Chapter 104 Deception
Chapter [-]: Deception

Seeing Hu Youguo's dumbfounded look, Zhang Guilan knew that he didn't know the inside story. If it was someone else, Zhang Guilan wouldn't go into details, but if it was Milan, then don't blame her for being rude. .

"Looking at you like this, it seems that you don't know about this. Don't blame Milan. This matter is also hard to say. Originally, if you were divorced, you should never have any contact with each other. Milan and Lao Luo are still so close. It will also make people think, but don't worry, I can guarantee that there is nothing between them, and Lao Luo will tell me no matter what happens, and he is a man, he will not do things that do not conform to his status." Zhang Guilan Hu Youguo comforted Hu Youguo with a sense of reason, "As for Milan not telling you about this matter, she probably has her reasons. Didn't they say that the more you care about a person, the less you want the other person to know the bad things about you in the past? This is also considered The white lie also proves that Milan has you in his heart."

Give me a slap in the face, Zhang Guilan didn't know how it felt before, but now I use it on someone else, I feel very good, Hu Youguo can come here because he cares about Milan, he can't accept that Milan and Luo Ji have been engaged since then However, knowing that Milan has him in his heart is another matter.

Sure enough, Hu Youguo immediately became elated, and restrained himself, "Actually, Milan is very nice, but we don't talk much, and we haven't known each other for long, and I haven't dared to confess to her, and I don't know what she thinks? "

"You are so stupid. Didn't Milan's whole family move here? It is said that the more the mother-in-law looks at the son-in-law, the more she is satisfied. This is your chance." Zhang Guilan joked.

Although Zhang Guilan was not as old as Hu Youguo, she was married after all, so she was considered a woman.It's nothing to make these harmless jokes.On the contrary, Hu Youguo was shy.

"Lao Luo went to the city to see off his friends, but he was not at home. It's getting late, you should hurry back to the city, and I'll tell him when he comes back. It's still the same sentence. Forget about the past. I never took it to heart." Zhang Guilan didn't chase her away directly.

Hu Youguo stood up immediately, "Sister-in-law, I understand, I'm bothering you today. If you have time, you can go to my house in the city and sit down. My house lives in the same community as Leader Yang's."

"Okay, I must go and sit down when I have time." Zhang Guilan sent Hu Youguo out of the door with a smile on her face, looked up to see Wang Li leading the children back, and said with a smile, "It happens that I have something to look for my siblings, so I met you."

Hu Youguo didn't know Wang Li either, so he nodded with a smile and went downstairs.

Wang Li was no longer as fawning as she was a while ago. After all, now that the man has gone to study, her back has straightened up.Luo Ji was a foreign transfer, but he was obviously no match for those who stayed in the forest area. Shang Hong, who had been dealing with her all the time, also divorced and moved out of the compound.Now is the time when one person attains the Tao and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

"What's the matter with my sister-in-law? Let me see that the kid is hungry. I'm going home to cook for him."

Zhang Guilan didn't save face for her either.He asked directly, "The factory distributed cabbage. You and Accountant Wang's daughter-in-law helped me get it. Didn't I want to go to your house to get the cabbage back? It's just right, let's go upstairs together."

"Oh, look at my memory, sister-in-law doesn't tell me, I'd almost forget it, sister-in-law, don't bother, I'll take it down for you." Wang Li couldn't hold back anymore. It was a secret secret, but she was picked out directly. It's not good, especially now that there is only one cabbage left in the house, take it away, and there will be no food in the house.

"That's fine, then I won't go up." Zhang Guilan couldn't believe that Wang Li wouldn't send her down.

Unless she had other ideas.

Until looking at the cabbage that Wang Li sent, Zhang Guilan understood what her plan was. The cabbage was pulled out from the clapper, and only half of the cabbage was left.

Generally speaking, Zhang Guilan really doesn't want to care about it, but what you Wang Li did is so obvious, it's obviously a bully, even if the man in your family changes jobs, you can't tolerate being bullied and shit on your head.

"Why is the cabbage distributed in the factory so small?" Zhang Guilan asked directly without answering.

Wang Li didn't expect that Zhang Guilan, who always turned a blind eye to things, would ask directly, and she didn't think about how to answer. Now that she was asked, she suddenly didn't know how to speak.

People who don’t have a guilty conscience naturally don’t have to think about it. They just said that it was like this when they posted it. Wang Li looks like this. Needless to say, she knows what’s going on. Zhang Guilan doesn’t give her any face. It seems to have just been pulled out, I am so kind, how did my siblings save it, and I also taught me, I still have some cabbage at home, I don’t eat it, it’s all dried out, I don’t know what to do.”

Even if it is rotten and lost, it will not be given to you.

Zhang Guilan took the cabbage in Wang Li's hand in her stupidity, "Don't say that I think this method is good, even if others see it, they must think it is good. I will go to Wang's house and bring the other one back, just to see his house. Whether the cabbage has been eaten or not, let her learn from her siblings."

Seeing Zhang Guilan walking upstairs, Wang Li stretched out her hand to grab him without even thinking about it, and then let go of her in embarrassment when she realized it, "Sister-in-law, I'm not ashamed to tell you, it's all my child's skin. The cabbage was made like this, so I scolded him, but there is only one tree like this at home, and I was worried about how to tell you, you can't even lift my face."

The smile on the corner of Zhang Guilan's lips was mocking, "So it's like this, look at me, I made a big joke, and made my siblings feel ashamed. The children are still young, and it's time to be naughty, and it makes people laugh every day." I can't guess what I'm thinking, what are you scolding him for, and besides, it's not a big deal, but a cabbage, so what if you eat it secretly, besides, you haven't eaten it yet, so there's no shame in it. Now, just now you said that the child is hungry, go home and cook, I will go to Wang's house to bring back the food, and I have to cook."

Wang Li followed to go upstairs, and said in a remorseful tone, "Look at how embarrassing this is, making my sister-in-law a joke. When my sister-in-law has a child in the future, she will know how noisy the family is this day."

"As long as the adults' hearts don't grow crooked, the children don't have to worry, and the younger siblings don't care about the children every day." Zhang Guilan's words were sticky.

The corners of Wang Li's mouth twitched twice, and she laughed dryly, "Sister-in-law, I'm home, come and sit down if you're free."

Without waiting for Zhang Guilan to speak, she slammed the door shut.

Making such a big commotion is obviously throwing Zhang Guilan.

Zhang Guilan looked gloomy, and went upstairs and called Wang's door. Zhao Chunmei was watching her son reading a book, but she couldn't read. The child was doing homework. She was holding the soles of the shoes aside. She was very surprised to see Zhang Guilan, and when she saw her hand The cabbage, immediately understood.

He smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, come in and sit down. If you don't come, I still have to go. A few days ago, I brought a cabbage for your family. I heard that you are back. It just so happened that my kid came back from school again, so I didn't take the time." Send it to you."

Doing business with smart people is fun.

"I won't go in. Didn't I just pick up the cabbage downstairs, so I stopped by and save you a lot of trouble." Zhang Guilan said directly why she came.

Zhao Chunmei is smart, so naturally she won't let people come in and sit all the time, "Sister-in-law, wait a minute, I'll go get it for you now."

As soon as she turned around, Zhao Chunmei folded it back. The cabbage in her hand was wrapped in paper. It looked three times as big as the one in Zhang Guilan's hand.

Zhao Chunmei was also very surprised to be chased to ask for cabbage. She thought that Zhang Guilan would pretend to be confused when she knew about it. She never cared about it with others, unless someone made her anxious. A look of resentment flashed across his face.

At the beginning, she should have pulled Jiang Zhi together without hesitation, not Wang Li. That woman has no other abilities except for doing bad things. It turned out that when Zhao Chunmei was picking up cabbage that day, she thought that Zhang Guilan had bought a lot of cabbage at home, and knew her The family did not miss these two cabbages, so she put her mind on these two cabbages. Originally, she wanted to hold Jiang Zhi. The man in the factory was selected for further studies, and it was rumored in the factory that he would be promoted after returning from further studies, and his own man had nothing to rely on here, so Zhao Chunmei finally pulled Wang Li to do this.

Alright now, it's Wang Li who offended someone, otherwise Zhang Guilan would come to her.

Zhao Chunmei scolded in her heart for a while, and then she felt a little better.

Downstairs, Wang Li didn't go anywhere happily. For the half cabbage, she was pointed at inside and out, how could she not be discouraged, but there is really no such condition at home now. The man goes to study, and the family Except for the two yuan in my pocket, I have no money at all, and the rice at home is almost counted to eat.

Of course Zhang Guilan didn't know what was going on here, so she took two cabbage back home and ate up all the noodles at home, and there was still half a bag of rice. After buying a piece of tofu, Zhang Guilan cut it and put it in the stewed cabbage. After setting the table, the dishes were ready to be cooked, and the aroma immediately dissipated.

"Why don't you close the door?" Zhang Guilan put away the dishes, turned around and closed the door.

Luo Ji joked, "You make it so delicious, let everyone smell it."

Zhang Guilan smiled, thinking that our family is eye-catching now, so she didn't say much, and asked him what time the car was and what he bought, Luo Ji was really obedient, and he was afraid that the money would not buy food for them , I bought biscuits and bread for five yuan, a big bag full, and there were twenty tea eggs in it. In the end, there was still one yuan left, so I gave it to them.

In the evening, Luo Ji had time to talk to Zhang Guilan. He was talking about his reassignment, and the order came very quickly. He only had one day to prepare, and he sent it to his colleagues. He was leaving tomorrow.

That night, Zhang Guilan helped him pack his things, and he didn't lie down until the middle of the night. Because of menstruation, Luo Jilin left, and the two of them were not together.

 Today's second update, Baba will continue to write, and upload it after writing, I was lazy today and slept a lot, hehe, girls, half of this month is over, let's vote pink for Baba

(End of this chapter)

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