Dominate Xiantu

Chapter 189 Goodbye Demon King

Chapter 189 Goodbye Demon King
Weird, so weird.

Where is this place?
Why is there a smell of midnight bells?

The Dharma protector had passed out a long time ago, and he still smiled happily in his sleep.

I don't know what kind of dream enjoyment that strange fragrance brought them. If they knew, such a dream might be fatal, so what would they think if they didn't know.

"Grandma, is the owner here?" Wang Chenghao stepped forward and asked.

Less than a foot away, the old woman moved dozens of steps, trembling, as if she would fall down at any moment.

"This one..." Wang Chenghao was about to continue speaking, but he just happened to meet the old woman's turning eyes, and he froze immediately.

What did he see?
A pair of skeletons staring at him?

What flickered in front of my eyes turned out to be a dangling skeleton for a while, and for a while the old woman's withered bark-like face.

"" the old woman spoke tremblingly.

The voice drifted like a distant ghost.

Everyone turned cold, and when they looked at the manor again, no matter how they looked at it, they felt that there was a mildew smell everywhere.

And it seems to be blustery.

"Where is the monster, come out to pretend to be a ghost." Zhang Daoxing shouted decisively.

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

The old woman suddenly laughed, her front teeth were missing a few times, and her smile leaked air, but her voice was shrill and terrifying.


Suddenly, the sky changed color, and a mass of dark clouds shrouded it. The whole manor looked particularly gloomy in the shadow of the forest.


got windy.

The wind is getting louder and louder.

Everyone stood in the hunting wind, staring at the old woman to see what the hell she was doing.

Those present are not ordinary people, even if they encounter something, I believe it is enough to deal with it.With this background, everyone is not too afraid.

"It's so daring."

After speaking, the old woman began to rot like a morning glory, turning into a pile of dead bones and falling to the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into ashes.

The horror of this process is that it allows you to see all the dying process, and you can even clearly feel how every inch of skin turns into dust.

Everyone's complexion changed, and some of them even felt a desire to vomit in their hearts, which couldn't be shaken off.

Wang Chenghao immediately covered the eyes of Bai Yuxi and Xiaowen.

Such things are too scary for girls.Watching it is definitely a nightmare, it is better not to watch it, it is better to forget it.

On the contrary, the weird green-haired and white-eyed cat stood on the ground, staring at everyone, motionless.

"Leader, what should we do? Should we go in here? No matter how you look at it, the subordinates feel that there is a strange atmosphere here, or else we..." Zhang Daoxing was also a little nervous, and the intention to withdraw was obvious. .

"I'm afraid this is the opinion of more people." Wang Chenghao glanced at the remaining phantom star allies, and found that they all had expressions of fear on their faces.

"No, we can't go."

"Let's go, what about these comatose brothers?"

What Wang Chenghao said was the truth. There is a saying that the person who untied the bell had to tie the bell. Since it is poisoned here, most of the hope of detoxification is still here, and there is no way out.

Everyone hesitated when they saw the comatose companion.

We have come together through thick and thin, if you really want to abandon your companions and run away, you will not be able to forgive yourself in this life.

"Leader, we won't leave, we must save them before leaving."

"Yes, leader, we are determined not to leave, we must see what the hell is in here."

The blood energy of the phantom star alliance was awakened, and everyone shouted.

The cat with green fur and white eyes wagged its tail, turned around and walked into the house.

After walking a few steps, the cat meowed, looked back at everyone, then turned back and continued to walk forward, and walked into the darkness of the house after a while.

Everyone looked at each other, what does this mean?
Wang Chenghao was heartbroken, and said, "Let's go, this cat has a spirituality, it's telling us to go in."

"Bring our brothers." Wang Chenghao ordered.

"You two carry one, and the others carry them. Damn, you're unconscious and laughing so weirdly, it's scary to watch." Zhang Daoxing cursed and muttered while making arrangements.

Pushing open the door and entering, passing the place where the morning glory demon and the old woman's bones were incinerated into ashes just now, everyone felt uneasy.

The unknown is always scary.

However, don't hesitate to move forward because of fear.

Many things, even if you know that there is a cliff ahead, you have to go on without hesitation.

"We've already come in. I wonder if senior can show up?" Wang Chenghao and his party stood in the courtyard, only a few dozen feet away from the stable in the corner.

Originally, their purpose was to buy or borrow dozens of horses.believe in heaven
Right now, the horse was within reach, but what happened here was so weird that they couldn't leave.

It was quiet all around.

a long time.

A voice sighed faintly: "What a cautious little guy, are you still afraid that I will kill you if I eat you?"

There was a hint of laziness in this seductive voice, and a hint of detachment in the laziness.

At this time, the door through which the green-haired white-eyed cat rushed in suddenly slammed shut, and then suddenly pushed open, and a young girl came out of it.

The little girl had no expression on her face, and her eyes looked particularly frightening. When her pale pupils swept over her, it always made people feel that her whole body had been seen and she had no secrets at all.

"I saw the familiar aura on you, you are from the east, right?" the little girl said suddenly.


Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly. Being able to know the name of this continent and say it without hesitation can only explain one thing.

"Could it be you too?" Wang Chenghao really couldn't regard the little girl in front of him as an old senior who had practiced for many years, so he had to use the title of a peer and asked happily.

"My name is Bai Yu." The little girl said proudly.

"White Feather!" Second Zhu's eyes jumped out of shock, "White Feather Demon King!"

Wang Chenghao turned his head and asked suspiciously: "Elder Zhu, who is this White Feather Demon King?"

Zhu Laoer took a deep breath and calmed down. When he looked at the little girl again, there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

"He is the most powerful demon king in the Huanyun Mountain Range." Zhu Laoer said word by word.

As soon as the words fell, everyone's expressions changed drastically, it turned out to be this big monster!
Since the Huanyun Mountains are the trial grounds of the East Soul Academy, they are naturally somewhat dangerous.And at the core is the residence of the White Feather Demon King - Huanxin Lake.

For humans living in the Five Elements Continent, it is definitely the most dangerous forbidden place.

The power of each demon king is enough to destroy a big city, they never thought that they would meet the white feather demon king here.

And it was under such circumstances, such a close encounter!
Thinking of the horror of the demon king, many people trembled at the corners of their mouths, and their whole bodies trembled, trembling endlessly.

Wang Chenghao stared at the White Feather Demon King calmly, thinking: "Why is she here?"

"Do you wonder why I'm here?"

The White Feather Demon King has an amazing name, but she looks like a little girl, but no one dares to treat her like a little girl at this moment.

This is not a little girl, she is clearly a king of monsters who has already transformed!

There is a watershed between monsters that can transform and those that cannot. A monster that can transform, no matter what it turns into, its attack power is definitely several times that of a monster that does not transform.

In the form of monsters, some like to turn into old men, some like to turn into middle-aged strong men, and some like to turn into monsters with monster heads and human bodies. It is understandable that the White Feather Demon King turned into a little girl.

Just why does it always feel a little weird?
"Do you think why I am here?" Bai Yu asked again.

Wang Chenghao thumped in his heart, how could she know what I was thinking?And especially again, what is she trying to emphasize?
"Could it be that you..." Wang Chenghao spoke cautiously in doubt.

"That's right, I have his heart." The White Feather Demon King smiled, revealing two cute little canine teeth.

But this kind of smile is particularly terrifying in the eyes of everyone, "He has a clear heart, so doesn't she know what other people think?"

"You can say that." The White Feather Demon King replied with a smile.

Wang Chenghao had no choice but to restrain his emotions, without a trace of turmoil in his heart, he said calmly: "Since Senior Demon King is also an old man from the East, don't you want to go out of this space?"

"Go out?" The White Feather Demon King actually showed a sneering expression.Such an expression appeared on the face of a little girl, which seemed extraordinarily exaggerated.

"I can't get out." The White Feather Demon King suddenly looked downcast and said indifferently.

"Why?" Wang Chenghao raised his eyes in disbelief.The majestic demon king gave up just like that?

"It's not a question of whether I give up or not, but that you don't have a chance at all." The White Feather Demon King spoke slowly, as if he was saying something destined.


Wang Chenghao shook his head, "Senior Tianjizi said that as long as you pass through the Dark Tower and get the title of Sky Destroyer, you can get a blessing from the Dark Tower once, and you can transcend this world."

"But do you know where the Dark Tower is?" The White Feather Demon King stared at Wang Chenghao coldly.

"Isn't it in the city of doom?"

"As long as we find the Dark Tower, go in and kill the evil creatures inside, I am confident that we will all be awarded the title of Destroyer of Heaven, and then we will take them all out." Wang Chenghao said confidently.

"Childish!" The White Feather Demon King's eyes gradually turned cold.

"Do you think I'll give you a chance?"

"Why didn't you give us a chance?" Wang Chenghao asked back.

Time suddenly froze, and the two stared wide-eyed.

Suddenly Wang Chenghao's heart sank, he thought of a possibility, this white feather demon king would definitely not appear for no reason, why did she appear?Or is it a special trip to intercept us?

"You guessed it right, I was sent to intercept you."

"Not only you, but also another group of people who came in at the same time, they are also doomed."

This time, the White Feather Demon King's face was covered with frost, and he said coldly.

The White Feather Demon King is about to make a move, and everyone is icy cold, can we resist it?
The king of monsters in shape, what a powerful attack, can we stop it?
Bai Yu glanced at everyone, he could see all the emotions in his eyes, and he was very satisfied in his heart.

If it wasn't for the ripple in her heart just now, she wouldn't have chatted with these people.

"The chat is over, are you ready to die?" The White Feather Demon King showed a triumphant gesture.

Wang Chenghao's face darkened, and he said: "The White Feather Demon King, don't be arrogant."

"Don't think that you can ignore everything because you have a high level. Since you don't want to miss old feelings, you can't blame us."

(End of this chapter)

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