Souls List dominated the starry sky, thinking about it would be exciting.

"Leader, I was careless. Fortunately, the leader reminded me in time, otherwise, my life will be in danger." The twelve guardians and generals got up and swallowed the elixir and meditated one after another. expression.

Wang Chenghao said: "You are all seniors. Be careful in the future so that you don't capsize in the gutter. The lion fights the rabbit with all your strength. Let's meditate and rest for a while. Huh?"

Wang Chenghao didn't criticize them heavily, but just raised a point casually.At this time, they suddenly saw a group in the distance wearing the costumes of the East Soul Academy walking thousands of meters away.

All the members of the Fantasy Star Alliance stood up one after another, surrounded Wang Chenghao, and guarded him tightly.

The two teams confronted each other for a while, and then quietly went away.No matter what team it is, if they are all hunting monsters, they are all in the same way.

The team from Donglingyuan was quite general-like. Although there were more people than this side, they still took the initiative to retreat.

Seeing Wang Chenghao's restless expression, Zhu Lao Er asked, "Leader, do you know them?"

Wang Chenghao said with a complicated expression: "That's the team from the East Spirit Academy, and that's where I came from."

"Then..." Second Zhu still wanted to ask if he should chase after him.

Wang Chenghao said decisively: "But it is no longer the case."

"Let's go, let's keep a parallel distance, they shouldn't attack us, but the two teams can restrain each other and become each other's horns."

(End of this chapter)

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