Rebirth and struggle for rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 134 Quarrel between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

Chapter 134 Quarrel between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
Chapter 123: Argument between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
Seeing that this matter was a foregone conclusion, Zhang Guilan suddenly jumped out and said such words. Before Zhou's father and son could wait, Guo Ying became anxious and jumped up from the ground, pointing at Zhang Guilan and yelling. My man slapped me in the face, worrying about having no place to vent, now I have a chance.

Guo Ying's scolding words were ugly, and even more difficult to hear, "Bah, what kind of onion are you? If it wasn't for repaying your kindness, my son would have married you, an illiterate person who is taller than a man. NO.40, if it weren't for my son's kindness, you would have been kicked out of our Luo family a long time ago, and now you dare to meddle in our Luo family's affairs. You thought I didn't know, Haiying's life is not good, so you are happy?"

Zhang Guilan didn't even look at her, just looked at Luo Haiying, "Don't ruin your life on impulse, otherwise it will be useless to regret it one day. Think about it carefully, don't worry, you just don't trust sister-in-law , and your elder brother."

Luo Haiying's dry tears welled up again, "Sister-in-law, stop talking, I know you are sincerely doing my best, I just don't have a mother, I still have a sister-in-law."

After finishing speaking, Luo Haiying looked at her mother angrily, but said to Zhang Guilan, "Sister-in-law, look at you just said a word, and you have such a bad reputation. I can't let you suffer for me. Back then I'm sorry enough for you. After being teased by Milan, my mother looked down on you again, so I followed their example. My sister-in-law forgave me, but in my heart I can never forgive myself. Now I know that my sister-in-law is fine. It's useless for Mom to come here and provoke you."

Guo Ying was so angry that his chest throbbed up and down.Pointing at Luo Haiying angrily, "Okay. I gave birth to you and raised you, but now you would rather believe an outsider's words than your own mother, right? Well, if this is the case, I will treat you as my daughter from now on. "

"Yeah, I don't have a mother from now on." Luo Haiying's light words seemed to see through life and death. Zhang Guilan looked distressed, and the Zhou family father and son had selfish intentions, but now the father-in-law didn't say a word, and Zhang Guilan was in a hurry.Then I heard Luo Haiying say again, "I will go to Zhou's house in the future, everything is my own business, and none of you can control me."

This was obviously meant for the parents.

Turning around, he said to Zhou Chengcai, "Don't regret it, you were the one who said to treat me well, and I'll see how you treat me well."

Luo Haiying has no plans, since the Zhou family won't let her go, and her parents have selfish motives.Then she'll go back, and make such a fuss that the Zhou family can't even think about it for the rest of their lives, to see who regrets it in the end.

How is your life?It's worth it to spend a lifetime in exchange for harming their family.

Frightened by the hatred in Luo Haiying's eyes.Zhou Chengcai wanted to wait for a few days to get better, so he breathed a sigh of relief, but Zhou Shumin was not stupid.He could see that Luo Haiying didn't intend to get over it, and felt a little regretful.Is it just a matter of forgetting about this marriage?

Guo Ying said, "Okay. Whether you live or die has nothing to do with us. Don't come back crying and beg us."

I have 1000 yuan, so I am not afraid even if I don’t have a son to take care of the elderly. Guo Ying has never seen so much money in her life. She has already got the money and asked her to spit it out, unless it is to kill her.

"What's all this?" Luo Yongzhi squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, holding his hair with both hands.

Guo Ying didn't care about that, and when he saw Zhang Guilan, he was even more proud, "You're a housewife, hurry up and cook."

Zhang Guilan tossed the apron and threw it on the ground, "Your son hasn't taken any money from home for several months, and there is nothing to eat at home. There are so many people here again, how do I know what to do?"

In fact, Zhang Guilan cooked a pot of porridge just now, and it came out halfway through the cooking. Now that I look at these top-quality products, I simply made the point clear, and there is no need to treat them as guests or elders.

"What are you talking about? My son is hungry enough for you?" Guo Ying didn't believe it.

"If you don't believe me, call Laoji and ask." Zhang Guilan looked at Zhou's father and son again, "Look at the family, there are only two rooms, and there is no extra room to live in. I used to build a bunk in this living room to sleep. One night is fine, but there are only two quilts at home, and it's still early, why don't uncle and Cheng Cai go to the city to live at dawn."

These words can be regarded as tactful, but the Zhou family's father and son were ashamed by the repelling words.

Zhou Shumin knew that he was disliked, "Okay, please trouble Guilan."

While pulling his son to say goodbye to Luo Yongzhi, "brother, Chengcai and I will wait for you in the city. Let's meet at the train station tomorrow."

Zhou Chengcai didn't want to stay here yet, now that his wife was back, she was hungry and tired, and wanted to find a place to rest for a long time, so he naturally wanted to, and he didn't care about being kicked out.

This is the son's home, and the daughter-in-law has spoken, what can Luo Yongzhi say, and now that the daughter doesn't want her parents, he has no other thoughts. When Zhou Shumin greeted him, he bowed his head and didn't respond.

Guo Ying doesn't like the Zhou family to eat and live here, but she can't understand Zhang Guilan's way of scorning her, "Stop, don't go, this is my son's home, I have the final say, I will Let's see who dares to drive you away."

Zhou Shumin looked embarrassed, "Sister and sister, what Guilan said is right, you see we can't squeeze in so many people, Chengcai and I can find a hotel to stay in."

Half is evasion, half is true.

After so many days of tossing about his son, he brought out all the old things in the family, wasn't it just to get on with a relative like Luo Ji?If you really offend the other's daughter-in-law, if you say something in Luo Ji's ear then, it's really a steal.

"There are no ones who came all the way and let you live outside." Guo Ying raised her airs at this moment, "Zhang Guilan, are you chasing them away? Or are you chasing us?"

Luo Haiying turned around and walked to the study room in a daze, and slammed the door shut, unwilling to listen to Ben.

Before the daughter-in-law could speak, her own daughter got into trouble first, which made Guo Ying very embarrassed.

"Mom, what's wrong with what I said? Since Mom thinks what I said is wrong, I'll admit my mistake to Uncle. I can't solve the problem if Laoji is not here, and I don't have a quilt. Mom will figure it out." Zhang Guilan tore her face straight away, "It stands to reason that Mom came all the way, so I should take care of it, but there is really nothing at home, I bought some rice and vegetables yesterday, and I don't know Mom is coming. I just spent all the money. I just don’t want to and don’t dare to drive away my parents, otherwise it will be spread that I’m not filial, and it’s not going to affect Lao Ji?”

"Mom, don't blame me for speaking poorly. This is the compound in the forest area. Mom just cried and made a fuss. I heard everyone upstairs and downstairs. I'm afraid the whole compound knows it too. Look, mom. It’s not that I’m making trouble with me, but mom, don’t forget, I married your son, and it’s not your son who will have a bad influence at that time. If you really lose your job because of these, don’t blame me Come on. Anyway, I came from the countryside, and I have long been used to farming and growing vegetables in the countryside. Marrying a Han, marrying a Han, dressing and eating, I can live anywhere, as long as I don’t starve to death.” Zhang Guilan put her hands on her chest, “This It's hard to be a daughter-in-law, and it's not right to say anything, I'll just say it today, if Mom doesn't like to hear it, she can take it easy."

"Look, I just asked a question. You said a lot, and you said that you didn't want to drive us away? You shook your face when we came, and I don't know who owes you." Guo Yingyi I heard that the compound knew it, and I was afraid.

But he didn't want to be subdued in front of his daughter-in-law.

"If mom really says that, then I admit it, I'm not happy," Zhang Guilan continued, seeing Guo Ying proudly saying that I guessed it right, "I've never seen my mother take my daughter to the house. Pushed in the pit of fire, I am not afraid that you will not listen to me when I say this, in front of everyone today, I will put the words here, Haiying will marry the Zhou family, so there is no need to go here."

She didn't believe that there was no benefit for the Zhou family to hold on to Luo Haiying for so long. Apart from Luo Ji, there was really nothing for the Zhou family to worry about. In this case, I will break the Zhou family's mind here today, and I will have something to say in the future.

Zhou Chengcai was taken aback.

But Zhou Shumin is more experienced, "Guilan, look, you would rather demolish a temple than a marriage. You have always been prudent, but why did you lose your temper? Uncle knows you don't trust Haiying. Uncle promises you, In the future, Haiying must not be wronged."

"Don't worry about the in-laws. My son has the final say on this family. I've never heard of a house where women make decisions." Guo Ying said disapprovingly.

Zhou Shumin was in a hurry, and wanted to say directly that you, a bitch, are always in charge of your family?But I also know that it is useless to say anything at the moment, I just hope that after a long time, the two families will get back and forth slowly.

"Mom, these days are spent by two people, and Lao Ji is here today, so he has to listen to me," Zhang Guilan said with a fixed face, "Besides, Lao Ji will never let his sister go to the kang. Jump in."

Guo Ying had endured it a long time ago. On the one hand, he had a guilty conscience. Seeing Zhang Guilan biting his son to death, how could he bear it, "Look, a good son will be spoiled by a bad woman. Want to see how Lao Ji listens to you? If you dare to contradict your mother-in-law in front of outsiders today, and beat her tomorrow, I must teach you a lesson today."

With that said, Guo Ying was about to make a move.

"Enough, you still don't feel ashamed, do you?" Luo Yongzhi jumped up and pushed his wife away, "Go ahead and make a fuss about your son's work, and make everyone in the compound laugh at him, and you'll be happy gone."

Zhou Shumin was also taken aback, "Sisters and sisters, look at this matter, Guilan said a few more words because she felt sorry for Haiying, there is no reason to do it."

If you beat someone up now, you won't even dare to think about it in the future.

Seeing that everyone was coming towards him, Guo Ying was about to sit on the ground and play around, Luo Yongzhi's eyes turned hard, "If you dare to cry, I will beat you to death today, and then turn yourself in, see if I dare .”

 Go eat, come back and write another chapter
(End of this chapter)

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