Chapter 138
Chapter 127: The trouble is over
Zhang Guilan went to the vegetable garden and saw that all the vegetables she had planted had come out, and there were no weeds in the vegetable fields around her. Only the two ridges in her house were full of grass. She squatted down and pulled up the grass. She hadn’t worked for a long time. , It's really tiring to do it so suddenly.

Seeing that the first ridge was about to be pulled out, Jiang Zhi came over with his son in his arms, standing in front of the ridge's head, still panting, "Sister-in-law, you should go home and have a look, something has happened."

Zhang Guilan made mud with one hand by pulling weeds, "What's wrong?"

Instinctively thought of the mother-in-law who loves to make.

Jiang Zhi's answer was exactly what she guessed, "Sister-in-law, your mother-in-law and sister-in-law Wang are fighting, and now they can't be pulled apart, and your mother-in-law has been pulling his hair and won't let go."

"I'll go right away." Zhang Guilan came out from the inside, not as anxious as Jiang Zhi, "Do you know what's the reason?"

In fact, Zhang Guilan had already guessed a bit.

"I don't know what's going on? I was talking with my sister-in-law in the yard, and your mother-in-law rushed out, grabbed someone and slapped him in the face. We were all frightened. When we realized it, we went up and pulled Can't open." Jiang Zhi looked worried, "Sister-in-law Wang's face is swollen, everyone at home in the compound has come to watch, sister-in-law, don't get too angry for a while, just say what you have to say."

Where did Jiang Zhi come to report the letter? I just wanted to see Zhang Guilan's response after hearing it. Her mother-in-law fought with others. I don't believe that she would not be angry. I have been watching her mother-in-law's face at home, and now I want to See how Zhang Guilan is with her mother-in-law.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Guilan and Ben didn't look anxious, let alone angry, and could walk back to the compound step by step.As an outsider, I was anxious, wondering how long she could pretend.Wait until we meet to see how she solves it.

After being scolded by his own men that day, Jiang Zhi didn't dare to rush out the door in the courtyard.This is carrying the child downstairs to dry the quilt, and I happened to meet her, otherwise how would she dare to move forward?

As for Wang Li, who is a good thing, she has long been assigned to work in the cafeteria in the forest area, where she is tied up every day, so there is no time to talk about such useless things with the people in the compound.

When Zhang Guilan rushed to the compound, she saw a group of people arguing, some persuading them, and some coming forward to pull them back.Only then did they squeeze in from the crowd, and when the crowd saw Zhang Guilan coming, they all backed away.

"Mom, what can't be said properly, why are you still doing it?" Zhang Guilan stepped forward and pulled her mother-in-law's hand, secretly exhausting it, Guo let out a low cry of pain, and let go of her hand.

"Why are you pinching me?" Guo Ying scolded Zhang Guilan.

Zhang Guilan ignored her and walked over to Zhao Chunmei. "Are you okay? You see, I'm really embarrassed. My mother-in-law has a bad temper. I'm here to compensate you on her behalf."

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhao Chunmei was wronged, even though she was beaten.How dare you make trouble again.

Now she understood that she had to stay away from the Luo family in the future, Zhang Guilan looked kindly.But with a hidden knife in her smile, this mother-in-law can't be messed with.That's a shrew, and it doesn't make sense to Ben.It doesn't matter whether you are reasonable or not, just hit people when you come up, no different from a lunatic.

"Look, I'll take you to the infirmary." Seeing that Zhao Chunmei didn't want to make things worse, Zhang Guilan knew she would go to the infirmary even if she knew it.

It's one thing not to go, but you can't help but say this.

"It's okay, you don't need to go." Zhao Chunmei stepped back, "I'll go back first."

Turn around and walk out of the crowd.

Seeing that Zhang Guilan only cared about outsiders and ignored her mother-in-law, Guo Ying wanted to play tricks on the spot. Zhang Guilan knew her too well. When she saw her mother-in-law sitting on the ground, before she could open her mouth to make a fuss, Guo Ying burst out, "Mom, You see you are so old, why are you still making trouble? Others don’t laugh at you, but you can’t laugh at me and Lao Ji, get up quickly.”

Guo Ying hesitated when he heard about his son.

Taking advantage of the gap between her hesitation, Zhang Guilan pulled her up from the ground, "Go home, it's all a joke."

"Aren't I angry with her? How can I go to someone's house to watch the fun? I slap her lightly. If you don't stop me, I have to give her a few more slaps." Upon hearing the joke, Guo Ying became anxious, and immediately explained the reason for the beating.

Zhang Guilan understands that she is afraid of making her son angry, and she will not let his reputation be involved, so she said that on purpose. Hearing her explanation, she was finally relieved. Hitting someone is wrong, but she went to someone's house to watch a joke and hit you It deserves it too.

The onlookers had a look of understanding, no wonder they rushed up to beat people, there is no such thing as bullying.

Seeing that everyone understood, Zhang Guilan knew that there was nothing more she could do. Instead, it aroused suspicion, "Mom, what do you have to say at home? Look at how angry you are."

Pulling Guo Ying looked like Fu, but secretly pulled hard towards the corridor.

Guo Ying also knew that there was a big trouble, and now that his daughter-in-law gave him another step, there was no reason why he couldn't go down smoothly, but he blamed Zhang Guilan without concealing it, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law entered the corridor.

"Jiang family sister, you are neighbors, do you know what happened?" Seeing that Zhang Guilan's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had left, she dared to ask Jiang Zhi.

Jiang Zhi hugged the child, "Sister-in-law, I take care of the child in the house every day, and I don't know what's wrong."

Even if I know it, I dare not say it.

Smiling at everyone, Jiang Zhi carried the child back to the house.

As soon as she entered the room upstairs, Zhang Guilan didn't have the heart to reprimand her mother-in-law for the trouble. She also knew that the two of them would quarrel after talking about it. Anyway, they left within a few days.

"What's for lunch?" Guo Ying's hair was also pulled out a lot.

I was a little guilty, and wanted to tell my daughter-in-law not to tell my son what happened today, but I couldn't open my mouth, so I could only sit on the bed and sulk.

"These are the only things at home. When they are out of stock, there is nothing to eat. Let's make some cabbage soup, some noodles, and pancakes." Zhang Guilan took out a basin from the kitchen and walked out, "I'll pick some vegetables, Mom don't go out this time."

"You think I love going out because I saw that old woman messing around with people in the yard. I just went out because I was so angry. You are blaming me. Who am I for?" Guo Ying finally found a chance to tell her. She wiped it off, "Didn't you hear what she said about our family? Anyway, there is no good thing to say, so let her talk if I don't beat her?"

Zhang Guilan doesn't believe that Zhao Chunmei is that kind of person. Zhao Chunmei is so smart, when will she leave someone with a clue in public.

Ignoring her mother-in-law, Zhang Guilan went out of the house with a basin in her hand. She was a little surprised when she saw Shang Hong when she went downstairs. She just nodded and said hello, and turned to leave. She is not a good person. Why did Shang Hong scold her that time in the city? She didn't forget a word.

Zhang Guilan didn't want to get entangled with Shang Hong, but Shang Hong came here for Zhang Guilan.

He turned around and stopped in front of Zhang Guilan, "Stop, I have something to ask you."

Zhang Guilan said righteously, "Shang Hong, if you still want to talk about my relationship with Zongyi, I have nothing to say to you. If you want to make trouble, you can make trouble at will. If you are upright, you are not afraid of the shadow. You can still call someone black if you are innocent, there is no justice in the world."

"I didn't come to you to talk about the matter between you and Zong Yi, but about your sister-in-law and Zong Yi." Shang Hong got the letter at home, lost her composure, and hurried over.

Zhang Guilan smiled, "Then I don't need to talk to you anymore, my sister-in-law has gone home with her man long ago, I don't know what you want to talk about, and you have seen it, I have to pick vegetables, It's almost noon, and I have to cook for my mother-in-law. You didn't know how good my mother-in-law is when you first came here, did you? Just now, you beat Accountant Wang's daughter-in-law without saying anything. Don't provoke my mother-in-law. It's me who is asking now."

Shang Hong snorted coldly, "You don't have to block me here with your words, who knows if your sister-in-law will come back after she left, I'm so surprised, so it turns out that this is what your family came up with, and you don't care about yourself. Are those from the countryside worthy of Zongyi?"

"Whether you deserve it or not depends on Zongyi himself. Anyway, you are both divorced, so you can't control it anymore." Zhang Guilan didn't want to say it too harshly, but seeing the other party's shamelessness, she can't blame herself, "You all Divorced, it's not good for you to come here to ask about Zongyi, right? If you really want to remarry Zongyi, stop making trouble like this, don't you know that men are bothered by this? You can only push him further if you make trouble for no reason. Far away. Besides, don’t you find it funny that you are standing here to stop me today? I don’t know who wrote you the letter, but it seems that the person has no good intentions, so he might be hiding somewhere to read the joke at this moment.”

Shang Hong's face was green and pale, "You don't have to argue, I know who is good and who is bad, your sister-in-law had better get her mind straight, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

My heart was also moved by Zhang Guilan's words, but she couldn't put it down on her face. Shang Hong dropped the words, turned around and left angrily. She really didn't know who called her, and the person obviously didn't want her to hear it. , but the number belonged to the small shop in the compound, and Zhang Guilan really hit it off. He sent a letter to herself with malicious intentions, and let her know who it was, so she must never end with her.

Shang Hong begged a friend to drive her here. Now her friend is still waiting outside the compound. When she saw Yang Zongyi's work camp coming from a distance, Shang Hong didn't dare to stop any longer. She got in the car and asked her friend to drive immediately.

When Yang Zongyi strode over, it was still too late. He watched Shang Hong go away with an ugly face and walked towards the compound. He didn't believe that Shang Hong came back fine, so he rushed over when he heard the letter from the young man. It was late, and Yang Zongyi guessed that he was probably looking for Zhang Guilan. A few days ago, Luo Haiying had a commotion at his home. Although it wasn't a big one, it spread quickly.

When he got downstairs, Yang Zongyi didn't dare to go up. Luo Ji's mother-in-law is powerful enough. If his mother-in-law finds out about this, I don't know what the trouble will be. After thinking about it, Yang Zongyi decided to wait until the old lady of the Luo family died When I was there, I asked Zhang Guilan to talk about it, and when I thought of Shang Hong, I clenched my fists irritably, even though he felt sorry for Shang Hong at the beginning, it is over now.

 Hey, I wrote all afternoon, I went crazy, I was driven crazy by my own speed.

(End of this chapter)

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