Chapter 144 Serious Illness
Chapter 133: Serious Illness
It was useless to persuade them, and the two of them didn't say much. When checking out after dinner, Zhou Fuguo left first, and asked Zhang Guilan and Dongzi to wait for him here. With a big bag of medicine.

"Thank you." Zhang Guilan took the medicine embarrassingly, "Today, let's go to Main Street first."

If you want to be a market, you have to be a market first, Zhou Fuguo suggested, "I don't think this store should be closed, you can't finish walking in this day, you still have a cold, just stay here and let's eat in the city when we eat .”

"It's okay, let's take a look first." Zhang Guilan felt that I should take a walk if I was sick. If I lay down like this, it would be even more uncomfortable.

The three of them then went into the street.

At the beginning, Zhang Guilan didn't feel anything, she took the medicine, and felt her head was comfortable and not heavy, but after taking the medicine for half an hour, she started sweating, and her steps became a little messy.

Zhou Fuguo and Dongzi had been paying attention to Zhang Guilan's actions, and when they saw her like this, they immediately came forward, "Let's go to the hospital."

There was no pharmacy at this time, and Zhou Fuguo bought this little medicine from the hospital. Now that he is so heavy, he might not be able to take the medicine, so it's better to get an injection.

"It's okay, I'll just rest for a while, you two take a look first." When Zhang Guilan spoke, she felt her body was out of control.

Zhou Fuguo's face darkened, "You are too stubborn, what is more important than your body."

While greeting Dongzi, "Go and stop the rickshaw, let's go to the hospital."

Dongzi ignored Zhang Guilan calling him behind him, and stopped a rickshaw on the road, Zhang Guilan was dragged.I had no choice but to get in the car.The three of them went to the hospital, but Zhang Guilan didn't know anything after arriving at the hospital.This frightened Dongzi, and he rushed to the hospital with the person in his arms, shouting for the doctor.

Zhou Fuguo recovered from the shock, hurriedly chased after Zhang Guilan and explained Zhang Guilan's situation to the doctor, and she was sent to the emergency room. Only after this measurement did she know that she had a fever of nearly [-] degrees, no wonder she fainted.

"What's the matter with you, the patient's fever is so high that he was brought here. What if the brain is burnt out? Go and pay the money now, and stay in the hospital for observation first." The doctor turned around and left after drinking for both of them.

Zhang Guilan was panting with fever on the hospital bed. The nurse came in and gave him an antipyretic injection. Zhou Fuguo and Dongzi hid out. It was Zhou Fuguo, as a man and Zhang Guilan's wife, who asked the little nurse to help him wipe his body.

Wait until the tossing is over.Zhang Guilan's face was not so red anymore, and the doctor's needle came over, and after it was inserted, the ward became quiet.Now look at the time, it's already afternoon.

"You stay here and watch, I'm going to buy some things." Zhou Fuguo was also sweating from work. "Why do you say that she is so capable as a woman? Now she is tossing her body and getting sick. She is too strong."

"Yes, my sister-in-law is a good person." Dongzi felt that Brother Luo was so happy.Married to such a good happiness, the words are a little lacking in confidence, "Why don't I go buy it."

"Let me go, I just want to buy a pack of cigarettes." Zhou Fuguo made an excuse.

Dongzi sent the man away with a blushing face. He couldn't understand that Zhou Fuguo was afraid that he would not be able to get the money out of the money, so he made an excuse to embarrass himself. Men hate themselves for being incompetent. I can't make any money with Ben.

Sitting on the side of the hospital bed in a daze, it was not until Zhou Fuguo came back with his things that he woke up. He got up and went to help carry things. There were fruits, face washes and towels, and meals for the two of them were also brought back.

This is a single room, and Zhou Fuguo and Dongzi made a cushion before Zhou Fuguo said, "You are in the hospital during the day, and I will go to see if there is a suitable place after dinner in the afternoon, so that she won't wake up and blame herself for delaying the schedule."

"Stay here, I'll go find it." Dongzi was also embarrassed to just stay there and not work.

"You stay here. I'll look for my acquaintances in the afternoon to see if they know anyone in this area. It will be more convenient to do things this way." Zhou Fuguo stopped talking at first because he was afraid that Dongzi would feel embarrassed. Only when you want to go can you tell the truth.

Dongzi felt calm, he didn't feel that he couldn't hold his head up, and it was nothing to be poor. They had long been used to being looked down upon by others, "Okay, it would be better to have a relationship like this."

After the meal, Zhou Fuguo left, and Dongzi watched the needles until Zhang Guilan didn't wake up until a set of medicine was finished.

When it was dark, Zhang Guilan woke up slowly, but she was still in a daze. After talking to Dongzi for a few words, she fell asleep again and didn't wake up until the next morning.

When Zhang Guilan woke up, she saw Dongzi and Zhou Fuguo huddled together on the same hospital bed. She tried to sit up, but she had no strength at all. They all woke up.

"It can be regarded as awake." Zhou Fuguo said with a smile, "If we don't wake up again, we will have to call Laoji. If something happens, we can't bear the responsibility."

Still in the mood to joke, but Zhang Guilan couldn't laugh, "What's wrong with me?"

"You have a fever of nearly [-] degrees, which is scary." Zhou Fuguo shook his head, "You had a fever repeatedly last night, you have to thank Dongzi, it was he who kept begging the nurse to wipe your body, and then it came down. "

Dongzi scratched his head, "I didn't do anything. It's still Brother Zhou, he's busy here and there."

"Don't take credit for both of you," Zhang Guilan said with a smile, "help me up."

Dongzi opened his mouth and didn't speak.

Zhou Fuguo came forward, helped her up, and led her out of the ward. Dongzi didn't understand it at first, and it took him a long time to react. Fortunately, he didn't persuade her to lie down more, and she went to the bathroom.

Sure enough, people in the city know a lot. It seems that I have to study hard. The little things I learned in the forest area are usually useless.

When Zhang Guilan came back, Dongzi cleaned up the bed, and Zhang Guilan lay back on the bed, "My illness has delayed things again, you two are busy with your work today, and I can do it by myself in the hospital."

Zhang Guilan also knew that she couldn't be brave anymore at this time, and even her body couldn't bear the running back and forth these days, but she didn't expect that she would be so seriously ill.

"The matter has been settled. I have a few friends I know. They happen to have someone they know. We talked about it yesterday and signed a contract. When the goods come out, just send them to them."

Zhang Guilan was very happy to hear the news from Zhou Fuguo, "Did you explain it to them? It's summer now, so I can only dry my intestines."

The taste of dry sausage is really unacceptable to most people.

"Don't worry, it's all settled." Zhou Fuguo told her, "You just need to get well and recuperate. The doctor said, no matter what, you have to observe for a day. I think we can go back when we are discharged from the hospital tomorrow. I will buy a ticket in the afternoon and go back to the hospital. After you get home, take care of your body first, and then do other things, a woman can't work too hard."

If I don't fight myself, I am afraid that the man will be snatched away by others.

Zhang Guilan couldn't say that, maybe she was sick, so she said, "You still have a vacation to visit Sun Mei, after all, you are good friends."

I know I'm being unreasonable.

There was only a flash of surprise in Zhou Fuguo's expression, and then he said with a smile, "Okay, I'll go and have a look when I find a chance."

My heart is heavy.

On this day, when Zhang Guilan was recuperating, Zhou Fuguo and Dongzi went to the market to see if there was anything left to store. At noon, Zhou Fuguo came back to deliver the meals. Zhang Guilan sat on the bed and ate slowly, while Zhou Fuguo sat aside and watched.

"Why are you working so hard? You don't even care about your own body?" Zhou Fuguo felt that he could see through everyone, but he couldn't see through the woman in front of him.

"I like it." Zhang Guilan said with a smile, "It's fine to stay around. By the way, how much did you pay for the hospitalization? I'll give it to you then. You can't even let you take what you eat for a day, even the money for the hospitalization."

"Okay, when the factory distributes the money, let's give it together." Zhou Fuguo didn't take it seriously, "You seem to like me to visit Lao Ji's place very much, is there anything wrong?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Guilan stopped, looked at him, and stopped eating.

"Related to Sun Mei?" Zhou Fuguo couldn't think of anything else.

Zhang Guilan thought for a while, then shook her head, "No, I just think Sun Mei is nice, and you have a crush on her, so I don't want you to miss her."

"It's really just like that?" Zhou Fuguo didn't believe it.

Zhang Guilan nodded. In fact, it is not yet sure whether Sun Mei has such thoughts. If he points it out now, Zhou Fuguo will have a gap in his heart when he pursues Sun Mei. Although he hated Sun Mei in his previous life, Sun Mei has not moved in this life. In other thoughts, Zhang Guilan didn't want to be cruel.

Seeing that she didn't want to say more, Zhou Fuguo didn't ask too much, "Sun Mei won't stay there for long, and her family won't agree."

Zhang Guilan also understood that there was no mention of war.

"Then why go?" This was what she didn't understand.

"Although Sun Mei looks sweet, she has a manly temper, very similar to you. She always holds back her energy. The more others don't let her do something, the more she wants to do it. She always refuses to admit defeat." Zhou Fuguo Falling into memories, "Since she was young, she was better than the boys in the courtyard. She fought for everything, but she was a girl, so there were always some things that her hard work was useless. Later, she separated and was not in the same courtyard. She chose a doctor and followed the forest area behind her back, her family is calling people back now."

It turns out that there are still these inside stories, which is really crazy.

Zhang Guilan smiled wryly. No wonder she ended up so miserable in her previous life. She had no brains. She was helped by others, and she was a second-generation red from a high-ranking cadre family. Even if she came back now, Zhang Guilan felt a little bit at a loss, unless Luo Ji didn't waver, otherwise there would be no comparison between himself and Sun Mei and Ben, and nothing could be compared with Ben.

Zhou Fuguo looked at Zhang Guilan and his face darkened as he listened, wondering what he said was wrong, which made this unruly master feel bad?
Thinking about it carefully, he really didn't mention anything other than Sun Mei. Could it be that it really has something to do with Sun Mei?

 I'm going to be seriously ill too, hehe, I'm done today, and I'll update it at night, everyone, you can watch it at night, you can be busy during the day, otherwise you won't be able to do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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