Chapter 136
Chapter 125: The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
Now it’s mid-May, and the sky is getting longer. It doesn’t get dark until after 07:30, and it’s only after five o’clock now. Zhang Guilan counts that when her father-in-law and the others walk into the city, it’s just getting dark. Can light up.

The mother-in-law went to the east room, so Zhang Guilan could only go to the study room, and after another day of driving, Zhang Guilan was really tired. She fell asleep not long after lying on the bed, and when she woke up, she was still woken up by her mother-in-law's scolding. of.

An idea sat up and listened carefully, only to hear what the mother-in-law was scolding, "Is it dead? Can't you hear such a loud knock on the door? Why don't you open the door? Are you deliberately making noise for me? "

Zhang Guilan just got out of bed and left the study. It turned out that someone was knocking on the door outside.

As soon as the door opened, Guo Ying in the east room stopped scolding and became quiet.

Seeing that it was Yang Zongyi, Zhang Guilan went out and closed the door, "Zongyi, what's the matter?"

Yang Zongyi didn't go around and asked directly, "Is your father-in-law here? I heard people said that the quarrel was very loud, so I came over to have a look. It was your mother-in-law who just scolded people? Where's your father-in-law?"

What Yang Zongyi heard did not refer to these things, and he also knew that Luo Haiying had left with his man and father-in-law. At first, Yang Zongyi thought he would be lost, but he didn't feel anything. After thinking about it for an afternoon, he understood a little bit. The shadow on Luo Haiying's body is very much like Zhang Guilan who manages the house properly when she is working.

This frightened Yang Zongyi, no matter what, such an idea should not exist. He enlightened himself all afternoon before he found a reasonable reason. He wanted to have a decent home so much, so he came up with such a thought. Ideas come.

But when I think of Zhang Guilan's mother-in-law who is rumored in the compound, she is a powerful one.Yang Zongyi still couldn't hold his breath anymore, and he found a reason for himself in his heart.He promised Lao Ji to take good care of his wife, and he felt more at ease.

Seeing Zhang Guilan standing in front of him as usual.Yang Zongyi felt that he was too petty to make a fuss. He was afraid that others would misunderstand him. Before Zhang Guilan could answer her, he waved his hands and went downstairs, "Since there is nothing wrong, I will go home."

Seeing Yang Zongyi rushing towards and then rushing away, Zhang Guilan was stunned for a while before turning back to the house, assuming that Yang Zongyi remembered Luo Ji's words to take care of herself, and didn't think much about it.

She didn't think much about it.It doesn't mean that Guo Ying in the east room doesn't think too much. The son is not at home, but the daughter-in-law is at home alone. Now another man comes to the door, and even goes outside the house to say that there may be some shady hookup.

In normal times, Guo Ying could no longer hold her breath. This time is different, being abandoned by her own man and daughter.Guo Ying also knew that there was no need to make trouble now. She stayed and counted on her son to speak for her. The son cared about this daughter-in-law.Even if she doesn't like it, she can only bear it now.

Of course Zhang Guilan didn't know her mother-in-law's plans, even though she didn't like her.But he also knew that he couldn't starve her, so he went to the kitchen and lit the stove again.The porridge was cooking in the pot, and she scrambled the eggs and leeks she bought.Finally, I made a bowl of noodles, and after the porridge came out of the pot, I baked a few pancakes, and after the table was set up, I asked people to come out to eat.

Guo Ying didn't smile on his face, he had a cold face, but he was proud in his heart. After all, he had to get something to eat for himself, right?Are you afraid that your son will not be able to explain it?I didn’t eat well on the train, and when we got here, we had another day of trouble. Guo Ying was really hungry. Zong Huang made five pancakes and let her eat them. She also drank two big bowls of porridge and vegetables. Most of it.

Zhang Guilan was not hungry at all, she only ate a bowl of porridge, and the dumplings she ate with Luo Haiying at noon still felt full. Guo Ying got up after eating, and this time she was able to talk vigorously.

"Call Laoji tomorrow and tell him I'm here." Guo Yingke was counting on his son.

Originally, she had 1000 yuan in her hand, and she felt that there was nothing to be afraid of, but when she really wanted to be a man, she realized that the 1000 yuan was nothing.

Zhang Guilan didn't care about being ordered by her, "Okay."

Some people are like this, if you treat her with a better attitude, she will make more progress. Guo Ying is full, thinking that as long as her son speaks up, her man will not abandon her, and she has enough confidence. Guo Ying couldn't help but find fault when she was full.

"Who is knocking on the door today? I heard it was a man in the room, very familiar? He came to see Lao Ji?" Guo Ying was like an old Buddha.

Zhang Guilan cleaned up the dishes and pretended not to hear it, until Guo Ying yelled again, and Zhang Guilan poked her head out of the kitchen, "Mom, what are you talking about?"

Seeing Guo Ying's face darkened with anger, Zhang Guilan was secretly pleased and looked at her innocently.

Guo Ying repeated the words angrily, and Zhang Guilan was not in a hurry to speak, as if she had thought for a while before she spoke, "Ah, it's the neighbor downstairs."

Seeing Zhang Guilan's appearance, Guo Ying felt ruthless in her heart. Sure enough, she did not guess wrong. Now when she was asked, she thought about how to explain it. She tried her best to think about how to post it, but she didn't expect that Zhang Guilan would only reply with such a sentence. , Guo Ying only felt that when he was so hungry that he could eat a cow, he suddenly hiccupped.

Zhang Guilan refused to let Guo Ying feel happy, so she turned around and went into the kitchen again. Guo Ying sat alone in the living room and got angry, but she was not reconciled, and she was afraid that she would make her son angry, so she choked out a sentence, "What's the matter?" ?”

This time Zhang Guilan answered happily, "It's nothing."

Guo Ying was unhappy after hearing this, and did not give up, "Why are you knocking on the door in such a hurry?"

She also thought about it, if she didn't tell, she would ask the end, if she didn't believe it, she couldn't ask.

"Mom doesn't understand what's going on."

"Then what do you know? There are other things besides living at home?" Guo Ying really wanted to blurt out 'my son is not at home, so please don't do anything wrong to my son'.

After all, he didn't dare to say this, and he knew Zhang Guilan's temper. After these few contacts, Guo Ying was still a little afraid of Zhang Guilan.

Zhang Guilan didn't say anything. Actually, she had nothing to do with Ben, but she just wanted to make Guo Ying anxious, find trouble for nothing, and couldn't be idle for a moment. This kind of person had to treat her well.

When her eyes moved, Zhang Guilan had an idea, "Mom, Dad really wants to divorce you, what should I do?"

Guo Ying was offended and felt ashamed, "I've been tired all day, I'm going to rest, don't call me tomorrow morning."

Zhang Guilan grinned in the kitchen and didn't speak. She didn't have to call out by herself tomorrow morning. When the radio blew, she would be able to bear the workers' slogans. It took her two lifetimes to get used to it, but for a newcomer, wanting to It is not so easy to get used to it. Older people feel lighter, and they have to get up at the slightest movement.

The floor of the house was also trampled dirty, the kitchen was cleaned up, Zhang Guilan wiped the floor, and the clothes soaked in the house after returning home in the morning hadn't been washed, and it was almost ten o'clock when I lay down after washing.

Lying on the bed in the study room, Zhang Guilan couldn't think of anything else, and fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes. The next day, the sound of the radio did not wake her up, but the sound of beating in the east room woke her up.

Zhang Guilan thought about this last night, turned over and continued to sleep, and didn't pay much attention to it.

Guo Ying couldn't do it anymore, she had a headache from the noise, and something was going on in her mind, but she fell asleep in the middle of the night last night, and was woken up just after she squinted. Come or she will not come.

Unable to sleep and hungry, Guo Ying got up and went to the kitchen. The inside was as clean as if he hadn’t cooked. There would be rice and noodles, but Guo Ying didn’t know how to use the stove. When he came out of the kitchen, he saw that the door on the opposite side was still closed. Closed, Guo Ying was a little unwilling.

He intentionally made a big commotion in the living room, but there was no movement in the Westinghouse for a long time. Guo Ying couldn't hold back, "I said old step-in-law, what time is it? It's time to get up and cook."

"Old step-in-law? Are you awake?" Guo Ying couldn't hear the sound, and pushed the door again, but couldn't open it, so he had to knock with his hand.

I have never heard of a mother-in-law knocking on the door of her daughter-in-law's room.

Zhang Guilan woke up when she yelled the first sentence, but now she pretended not to hear it. Anyway, the door was locked and no one could come in. She hugged her half-quilt in her arms, and Zhang Guilan squinted her eyes and continued to sleep.

Guo Ying didn't believe such a loud voice, no one had heard it yet, "It's fine, you go to sleep, I'll go outside to see where I can make a phone call, and call Lao Ji."

If you don't believe me, you are not afraid that Lao Ji will know.

But when they got to the door, Guo Ying saw that there was no movement in the west room, so she was a little hesitant. She said this just to scare Zhang Guilan. She was new here, and she was unfamiliar with the place. If you don't come back, how dare you go out.

After the words were spoken, there was still no movement from Westinghouse, and Guo secretly hated that she had pushed herself to this embarrassing situation.

In the West Room, Zhang Guilan and Ben ignored her. It was only after four o'clock, and no one got up even after going out in the courtyard. They turned over and continued to sleep, and fell asleep before they knew it.

Guo Ying, who was in the living room, naturally didn't go out, and went back to the east room in a huff, lying on the bed sulking, fell asleep unconsciously, and Zhang Guilan didn't know when she got up.

Breakfast was simple. For the porridge left over from last night, Zhang Guilan used leeks and eggs to bake leek zygotes. Seeing that her mother-in-law hadn't woken up in the east room, she changed her clothes and went downstairs, heading straight to the small shop.

After saying hello to the old lady, Zhang Guilan dialed the phone, and the other end answered it quickly. Luo Ji smiled and said, "Why didn't you call when I got home yesterday? Are you still angry?"

"Both parents came yesterday, as well as Zhou's father and son." Zhang Guilan didn't need to explain, he could tell which parents it was, right?

Sure enough, Luo Ji frowned, "Mom didn't make things difficult for you, did she?"

"I can't understand a sentence or two. Haiying went back with Zhou's family, and Dad, they lived in the city last night, and they will go back by train today."

"What about mom?" Luo Ji soon realized that something was wrong.

Sure enough, he was taking the college entrance examination, but he was more sensitive than normal people.

Zhang Guilan smiled wryly, "Mom stayed and told me to call you."

 Is it earlier today?Haha life, there are too many changes, everything is always not on time
(End of this chapter)

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