Dominate Xiantu

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

"Next, we need to go into the water. Everyone pay attention, don't wander around, there is a passage at the bottom of the lake." Tianjizi explained in quite detail.

"Plop!" With a sound, Tianjizi jumped down first.

The rest of the people jumped into the water like dumplings.

All the way down, I saw that I had reached the bottom of the lake, so I didn't need to dive any further.The crowd followed behind Tian Jizi and swam for about a quarter of an hour before the figure in front stopped.

In front of Tianjizi, there was a dark cave at the bottom of the lake. After gesturing to the people behind him, Tianjizi went straight in.

"It's so mysterious, what kind of gift is there?" Wang Chenghao wondered, this gift is too special, and you need to dive to get it?
But he didn't ask much, just followed.

The cave at the bottom of the lake is a gentle slope. The place where you just entered is in the shape of a gourd mouth. The entrance is very narrow, and only one or two people can pass through it, but the deeper you go, the more open it becomes.

After swimming in for about 100 meters, the diameter of the cave has reached more than ten meters. At this moment, Wang Chenghao suddenly found a ray of light above his head.

"Huh? What's going on here?" At the same time, Wang Chenghao noticed that Tianjizi in front of him stood upright and floated up. With a stroke of true energy, his clothes were evaporated to dryness.

" is this possible?"

Standing up straight like a model, Wang Chenghao found that only half of his body was still in the water, and the part above his chest was above the water surface.

"'s unbelievable. I just dived to a depth of 50 meters. How could there be air?" Wang Chenghao murmured.

"Little friend Chenghao, this place should not be the bottom of the lake anymore." Tianjizi seemed to be very familiar with this place, seeing his puzzled expression, he said with a smile.

"I understand. After entering the cave, the terrain has been slowly upward. The place we are now may have been higher than the water surface. I don't know if I guessed it right?" Wang Chenghao understood after a little thought. All kinds of reasons.

"Little friend is smart, and this old man can't keep up. When I first came here, I didn't know so many things." Tianjizi praised with a smile.

Behind them, everyone in the Fantasy Star Alliance shook their anger, and all their clothes were steamed dry. Many people looked around the cave curiously.

Wang Chenghao looked around, and on the rock wall of this vast cave, every few feet away, there was a bright spot shining with fluorescent lights, which were clearly inlaid with night pearls just like the outside.

How many night pearls have to be inlaid along the way!

"What a great handwriting!" Even Zhu Ganglie couldn't help sighing.

Everyone gasped, only then did they realize that the background of Tianjimen is really rich.

Wang Chenghao took a deep breath, feeling refreshed. He didn't feel the slightest stuffiness in the cave, and he didn't know where the air came from.

"It doesn't look like it was excavated by humans, right?" Zhu Ganglie asked rarely.

Hearing Zhu Ganglie's words, Tianjizi smiled and said, "Senior said exactly what he said!"

"That's right, this place was accidentally discovered by the seniors of my Heavenly Mystery Gate. Later, it was excavated and repaired in successive dynasties, and it was gradually transformed into a secret palace of my Heavenly Mystery Gate."

Speaking of the secrets of the underground palace, Tianjizi also sighed endlessly.There are many talented people in Tianjizi in the past dynasties, and many wonderful ideas, which make Tianjimen develop into the sky.Thinking about being in the secret position of heaven, but having no merits, I feel ashamed when I think about it.

Wang Chenghao said: "With such a secret palace, senior told me so generously, are you not afraid that I will leak the secret?"

"Hehe, believers don't doubt, doubters don't believe. Little friend Chenghao is worrying too much, let's go, the gift is in the underground palace." Tianjizi smiled indifferently, then turned and walked forward.

After the two walked several tens of feet, they were completely out of the water, and the ground was also very dry. The cave became more and more open, and the height above their heads had reached more than 20 meters.

"Little friend Chenghao, we're here!"

After reaching the deepest part of the cave, there was no road in front of him, but Tianjizi stopped, and stretched out his hand to grope on the rock wall beside him.

"Is the back empty?" Wang Chenghao's spiritual sense was as good as anyone's, and he heard the abnormal sound immediately.

Just after Tianjizi finished groping, there was a "click" sound in the cave, and the rock wall in front of everyone moved slowly to both sides.

After a while, the rock wall was completely removed, revealing a spacious secret room inside. The secret room was spotless and filled with all kinds of food and drink.

"This can be a place to rest and meditate. The place we are going to is over there!" Tian Jizi guided, and everyone saw that there was a secret door at the corner.

Everyone followed Tianjizi through a cave that was more than ten long and deep, and came to another space.

This place is obviously much larger than the previous secret room, with a height of more than 30 feet and a length of more than 100 feet.

"This should be a natural karst cave, and it was roughly modified later." Wang Chenghao kept nodding while watching. This kind of design can be called a miracle.

"Huh? The terrain is going down. Is it possible to go back to the bottom of the lake?" Following Tianjizi all the way, Wang Chenghao felt that something was wrong. The terrain was getting lower and lower.

Wang Chenghao also discovered that the cave they are in now is bottomless, and they don't know where it extends to.

Moreover, the terrain of the cave has been extending downwards. After a quarter of an hour, everyone walked hundreds of feet away. According to preliminary calculations, the terrain here should be lower than the original lake level, but why is there no groundwater seeping in?
"Actually, little friend Cheng Hao is right. This kind of secret palace has always not allowed outsiders to enter. Even if the old man is the master of the Tianji Sect, he doesn't come in many times." As if afraid of being too cold, he walked in The Tianjizi in front actually turned around and said something.

"Then why..."

"This is also a tradition. In the last 1000 years, visitors from the outside world tried their best to help our Tianjimen to resist the dark forces, and finally ended up dead. The descendants of the heroes of the film space also entered here at that time."

"In the past few hundred years, the Tianjimen has declined. If the dark forces can't be wiped out, and my Tianjimen can be reborn and risen again, I'm afraid it won't take a hundred years, and the Tianjimen will be disbanded." Tianjizi sighed helplessly.

Only then did everyone realize the helplessness in this Tianjizi's heart. The situation is so severe. This is also the sorrow of a generation of sect masters, who had to resort to external forces.

The length of the burrow is far beyond everyone's imagination, and the road seems to have no end.A group of people walked for more than half an hour, but still did not arrive at the destination.

The air in the cave has become thinner. If it weren't for the lighting of a night pearl on the rock wall every few meters, it would have been pitch black here.

"How long?"

This time, both Xiaowen and Bai Yuxi followed.It's just that the cultivation base of the two of them is the weakest, Wang Chenghao can hear that the breathing of the two of them is gradually becoming heavy.

He knew that this was due to the lack of cultivation of the two of them, and their bodies were already overwhelmed.

"Brother Chenghao, I'm fine!" Xiaowen's somewhat stubborn voice sounded, but at this moment she was in a daze, and she was moving forward with perseverance.

"I'm fine." Bai Yuxi didn't fall behind.

"Uncle Zhu, why don't you come and take them down?" Wang Chenghao asked.With his strength, there is no problem with self-protection right now, but he might not be able to bring two people with him.

"Okay!" Zhu Ganglie pulled the two of them up without hesitation, and the two of them breathed a little more steadily as two streams of true energy flowed in.

"In fact, it's okay. The more pressure you have, the better the forging effect on your body. Every part of your body is the focus. This kind of environment is beneficial and not harmful to them." Tian Jizi stopped and said with a smile .

"Is there still such a saying?" Wang Chenghao was taken aback when he heard the words, for the body is really mysterious and extraordinary.Essence, energy and spirit run through the human body, and each one is indeed very important.

"The human body is like a treasury, with endless potential. There is no conclusion on how to develop it, but it can be developed more thoroughly with certain natural materials, earthly treasures and medicines. This is also the experience of the predecessors all the time." Tianjizi obviously knows a lot.

"I understand." Wang Chenghao nodded.

In his original world, which is also the world of ancient martial arts, the development of the body is the same as that of the dark world, and it is all about hard work. There are many people who use waterfalls and waves to temper their bodies. It is not a means to temper their bodies with such strong environmental pressure.

Even after being reborn in the world of the Five Elements, all kinds of techniques are highly developed. Among the same level, martial arts masters still outperform magic masters.After reaching a certain level, the body will instead become the shackles of masters of the spell system, because their fragile bodies cannot bear such a huge energy of the world.

"Senior Tianjizi, how far is the distance?"

After walking for more than half an hour, Wang Chenghao couldn't help asking.

The space in the cave is limited, and I don't know how far I have traveled all the way. Even the body of the diamond realm feels a little unbearable, but this tunnel has never bottomed out.And the further they went down, the thinner the oxygen became, the faces of Bai Yuxi and Xiaowen had already turned purple, and it was obvious that they were about to reach their limit.

"Huh? Why is it so hot?"

After walking down for hundreds of feet, Wang Chenghao suddenly found a heat wave, and the originally cold cave suddenly became scorching hot, even he couldn't help breathing.

Wang Chenghao felt uncomfortable, and the two girls in the back became more and more unbearable.When the heat wave hit Bai Yuxi and Xiaowen, they staggered and fell forward.

As soon as Zhu Ganglie stretched out his hand, he grabbed the two of them.

"Yuxi, Xiaowen, are you two okay!" Wang Chenghao asked anxiously.

"Chenghao, it's okay! I can still hold on." Xiaowen struggled to stand up straight, trying to hold on unsteadily.

"I can persevere!" Bai Yuxi blushed, but she still did not fall behind.

Wang Chenghao shook his head and smiled wryly. The two of them are actually arguing here. The girl's mind is really unreasonable.

Glancing at the last thirty or so people behind him, he found that they were all gritting their teeth and persevering. Wang Chenghao nodded and gave them an encouraging look.

These are the most elite talents of the Phantom Star Alliance. As long as they can be brought out, they are all powerful figures who can stand up to ten.

"Huh? The temperature has changed!"

After going down several hundred meters again, the area of ​​the cave suddenly widened a lot. The place where we could only walk shoulder to shoulder for two days now has nearly doubled in width.

And the scorching feeling in the cave has also been significantly reduced, as if there is a cold current soaking in it, neutralizing the high temperature, making people feel refreshed.

"It's almost here!" Tianjizi said with a solemn expression.

(End of this chapter)

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