Rebirth and struggle for rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 124 Hello, Sister-in-law

Chapter 124 Hello, Sister-in-law
Chapter 113: Hello, sister-in-law
Luo Ji asked Zhang Guilan to call him after buying the ticket, but he waited for a whole day, and he still didn't get the call after it was dark. You should also call yourself when you buy a ticket.

This night Luo Ji hardly slept soundly. When he woke up in the morning, he was visibly sluggish. When Sun Mei came in with a thermometer, she looked worried, "Boss, are you alright?"

Seeing the timid female doctor in front of him who was afraid of him, thinking of the words he reprimanded her that day, Luo Ji controlled his emotions when he was about to reprimand him, "Didn't I say that I don't have to come here in person, I'll go to your place? This is the forest area , don't specialize."

Sun Mei blushed and lowered her head, "Yes,, it's because everyone is worried about the leader, that's why I came here to see off,, no,,, no, I came here myself."

Seeing her concealment, Luo Ji frowned and didn't say much. He took the thermometer and took his own temperature. During the five minutes of waiting, neither of them spoke, and Sun Mei kept her head down. , but there was some uncertainty in her heart. With her performance just now, with Luo Ji's intelligence, she should have been able to see that she was pushed over by the nurses who were obsessed with him, and he took the responsibility over again, reasoning that Luo Ji should treat him She reprimanded him kindly, but there was nothing. That was why Sun Mei couldn't understand Luo Ji.

"It's 38 degrees and five, and I still have a fever. The leader remembers to take the medicine on time. If the fever doesn't go away, you can take some anti-inflammatory drugs." At this moment, Sun Mei corrected her attitude and showed the attitude that a doctor should have.

This made Luo Ji's brows loosen, "No, just prescribe some medicine. Just take the medicine."

Now that Luo Hai's marriage is full of waiting for his daughter-in-law's call, he doesn't have the heart to think about other things.Waved Sun Mei to go down, Sun Mei originally wanted to be more concerned.But it's over right away, and I left with a gift.

She vaguely understands that being with Luo Ji can make him let go of his guard, that is to talk to him about business affairs, and his attitude is also business-like, so that he will not reject people thousands of miles away.

After discovering this, Sun Mei immediately had an idea, with a faint smile in her eyes, but she looked upright.

But this day, Luo Ji didn't wait for a call.He picked up the phone and hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't call Yang Zongyi, always bothering him, especially because of family matters, Luo Ji couldn't open his mouth.

At the same time, he guessed that the person might have gotten into the car, and maybe he would arrive the day after tomorrow, so there was no call.

Luo Ji calmed down, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was, and he was happy.He also became serious, but he didn't take his words seriously again. It seems that when he sees someone, he has to talk about this issue.

while lying in bed.The corner of Luo Ji's mouth was pursed into a smile, and he became more energetic the next day, and everyone said that the disease would go away when he was in a good mood.After Luo Jida knew that his daughter-in-law had gone to Shanghai, he felt depressed all the time.It rained for two days, so he even went to check the post with his clothes on.I was frozen, and I didn't pay attention when I came back. I didn't realize it until I had a fever. Luo Ji felt a little wronged when he took the medicine. Well, Luo Ji had a place to be spoiled, and overbearingly asked his wife to come over to visit him.

Fortunately, only the daughter-in-law knows, otherwise my colleagues would find out, and I don't know how to laugh at him.

On this day, people in the entire forest area noticed that their leaders were glowing red, as if there was something good going on. Zhao Xue was very curious, and pulled Sun Mei to study, "You think our leader is not seriously ill, right? Look. It's kind of scary."

"Who knows." Sun Mei smiled sweetly.

But her heart was cold, she received a call that day, could it be that woman is coming?

Suppressing the speculation in her heart, Sun Mei didn't think too much about it, but at noon the next day, when she saw the figure appearing in the forest area, Sun Mei was a little dazed. He was sent to Luo Ji's dormitory by the workers.

"Is that the leader's lover? She looks like a man and is too tall."

"I see that it's good. The leader is tall, and the two of them are a good match when they stand together."

"Have you seen the clothes she's wearing? Where did you buy them? I haven't seen them."

"No, it turns out that the leader's lover looks pretty good. Look at the clothes and dress, she is really fashionable."

There was a lot of chatter in the infirmary, and Zhao Xue frowned, "But I heard that the leader's lover is from a rural area, so that woman doesn't look like a rural person?"

"I heard that I have been with you for a long time. If you stay in the city, how can you be like a rural person all the time."

"Where did you find out?" Zhao Xue retorted displeased.

Judging by her appearance, the more earthy the leader's lover, the better.

"I heard from those who came to the same department as the leader. They also said that the food cooked by the leader's wife is delicious. There is no comparison in the whole compound. However, I heard that the leader's wife sold mung bean cakes, and they really came from the countryside. , How bad it will affect the leadership."

Zhao Xue finally heard the topic she wanted to hear, "That's right, so he came from the countryside, he looks good at dressing up, maybe he doesn't recognize a single word."

"No way, people say that the leader's lover reads newspapers very well, even better than storytellers."

When she was refuted again, Zhao Xue stared angrily, "Where are you from?"

The little nurse stuck out her tongue.

Sun Mei stepped forward and tugged at Zhao Xue, "Look at you, what are you doing here because everyone is talking?"

"I'm just not happy. The cold-faced Mr. Bao is so fierce. I should find an illiterate and ugly daughter-in-law in the countryside. Then I feel at ease. Who made him treat us so fiercely?" Nothing can be hidden.

As soon as she said it, everyone in the infirmary laughed, thinking that Zhao Xue really looked like a child, and Sun Mei also laughed, but if she looked carefully, there was no smile in Sun Mei's eyes.

On the other hand, Zhang Guilan took the train for three days. In fact, she got off the train in the middle of the night and had to reverse the passenger car. Luo Ji went out for training and asked Zhang Guilan to wait here. Zhang Guilan fell on the bed directly. Although she never got motion sickness, she couldn't bear such a tossing body.

The room is not big, there is only room for a bed and a desk. There is a lamp on the desk. In the corner near the door is a shelf for the washbasin. On it is the green face that is uniformly used in the forest area, and a clean white towel.

Zhang Guilan put the things she brought on the chair. Actually, there was nothing else, except the clothes and trousers bought for Luo Ji, some food, which Zhang Guilan bought on the way, and two pieces of Zhang Guilan's own change of clothes. .

The young man knows how to do things, Zhang Guilan didn't need to say that he had brought a basin of water. After thanking her, Zhang Guilan washed her face, and then she felt comfortable and lay down on the bed to rest. Originally, she thought that Luo Ji's training would be fast, so she couldn't lie down for a while. How did I know that I fell asleep unconsciously.

In the haze, Zhang Guilan felt that someone was pulling her clothes. She waved her hand to open the person who woke her up, but her hand was caught in mid-air. What he saw was a face that was lingering in his memory, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

Zhang Guilan's smile made Luo Ji unable to ask a bunch of questions that he was thinking about. When he entered the room and saw the person on the bed, Luo Ji threw himself on the bed without even changing his clothes covered in sand Well, if he didn't have to go to eat later, he would have wanted her now.

"What's wrong? I don't know you anymore?" Zhang Guilan put her arms around his arms to prevent him from getting up.

She really missed him.

Seeing him again like a lifetime away, the moment she saw him, she suddenly wanted to be willful and never leave his side again.

"Let people see it, let go." Luo Ji answered irrelevantly.

Zhang Guilan smiled deeper, "I'm not loose."

He secretly tried to hold himself back from laughing out loud, this man was really coquettish, obviously he didn't want to get up, he made it look like he was pulling him up, he was a big man and a person, he didn't believe that he could hug him Can live with him.

Luo Ji was happy in his heart, but his face was serious, "This is a forest area, I will clean you up at night."

Zhang Guilan hugged him and threw herself into his arms, her chest was so hard that Zhang Guilan's nose was sore from the bump.

"Ouch" In fact, it was only sore for a while, and it will be fine soon. Zhang Guilan still pretended to be hurt.

"What's wrong? Where did you hit? Let me see." Luo Ji became nervous when he heard that, and hurriedly brought the face in front of him, looking him up and down.

Zhang Guilan deliberately waved his hand away in aggrieved way, "With so much energy, you still treat me as yours? When you come here, you will be cold-faced, and you can freeze to death. Do you have a good friend here?"

"Nonsense." Luo Ji raised his eyes, and when he saw his daughter-in-law's aggrieved appearance, his momentum immediately softened, "Look, you're thinking again, I'm full of men here, and there are no women."

He almost couldn't help but say that he wanted a wife.

Zhang Guilan took the opportunity to ask, "When I called that day, I heard a woman answer it. Are you still arguing?"

"That's a doctor, come here to deliver me medicine, I'm not in the office, don't think about it." Luo Jiguo also saw that this was just an opportunity to ask himself a question, and dragged his wife out of bed, "Clean up Let's go eat."

"Is it okay for me to go to the cafeteria with you?"

"What's wrong, you are my daughter-in-law." Zhang Guilan smiled when Luo Ji raised his eyes, and followed him out the door coquettishly.

The captain's daughter-in-law is here, and the entire forest area knows about it, but she never comes out once she enters the house. Now when the captain leads her out, she can't help but look at her, not to mention she looks so young. Just like a student.

Especially when entering the cafeteria, I don't know who took the lead and shouted, "Hi sister-in-law."

 I forced to write three chapters yesterday, there was an urgent matter, so I didn’t check the typo, I’m sorry, cover your face in shame, and quarreled with the child’s father, haha.Thank you for sticking with me, and I will write another two chapters at night. The child came back from the countryside, but she has been making trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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