Dominate Xiantu

Chapter 211 Zombies

Chapter 211 Zombies
As if he knew it a long time ago, Wang Chenghao began to order like a cannonball:
"All phantom star allies listen to the order, and the triple starlight hexagram surrounds everyone."

"All the people of Dongling Academy listen to the order, and I will give you one hour to try your best to comprehend the star visualization technique, receive the star power, and replenish your internal power."

"Other elders with sufficient internal strength, follow me to resist monsters!"



The members of the Phantom Star Alliance suddenly responded, interspersed and moved, each performing its duties.

Just like when the beast tide attacked Dongtu before, Wang Chenghao acted as a leader leading everyone to exert their respective strengths.

After Zhu Laoer taught the first stage of the star visualization technique, the three leaders quickly passed the sound transmission, and the East Lingyuan and Fufeng City belonged to the meditation meditation.

Multiple starlights shone like a blue bubble enveloping everyone.

"The few of us will not rest."

Qu Meng was eager to try, with a natural fighting madness, he followed behind Wang Chenghao.

Neither Wang Chunlong nor Li Yifan planned to rest.

The truth is, we can't let all the outsiders from the Illusion Star Alliance guard us, that's not justified.

The Illusory Star Alliance's actions were fast, and the defensive posture was well established. The demon clan on the opposite side seemed to have received some kind of order, and roared to attack this side.

The berserk attack hit the periphery of the starlight, and the bubbles kept changing, and they were about to burst.

Infinite starlight is taken from the void and supplemented into the formation, providing a steady stream of energy cornerstones.

Which of the disciples in the inner courtyard of Dongling Academy is not a genius among geniuses, who has been trained in secret methods, and has a physical starlight wrapped around himself, and he has a detailed understanding.

Not long after, a few people took the lead in successfully visualizing, and a layer of blue light burst out with a puff, and the blue light in the void condensed on them, like armor.

Afterwards, people successively realized and visualized successfully.

Those who successfully visualized felt that their internal energy had made great progress, as if there was endless energy taken from the void, and they did not worry about the exhaustion of internal energy at all.

"This feeling is so good!" They all yelled and stood up with excited expressions.

In the past few months, the constant fighting, the serious depletion of internal energy, and the overwhelmed body have been a painful experience for them.But now, once he realizes it, everything has changed.

Qu Meng laughed with satisfaction: "Sure enough, the Phantom Star Alliance has something unique."

Although the three of them haven't practiced yet, they can naturally understand the beauty of it with a glance. It's just that they don't have time to practice right now.

The dragons and tigers of the Dongling Academy who had achieved success in cultivation rose up and joined the supplementary team, and the strength of the entire team was rapidly recovering.

Wang Chenghao drew out his sword suddenly, and threw the Dragon Spirit Sword out. The Dragon Spirit Sword fell into the water like a dragon, and with a cheerful dragon chant, it broke through the starlight and came to the periphery in an instant.

Swipe with your fingers to guide the Dragon Spirit Sword to chop, slash and thrust, and you will see countless blood splashes with each blow.

The Dragon Spirit Sword already had bloodthirsty characteristics, and seeing blood now made it even more joyful.

With a whoosh, it pierced through the waist and abdomen of a monster with extreme speed.

I saw that Yaozu's stomach was empty, and he fell to the ground with a crash, without a drop of blood.

"Bloodthirsty Demon Sword!" There was also a commotion among the demon clan.

Although the monster race has cultivated to this level and has an IQ that is not weaker than that of the human race, and its body is stronger and stronger, but because of its huge body, it is inconvenient to move around, and if one does not check, it is especially easy to be killed by the Dragon Spirit Sword.

Seeing the lord's success with one move, the members of the Phantom Star Alliance were overjoyed, and they activated the starlight hexagrams one after another, spinning continuously, and the entire monster was pulled into the formation immediately, dismembered and scattered.

Every part of the Yaozu's body is a treasure, and it is needed for refining medicine and tools. Every member of the Phantom Star League does it very naturally, which is naturally astonishing. This is naturally a habit that has been cultivated for a long time. I was dumbfounded.

"This... this... even the scum. Who are these people..."

Wang Chenghao focused on directing the sneak attack of the Dragon Spirit Sword, while paying attention to the development of the situation.

He is not surprised by the actions of the phantom star allies.

At that time in the Eastern Land, wars were used to feed wars, and the meat of monsters was the best food for daily hunger. It not only tasted good, but also could improve everyone's physique.

After entering this space for so long, it is unexpected that the habits formed by everyone have not changed.

Qu Meng, Wang Chunlong, and Li Yifan stared at Wang Chenghao's Dragon Spirit Sword, their eyes lit up, "You can still attack like this!"

They also have such magical weapons, but they are not as brave as the Dragon Spirit Sword. Now that they see Wang Chenghao doing this, they all call out their natal weapons.

At the beginning, Ouyang Zong donated a lot of spiritual soldiers, and each captain of the brigade had a few, and as the captain, he naturally picked the best ones.

The three of them threw the weapons in their hands out one after another, and the three weapons flew out staggeringly.

Li Yifan used his spiritual knowledge to control his sharp sword to move forward slowly. Although it was much worse than the Dragon Spirit Sword, it was a brand new method of attacking from a distance anyway.


After finally beheading the monster, Li Yifan heaved a sigh of relief. His spiritual consciousness was consumed a lot, but he gradually got used to this attack method.

The phantom star allies will not refuse anyone who comes, as long as they see a dead monster, the blue light will swallow the dead body in a short time, peel the skin and bones, and cut up the meat in piles. It can be called a professional butcher.

The number of monsters in front of them is decreasing one by one, which is much easier than the brute force confrontation when Dongling Academy confronted the enemy before, it was like beating and beating.


In the depths of the mist, roared, and the earth trembled.

There were rustling sounds from the outside, which gradually turned into clear footsteps.

What is approaching?

Obviously, the existence deep in the fog has launched a new round of offensive.

Those injured Yaozu retreated unwillingly and disappeared into the mist.

Maybe it's really retreating, maybe it's hiding somewhere, and when it meets the right time, it will give a violent blow.Wang Chenghao did not give up, and raised one hand: "Stop! Everyone rests for half an hour, and the rested disciples of the East Spirit Institute are on guard!"

Those disciples who woke up early and stood watching for a long time scattered happily and took over the responsibility of guarding.The phantom star allies meditate immediately.

For them, the process of maintaining the starlight hexagram is the process of cultivation, but the meditation at this time is really just to rest and replenish energy.

Are you here?
The mist was churning, and everyone looked dignified, as if thousands of troops were attacking on foot, and the momentum was astonishing.

Swish, Swish.

As the footsteps approached, everyone stood up unconsciously, staring into the mist with wide-eyed eyes, trying to see clearly what was coming.

When the fog cleared, everyone saw the scene in front of them:
How can it be?All the people who came were humans!
Everyone was surprised and didn't understand why.

No, why do these people look dull?

Wang Chenghao focused his eyes, and immediately noticed the abnormality of this group of people.

Judging by their clothes, they should be locals in the dark time. There are old people, young adults, children, men and women. There is no special layering. It seems that everyone who was caught was driven away.

Everyone has thin faces, dull eyes, and high cheekbones, walking towards this side step by step.

When everyone was still wondering who these people were, Wang Chenghao yelled, "Quick, quickly set up the formation, these are zombies!"

(End of this chapter)

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