Dominate Xiantu

Chapter 206 Contest

Chapter 206 Contest
This is a quiet mountain village, surrounded by dense forests, insects and birds singing, and there is a cliff in the distance, with beasts roaring constantly.

A group of people came out of the teleportation array, and after a daze, they saw the situation around them clearly. Obviously, the teleportation point was set in the forest.

As soon as he came out, Zhu Ganglie kept staring in one direction.

"There seems to be a problem?"

Wang Chenghao frowned, indistinctly, he felt a wave of aura coming from the cliff in the distance.

"Did the young master also find out? There is a big battle there." Zhu Ganglie said out loud.

Others might not be able to spot it, but Wang Chenghao's spiritual sense is extremely strong, so he naturally noticed something was wrong at the first time, those chirping insects and birds were a bit like fleeing.

"Go, go and have a look!" After waiting for a few minutes, when everyone recovered from the discomfort of teleportation, Wang Chenghao was the first to get up and sprint towards the cliff.

Wangshan ran dead horses, and the crowd passed through the forest. It took a full hour to reach the cliff.

On a tree of spirit trees on the cliff, there is a bird's nest, in which there are several black birds chirping.

There is a golden-skinned black-eyed giant python entrenched under the spirit tree. Opposite the giant python is a vigorous hungry tiger, with green eyes staring at the bird's nest.

Obviously, the giant python and the hungry tiger are competing for the ownership of this brood of black sparrows, but the strange thing is, why is the mother of this litter of black sparrows missing?
For some reason, Wang Chenghao suddenly remembered the black sparrow he had seen before. Could it be related to this nest of black sparrows?
"Impossible." Wang Chenghao shook his head again, vetoing his guess. The capital city is far away from here, so it is impossible for the black sparrow to fly so far away.

The arrival of Wang Chenghao and the others made the giant python and the hungry tiger in the confrontation feel a little fear. The hungry tiger was slowly retreating, and the giant python was also uttering letters in a commotion, hissing warning sounds.

These monsters have a natural judgment of danger, and obviously they all think that this group of people is extremely dangerous.

The hungry tiger roared, turned around and left.Seeing that the opponent was gone, the giant python didn't stop, and disappeared into the jungle in a desperate manner.

Wang Chenghao didn't intend to kill them, but he was curious about the nest of black sparrows.

Since they arrived, this group of black sparrows has been chirping non-stop, calling something to Wang Chenghao.

Wang Chenghao jumped up and stood beside the bird's nest.

The bird's nest is huge, about three feet wide, and there is no pressure for a person to stick to it. Wang Chenghao stared at the group of black sparrows that were just born and were waiting to be fed.Hei Que'er, on the other hand, twittered and scrambled towards Wang Chenghao.

The five black sparrows were so crowded in Wang Chenghao's hands, their mouths grew big and they chirped.

"Leader, they treat you like a mother." Someone below made a joke, and everyone laughed.

Wang Chenghao's heart moved, he tried to call the Primal Chaos, and asked him if he knew the origin of these black sparrows.

"Chi!" With a sharp whistle, a vortex suddenly appeared between Wang Chenghao's eyebrows, and the black sparrow that escaped into it before really flashed out, and rushed straight at the group of black sparrow children.

The black sparrow was squatting in the nest, surrounded by black flames, but it didn't burn the nest at all. Presumably, the plants and trees that built the nest were not ordinary trees.

With the appearance of the black sparrow, the group of young birds chirped and returned to the black sparrow's wings.The juvenile bird is full of spirit, but it has big fists, black light shining all over, a pair of big black jewel-like eyes, full of vivid expressions, hiding in the wings of the adult black sparrow, poking out its small head from time to time to look around.

"Sure enough, it is its heir." Wang Chenghao nodded, and the previous guess seemed to be true.I just don't know why this black sparrow appeared thousands of miles away.

Before, only five people knew about the black sparrow, and the others went out to search, but now it suddenly appeared, which shocked everyone.

But then everyone saw the leader standing so calmly, but no one made any commotion.

Wang Chenghao suddenly changed his expression and stood up.

But the voice of the Primal Chaos in his mind said: "This black sparrow is also known as the Nether Dragon Sparrow. It is the nemesis of all evil creatures and can suppress evil spirits."

"Originally, there were two in the old man's list of chaotic spirits, but later the era broke and the list of chaotic spirits was shattered. The black sparrow disappeared with the body, and it was not recovered until the last time we met."

"Unexpectedly, the black sparrows from back then would actually take root here. This brood of black sparrows belongs to the second-generation bloodline. As long as they embark on the journey of cultivation and become human beings, their strength is far superior to that of ordinary dragons, and they can be used for their own use."

Wang Chenghao nodded and said in a low voice, "I understand."

Now that the black sparrow mother and child are reunited, it is time to give them some time.

Thinking of this, Wang Chenghao suddenly jumped off the spirit tree.

"Leader, how is it?" Some people below were still unclear about the situation.

Wang Chenghao said with a smile: "It's okay, after a while, this black sparrow will lead the way to the Dark Tower."

This black sparrow still has such functions?

Everyone was overjoyed, this solved a big problem.

Not long after, the black sparrow suddenly let out a stern whistle and soared into the sky.

Then it fell down again, flapping its wings and stopping beside the nest.

The five young black sparrows fluttered tremblingly and jumped onto the backs of the adult black sparrows with their wings fluttering. The adult black sparrows flew forward with the young ones.

Wang Chenghao was overjoyed and said, "Everyone, follow!"

With the black sparrow leading the way, this journey will go straight to the destination.

Passing through the woodland and entering the mountains, after running for about two hours, the black sparrow in front of it suddenly stopped, and kept flapping its wings in place.

"Huh?" Wang Chenghao frowned and looked forward.

In the mountains in front, the magma was red, and the forest land was washed away, and countless cliffs collapsed, looking like ruins.Obviously there are strong players fighting here.

A fiery red giant ant turned into a human form, and countless magma erupted and burned all the way.

On the opposite side of it, a few miles away, a Sea-Monster waved its pincers, manipulating the infinite waves, surging towards this side overwhelmingly.

This is a contest between water and fire, and also a contest between two natural enemies.

The seawater collided with the magma, turned into countless water vapors and annihilated, and invisible air waves erupted into the sky.

Both are at a stalemate.

Not long after, the magma seemed to overwhelm the waves, and the fiery red giant ant, like a fire dragon, swept across the sky with boundless power, and the sparks all over the sky seemed to light up the void, rushing towards the opponent, trying to keep this opponent behind.

And the sea-monster holding the huge pincers didn't seem to want to stay, and the blue light was shining all over his body, and he was about to merge into the ground.

The fiery red giant ant showed an anxious look, accelerated its running speed, and chased after it through the air, but half of the sea monster's body had already merged into the ground, and it was about to disappear.


Zhu Ganglie shouted loudly, pointed with one hand, and a khaki-yellow light enveloped the forest where the sea monster was. Suddenly, the body of the sea monster shook, and his body became stiff, unable to get away.

As a member of the Sky-Splitting Pig Demon clan, Zhu Ganglie's use of the earth element's energy can be said to be superb, and he imprisoned the Sea-Monster as soon as he made a move.

The fiery red giant ant rattled its molars, rushed over, and crushed the stiff siren's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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