Rebirth and struggle for rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 102 A friend from afar is here

Chapter 102 A friend from afar is here

Chapter [-]: A colleague from afar is here

Zhang Guilan stood there indifferently, looking at Shang Hong, "I'll go back if I have nothing to do, it looks like it's noon, and it's time to cook."

"Yeah, let's go back upstairs together. I'm packing my things. You can find me when you go to the city. My family lives in the No. [-] cabinet of workers and peasants in Nanpian. It's the closest to the park. If you go there, you'll know. "Shang Hong looked superior, "Although I divorced Yang Zongyi, we will still be good friends in the future, don't give up your status. In this compound, you are the younger brother and sister who can make me look good. From the beginning At first he looked like he was from the countryside, and he wasn't very likable, but after getting along for a long time, he was the least annoying one, like Wang Li, who would curry favor with anyone who needed it, and always wanted to give it to others. Come up with an idea, and look like it’s a trivial matter, don’t you know? I hanged myself because she taught me, which made me and Zong Yi divorced... Forget it, what’s the use of talking about it now, this wedding I also leave, and I want to leave myself."

Zhang Guilan followed her and listened quietly.

"Actually, I envy you a lot. She is a village woman who doesn't understand anything. She is not good looking and she is so fat. But she has a man like Luo Ji who has a good husband. Sometimes this person is really fate, don't you believe it?" No, the more bad a woman is, the more likely she will meet a good man." Shang Hong smiled self-deprecatingly.

Zhang Guilan took the words this time, "That's the reason, but this marriage is a matter between two people. It needs two people to manage it, and one of them must learn to accept the other's mistakes. Otherwise, it will move forward step by step. How can I live on. So it is said that this life is good or bad, and I can’t blame others. It’s normal for my sister-in-law to look down on us rural people, but there is a saying that makes sense. This goes up three generations, whose family Not from a rural background? So no one looks down on anyone. Only the one who lives a good life is the real one.”

"I don't know if what I said is pleasant or not, but it's all my own thoughts. Don't take it too seriously, sister-in-law. It's home now, so I won't talk any more." Zhang Guilan interrupted Shang Hong's words , directly went upstairs.

Shang Hong snorted coldly, and took the key to open the door. What's there to be proud of? Now that Luo Ji has also been transferred away, he will leave the forest area someday when he goes to that place where the birds don't shit.Still have to go back to the countryside to farm?
Pushing open the door, looking at the deserted home, Shang Hong only felt that the blood in her body was exhausted. She never thought that there would be a day of divorce, but she really left like this. The family didn't know. Thinking of her parents With such an angry face, Shang Hong felt a little headache, went in and brought out the packed luggage.After taking a final look, he left the house with his luggage.

Previously, Shang Hong went downstairs and made a phone call at the small shop, asking her friends in the city to pick her up, not wanting to be watched by the whole compound.Shang Hong carried her things out of the compound and waited for the bus at Xiaoqiaotou, but she didn't think it was the same thing.When she appeared with her luggage, everyone who wanted to see this scene saw it.Only she lied to herself.

Zhang Guilan came out from the balcony and shook her head.As soon as Shang Hong opened her mouth, she heard that Shang Hong regretted it again. Since she knew that there would be a day of regret, why did she not leave any room for making a fuss?

At noon, Zhang Guilan fished out the leftover sauerkraut at home, made a small pot of it, took out two balls to make sauerkraut soup, and made stuffing from the rest to make dumplings at night, and fried cabbage slices and bacon, This bacon was brought back by Zhang Guilan from home. Although she could buy it in the city, she couldn't bear to refuse seeing her mother keep stuffing it into her pocket. She knew that it represented maternal love and was no longer ordinary bacon. .

Luo Ji will not stay at home for a few more days, maybe tomorrow. Zhang Guilan kneaded the dough, made flower rolls, wrapped a few sugar triangles, and steamed them on the steamer while the soup was cooking. Take out a small plate of kimchi, mix it with monosodium glutamate and soy sauce, and set the table, just in time to hear the sound of the key opening the door.

"Are you back? Ah, Zongyi is here? Just eat together." Zhang Guilan greeted Yang Zongyi with a smile when she saw Yang Zongyi coming in from behind.

"I came here for the scent." Yang Zongyi joked.

It seems that he is very energetic and has not been affected by the divorce.

"There is no good food, but it can fill your stomach. Wash your hands quickly, and I will serve the food." Zhang Guilan said with a smile, turned and went into the kitchen.

Fortunately, she has always known that Luo Ji has a big appetite, so she cooks enough food and vegetables. Today, there is another sauerkraut soup, which is enough for three people. The fried chili oil is mixed in the sauerkraut soup, and the whole body is eaten The hot sweat made me feel refreshed all over.

Before the three of them had finished eating, someone came to the house. Zhang Guilan recognized it as soon as she opened the door. They were Luo Ji's colleagues whom she had met in her previous life. After being demobilized, the family was very poor. , I just came to see Luo Ji.

Originally, these people wanted face. When they came to see Luo Ji, they felt ashamed. The thing who was beaten by Zhang Guilan in the previous life could not lift his shameful head, which made Luo Ji even more shameless. There was a big fight.

"Who are you?" Zhang Guilan asked pretending to be silly, although she recognized several people, but she had never met them in this life.

But the attitude is kind, polite and false, which makes people feel cordial.

"Sister-in-law, right? We are Lao Ji's colleagues. We passed by here this time, just to see him. I heard that he is married, so we also happened to see sister-in-law." The same words as in the previous life.

What did she say in her previous life?

Zhang Guilan remembers that she immediately shook her face, turned around and entered the room without saying a word to Ben, and left him at the door, embarrassing everyone, now thinking about it, she feels ashamed.

"Then come in quickly, Lao Ji is at home." Zhang Guilan made up for the guilt of her previous life in this life, welcomed him in, and turned to Luo Ji in the hall, "Old Ji, look who is here? Don't come out to greet me."

In fact, everyone entered the house without taking off their shoes.

Zhang Guilan would have been unhappy in her previous life, but now she feels that this is nothing, but a concrete floor, how can there be so much talk, and after living her whole life, she realizes that she has made too many mistakes.

There was no need for Luo Jiying at all, everyone bumped into each other in the living room, and Luo Ji rarely stood up excitedly.Walk over and pat each other on the shoulder one by one. "Good boy, you guys only came to see me now. You should be punished."

"We're not afraid to disturb you, so we never dared to come." Several people laughed awkwardly.

Zhang Guilan didn't need Luo Ji to speak, she smiled and said, "I'm on my way, haven't eaten yet? You put your things down and wash first, and I'll cook for you. When you come today, treat this as your own home, don't talk outside. "

"Oh, thank you sister-in-law." Several people said in unison.

Zhang Guilan blushed and went into the kitchen.

Luo Ji pretended to save face and gave some instructions. "Cook more, they have a lot to eat."

"Okay, sister-in-law is so nice, you still shouted loudly." Yang Zongyi saw Zhang Guilan's virtuousness, envious, "This is your former colleague, so don't introduce me."

"Come on, let me introduce you. These are my colleagues when I was in Dashanli for the college entrance examination. I haven't seen them for three or four years." Luo Ji pulled Yang Zongyi and introduced, "This is on the same team as me. Superior."

"Hello, leader." Even though they didn't take the college entrance examination, several people saluted in unison.

"You and Lao Ji are good brothers. They are my good brothers. Let's not make those gifts at home, and put down all the bags. Go wash your face, let's have a good drink. I still have two bottles of good wine at home, I'll go and get them .”

"Okay, I'll let you bleed a little today. I don't know how many days I've missed your two bottles of good wine." Luo Ji laughed loudly.

The atmosphere in the living room was good, and Zhang Guilan was not idle in the kitchen. Fortunately, the sauerkraut at noon was not stowed, but was just picked up for later use in the evening. Now I took more than half of it out to fry the bacon. The pickles at home are indispensable. Zhang Guilan cut the cabbage into slices and fried fungus, and used them in a hurry. The fungus was also soaked in hot water. Some of them were also fried. It’s hard for a smart woman to cook without rice. Zhang Guilan felt this way at this time. Now there is not enough time to make dough and steam rolls. To make stew, the dishes will be served first, let a few people drink first, while Zhang Guilan rolls the noodles in the kitchen.

A total of four people came, the uppers of the shoes were worn out, the outside was patched with cloth, and the corners of the sleeves were all wiped off. Luo Ji felt sour when he saw his colleague Xiri's life so hard. of.

Afraid that several people would not have enough to eat, Zhang Guilan went downstairs again. There was nothing to eat in the small shop downstairs, so she only bought a few boxes of canned food. Half a basin of canned yellow peach and crabapple fruit was poured out and brought up. Just took two spoons.

In this era, although canned food is not so difficult to buy, it is not affordable for every family. It costs one yuan a bottle, and Zhang Guilan bought all four bottles in the small shop at once.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law has been busy filling the table, Luo Ji was very happy, which allowed him to save enough face in front of his colleagues. When the hot noodles were served on the table, the living room heard the sound of eating noodles. After the meal, everyone drank and ate well. After the meal, they moved to the study to talk. After Zhang Guilan cleaned up the living room and kitchen, she thought of those people's shoes, turned and went back to the east room, and took out from the cabinet the ones made for Luo Ji. The two pairs of cloth shoes were put on the bed, waiting for Luo Ji to come back before letting him take them.

In the evening, Yang Zongyi took two of them to live in his own house, and the other two stayed in Luo Ji's study. After the accommodation was settled, Luo Jicai returned to the house. When he saw the shoes on the bed, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was moved and hugged his daughter-in-law tightly. He hugged him tightly, and then went to Westinghouse with two pairs of shoes. Although he didn't say a word, Zhang Guilan could feel the fluctuations in his mood. For their men, working together was better than family affection.

 Is it difficult to understand what Baba said?Baba didn’t say that you can’t comment without spending money to read it, but said that those who read the pirated article and then commented on the article, as for the heroine’s weight loss, Baba himself lost more than 20 catties in a month in the fall of last year , It was also written in the eight or eight articles that the heroine is still more than 130 catties after losing weight. I believe everyone should know what it is like to be more than 130 catties, right?So I didn't just talk about losing weight, but compared with her before, she was relatively thin.I knew that posting a comment and telling the truth would lead to scolding, haha, I have something to do at night and I won’t save the draft for tomorrow morning. I can’t update it on time at [-] o’clock tomorrow morning. I’m sorry, but I will update it in the morning and write it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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