Chapter 129
Chapter 118: What happened in my hometown?
At night, Luo Ji was like a horse letting go of the rein. Zhang Guilan didn't get up the next morning after being tormented by him. Seeing that Luo Ji came back from training at noon, she woke up with soreness all over her body.

"I don't know how other people are making fun of me now." Zhang Guilan complained to him.

Luo Ji looked at the marks on his daughter-in-law's neck, narrowed his eyebrows, but his brows were tightly locked. Zhang Guilan put on her clothes and took out the silk cloth that she always carried with her. The red one was given to her by Luo Ji. A birthday present, always carried with her, a beige gauze shirt, a red gauze scarf around her neck, and a pair of black tight pants underneath. Zhang Guilan also changed into this change of clothes, but with her combed ponytail, It looks like a young and beautiful girl in the twentieth century.

Luo Ji only felt that his daughter-in-law looked more and more beautiful, but she seemed to have lost weight, "Are you losing weight again these days? Don't lose weight, she's not fat at all."

"No, maybe I was too busy, and then I didn't have the appetite to eat." Zhang Guilan didn't say that she lost weight because she was reluctant to spend money during the few days in Shanghai.

The clothes washed yesterday were already dry, and Zhang Guilan always felt uncomfortable when she changed into pants after getting used to wearing skirts.

Luo Ji pulled his daughter-in-law to sit down, and gave her the porridge from the phone, "Eat it, take a bite first, and after lunch, I will take you to the car."

Zhang Guilan's original smile froze on her face, she was not in the mood to eat, she just looked at him, waiting for what he had to say, no wonder she was hesitant to speak when she came in.

"There was an accident at home. The woman surnamed Dong was pregnant and her belly was bulging. She came to her." Luo Ji didn't expect this to happen. "Haiying has come to the city. We don't know each other At home, Yang Zongyi kept the person in first. Haiying didn't say anything, Zongyi asked a few more questions, and she kept crying, and Zongyi didn't know what was going on until the phone call from home came to the factory."

"Zongyi called and said that seeing Haiying suffered a big blow, she listens to you the most now, so go back and persuade her." Luo Ji's mouth was full of bitterness.

On the one hand, it is family affairs, on the other hand, I am sorry for my wife.He came all the way here, and after only staying for one night, he asked people to go back. It was because of his own family affairs.

Zhang Guilan's original anger also dissipated, she lowered her head and said nothing. Although she was no longer angry, she just couldn't be happy. Could it be two days away?But Luo Ji had already spoken, and she couldn't say anything more, because she still complained in her heart.

"I,,, Guilan. I have wronged you." Seeing that his daughter-in-law did not speak, Luo Ji rubbed his hands, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, then I'll leave in a while. I asked when I came. The train back home is after five o'clock in the evening. It will take six or seven hours to get to the train station from here." Zhang Guilan buried her head in eating porridge.Don't say any more.

"I'll drive you off and leave after lunch." Luo Ji said forcefully.

Zhang Guilan really wants to say that you don't have to feel guilty after a meal?In the end, there was no suffocation to say it.Luo Ji also knew that his wife was suffocating, but right now he really had no choice.You can't let people live in Yang Zongyi's house all the time. It would be fine if Yang Zongyi didn't get divorced, but he is still divorced.

After all, she didn't eat lunch, so Zhang Guilan packed up her things and was about to leave. Seeing that her daughter-in-law was speechless, Luo Ji could only take her bag. The two of them got into the car. The car was ready long ago. The driver was a young man. As soon as Zhang Guilan got into the car, she called out to her sister-in-law.

They laughed, and Zhang Guilan shook her face in embarrassment, and greeted with a smile.

Luo Ji sat in front, and looked back from time to time. Zhang Guilan turned her head and looked out the window, ignoring him. They didn't speak to each other until they got off the car and arrived at the train station.

"The ticket is ready, and you take the money." Luo Ji took out 50 yuan and handed it over. "The money I saved in the past few months, I went to buy cigarettes by myself, and I bought the ticket today are all here."

"I have it, you can keep it for yourself." Zhang Guilan's nose was sore when she saw the neat little stack of money, and she couldn't help complaining, "Is your sister so important? I've come all the way, and you can't let it go." Shall I stay one more day? Saying you miss me is a lie."

As I spoke, tears flowed down my face.

Zhang Guilan knew that she should be considerate of him, but she didn't know what was wrong, she just felt aggrieved in her heart, and felt that she was a little tender, in short, all kinds of indescribable feelings, not to mention how uncomfortable.

"Daughter-in-law, it's my fault, and I will definitely never do this again next time." Luo Ji resisted the urge to pull his wife into his arms, and raised his head to wipe the tears on her face, "Don't cry, I should feel bad. Wait for Haiying Now that the matter is settled, you can come back."

"You asked me to come and I won't come. I'll let you go away if I don't mind." After crying for a while, Zhang Guilan finally stopped her tears and said with a smile, "When the time comes, I will still be there." Disappear, so that you can't find me."

"You dare." Luo Ji's eyes sharpened, "Don't be self-willed, wait for me at home, and it will be over soon."

What Luo Ji said was very cryptic, Zhang Guilan didn't ask deeply, she knew the real reason, and also knew that it was a plant secret. Asking him would only embarrass him, and she didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable, so Zhang Guilan chose to ignore it.

I bought a sleeper berth, and I got it so late. Zhang Guilan didn’t ask Luo Ji how he bought it. The ticket was brought back by the guy who drove the car. He also mentioned fruit and bread. The weather here is hot, all year round. Ruxia, the fruit is very cheap, Zhang Guilan didn't have time to go shopping here, so she was driven back.

Before getting on the train, Zhang Guilan told Luo Ji to take good care of herself, and then she turned her head and walked away. In the carriage, Zhang Guilan looked at the figure standing there looking at her from the window, until the train slowly left, never to return. I can't see it anymore, but I can still feel that figure has been standing still.

The sad Zhang Guilan wiped her tears for a while, and then she recovered for a while. The people in the same carriage saw that a man sent her here, and they all knew that she was his wife. Sorry to be sad again.

It was past six o'clock when I got into the car, and I cried for a while, and it was getting dark outside. Zhang Guilan ate something in the morning, but now she has no appetite, so she just ate a banana and lay down.

When Zhang Guilan was rushing home, the compound became lively. When women gather together, they love the parents and the west. The fact that Luo Haiying stayed at Yang Zongyi's house is no longer a secret, but everyone loves to talk about it topic.

"Leader Yang has been living in the camp these days? Don't you need to change your clothes?"

"Wow, I came back with my family yesterday. They said they were taking clothes, but I don't know when they left." Wang Li liked the feeling of being hugged by everyone.

The man in her family has returned from further studies, and now that she has been promoted, from deputy to director, she is considered to be ahead.

"Tsk tsk, lonely man and widow, that's not good." Someone clicked.

Zhao Chunmei gave Wang Li a sideways look, "You can be polite, leader Yang didn't close the door when he entered the house yesterday, took his clothes and left, we all saw it in the corridor, why did you say you didn't see it? But you can’t make such a joke, she’s still a girl, she won’t be able to get married if her reputation is bad, so she won’t be able to make trouble with you then?”

A woman who has only been promoted to a full-time job and is proud of it. She has no experience.

The last time we went to the city together, after Wang Li and Zhao Chunmei confronted each other, they didn't have to pretend anymore. They both knew that they didn't like each other.

"Look, what my sister-in-law said, am I that kind of person? It turns out that Leader Yang took the clothes and left? I didn't see it when I was cooking in the house that day. I'm not as busy as my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law also knows that my man just When I came back from training, I saw that he had lost a lot of weight, so I wanted to do something good to supplement him these few days." Wang Li kept talking about men's training.

In the past two months, everyone in the compound has seen the strangeness, and no one has listened to it.

Zhao Chunmei laughed mockingly, "That's right, let's cook more delicious food and make up for it."

This is obviously mocking the other party.

Wang Li accepted it happily, and didn't notice it at all. Jiang Zhi sat with the child in his arms and didn't interrupt, but felt that she had no brains, and couldn't hear what she said.

There was a lot of noise in the yard, it was a hot day, and the windows were still open. All these words fell into Luo Haiying's ears. She angrily opened the door and went downstairs, and realized that the person who spoke was the crowd. Wang Li in.

I don't know what it's called, but I only know that I live upstairs in the elder brother's house, standing at the entrance of the corridor and staring at Wang Li angrily. When she came out like this, everyone was shocked. They were obviously guilty, and they surrounded Wang Li. Li's people all dispersed immediately.

Wang Li also had a look of embarrassment, "Is Haiying down?"

Zhao Chunmei didn't take it seriously, but Jiang Zhi's face was a bit grim. Although she didn't say anything, she joined the crowd. If Luo Haiying made a fuss, the men in her family would not let her go.

"It turned out that I made it difficult for Leader Yang to stay here for a few days. I will go to the factory to explain to their superiors and return Leader Yang's innocence." Luo Haiying turned around and left without sarcasm.

These words made Wang Li's face turn pale from fright, and she chased after her, "Oh, look what's going on here, don't think too much about it, it's my sister-in-law who made a mistake." Isn’t it okay? You adults don’t remember villains, so don’t be like sister-in-law, okay?”

Wang Li was about to kneel down to Luo Haiying, and Zhao Chunmei sneered at the side, reaping the consequences, to see if she still has a long memory, something happened to the little girl, she is still here to put shit on his head , Let's see how she recovers by herself.

Jiang Zhi had a worried expression on his face, "Sister-in-law, go and persuade her, it's not good if this matter gets bigger."

"Aren't you all good? Go and persuade, it's noon, and I have to cook for the children." Leaving Jiang Zhi behind, Zhao Chunmei turned and went upstairs.

 Today's task is completed early, go out for a walk with the children, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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