Chapter 160 Awake
Chapter 149: Awakening
The last trace of feigned harmony on Sun Mei's face was gone. She looked at Zhang Guilan with unwavering eyes. Neither of them backed down. Their seemingly plain conversation was tinged with gunpowder.

Zhang Guilan didn't say any more, she also wanted to see what Sun Mei had to say, whether to expose the matter directly, or continue to pretend to be confused, no matter what, Zhang Guilan would not let her go today.

"Sister-in-law thinks I have something organic? Then plot against Lao Ji?" Sun Mei's eye circles slowly turned red.

Zhang Guilan was unmoved, "Sun Mei, when I was in the forest area, I thought you were pretty good. I hope you will continue to be good like this in my memory, and won't change because of something. Luo Ji is very good." , very special, but he is a dull person in terms of feelings, you are 25 years old, not a child, you have passed the impulsive age, you should not fall in love with a man with a family."

"Sister-in-law, I...I didn't, you really misunderstood."

"I broke the matter up today. Firstly, I want to save face for Laoji, and secondly, I don't want to spoil the relationship between our husband and wife. You don't believe it when you say it. It's rumored that he and Ben didn't notice anything. As long as he agrees with one thing, no matter what others do, he can't see it, just like he knows that his wife is only me, so no matter how you behave, Lao Ji's eyes can't see it, it's really ruthless to say it Yes, but to my wife, he is a good man. He is loving and responsible. Although he has a lot of problems because he is too slow in emotion, as a husband, this is a good man. The shortcoming of him avoids his temptation to the outside world."

"He is a man again. The fundamental principle of serving and helping the people in his bones makes him treat anyone as a good person. He will never help those who can help, but he is a bit machismo. When he gets along with women, Don't worry about it. Maybe it's because of this that some women misunderstand." Zhang Guilan looked at Sun Mei's calm face and said with a smile, "Old Ji once had a man who was engaged, but later he broke his promise because of repaying his favor. With her, but because of the guilt in my heart, I arranged for her to work in the city. Now that woman is married and pregnant, she has been obsessed with Lao Ji. Although she feels sorry for him in her heart, Lao Ji still maintains a relationship with her. distance, because he always remembered that he was married."

"So what I want to say today is that as long as I am here, you will never have a chance, and I will not give you a chance."

It's impossible for you to do anything, you should stop yourself early.

Zhang Guilan didn't say the last sentence directly, but I believe she should be able to guess it.

"Sister-in-law, you really misunderstood. I didn't mean anything else. If think so, I'll go and explain to Laoji." Sun Mei's face lost all color.

Looking at the boastful Zhang Guilan, Sun Mei wanted to pounce on her and tear her face.But she knew that she couldn't, Zhang Guilan's strength made her timid, and she should be courteous before others.It's just that, everyone in the hospital can see that she treats herself kindly.If a fight broke out at this time, no one would believe what I said.Tired of his own reputation.

"It doesn't matter if I misunderstood or I thought about it too much, Lao Ji will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, and this kind of thing will never happen again." Zhang Guilan strode away.

Still, Sun Mei stood alone in a daze, knowing that Luo Ji might leave, but hearing this moment, she still couldn't help but her heart sank. Sun Mei leaned weakly against the wall, eating half of the food. The fruit was thrown on the ground fiercely, but she couldn't vent the anger in her heart.

Behind her was the wall of the forest area, but a voice of conversation came from inside, "Zhao Xue, you are all mine, what's wrong with marrying me? How do you say that? What?" What do you mean by drinking too much? What do you mean by not liking? What do you want me to do?"

"Can you stop talking? I told you that we both drank too much that night, and I didn't make you responsible. What are you doing all this time pestering me? Let me tell you, it's over like this. If you dare Spread the word, I hate you for the rest of my life, what can I do to you? As long as you stay away from me." Zhao Xue came with an irritable voice.

Sun Mei, who was outside the wall, was stunned. At this time, she gave her body to the other party without getting married. Zhao Xue was too courageous. What should she do when she gets married?
Sun Mei also wondered when Zhao Xue came back, shouldn't she be in the factory?Called back too?
"I really like you. Now we are together again. Isn't it good to get married? You are already like this. If you marry someone else in the future, what will you do if you ask me?"

"You are a man, don't make such an expression, as if you have been wronged so much, I have someone I like, we are not suitable, we should be strangers when we meet in the future." After leaving the words, Zhao Xue looked again Looking around, I saw that no one left cautiously.

Sun Mei didn't move outside, but felt the man inside hit the wall with a fist. After a long time, she heard the sound of footsteps going away. Then Sun Mei frowned and walked slowly towards the hospital dormitory. Their family is not in the local area. They all live in the hospital. In the assigned dormitory.

She and Zhao Xue also lived in the same room and grew up together. In the eyes of others, the relationship between the two of them is naturally very good, but Sun Mei never said anything to Zhao Xue, and kept wearing a mask.

When she arrived at the dormitory, Zhao Xue was packing her things, and when she saw Sun Mei coming in, she smiled and said, "I'm finally back, I just arrived, and now we can be together again, everyone said your luck is good, something happened in the mountains, so you just came back , it doesn't look like I still have to make a report."

"Don't talk nonsense, I can't help it." Sun Mei said with a smile.

Zhao Xue took a special look at her, "You seem to be in a bad mood. What happened when I'm not here? Are you making progress with Captain Luo?"

"Nonsense, Lao Ji already has a wife, what progress do I have with him?" Sun Mei sat on her bed, lowered her head so that she didn't have to force herself to laugh.

Zhao Xue didn't take it seriously, and teased her, "Listen, you still say there is no progress, you don't even call the captain, you just call Lao Ji, and you call him so affectionate, I'm starting to think too much."

Zhao Xue was joking, and it was fine on weekdays, but today it was like stepping on Sun Mei's tail, and she became anxious, "Zhao Xue, what nonsense are you talking about? Are you going to ruin my reputation? Or Do you want everyone to call me immoral and seduce married men?"

"What's the matter? I was just joking, I see that you are still impatient." Zhao Xue didn't expect Sun Mei's reaction to be so big, "It's okay, okay, you don't want to listen to me, then you don't want to talk about it, you have to eat it It's the same as a person, but with a few words."

Sun Mei also knew that she shouldn't be like this, but she just couldn't control it, "Okay, don't say such nonsense in the future, it doesn't matter if I am scolded, but Captain Luo is not good, and his lover is there, It’s not good for everyone to misunderstand.”

Zhao Xue nodded knowingly. No wonder she was so excited. It turned out that his wife had come, and she was also somewhat dissatisfied with Sun Mei. For the first time, Zhao Xue felt displeased with Sun Mei in her heart, and Sun Mei naturally didn't know that she and Ben didn't pay much attention to Zhao Xue on weekdays, so how could she know that this rabbit was anxious and biting? time.

In the ward, as soon as Zhang Guilan left, Yang Zongyi said, "What do you think now?"

Luo Ji knew what he was asking, and was a little uncertain, "I don't think so."

"You just think of people too well. Let me tell you, Lao Ji, it's not wrong for you to think of people as good people, but do you know that just because you do this, you will hurt Guilan in a different direction?" Yang Zongyi's volume couldn't help mentioning it again and again, "I tell you, today's matter is left to my younger siblings. If she can be magnanimous and not say anything, she can still be kind, just replace it with the original one in my family. Believe it or not, she has already made a fuss with others? When I was in the compound, I helped Guilan fight half a bag of rice, and she made a fuss, let alone this."

"I don't know what you think. Your intention is good. You didn't tell her because you were afraid that Guilan would misunderstand. Now, a person who has nothing to do with the forest area and doesn't live in the compound knows it, don't you think it's weird? Or do you still think it's just a coincidence?" Yang Zongyi couldn't help knocking his head off, "As a A man, don't worry about these little things, but it doesn't mean you are kept silent, you don't care, do you care about Guilan's feelings?"

"Guilan understands me."

Luo Ji's words made Yang Zongyi almost vomit blood, "Well, I can't help you if you think so."

"I'll ask about Milan in person, and you'll handle the discharge. I'm a man with a family. Everyone in the forest area knows that there's nothing sneaky about me getting along with Sun Mei. There's no need to explain. As for those who care To make things like this, is it to make my reputation worse, or is it related to my promotion? As long as I don't move, the other party can't do anything about it." Luo Ji had a second thought.

"Do you think it has something to do with your promotion? Is it someone from our factory?" Yang Zongyi frowned. Previously, he only focused on matters between men and women, so he ignored this point.

"Otherwise, this little rumor can spread everywhere?" Luo Ji sneered, "I'm not a big shot, but a small captain, and what makes people think so much is related to work and has no other interests. .”

"What news do you know?" Yang Zongyi immediately recovered.

Luo Ji smiled, "This time the forest area will organize people to study again, and then a high-tech forest area will be established. I'm afraid it has something to do with it."

Yang Zongyi punched his other palm excitedly, "You boy, why didn't you tell me such important news in advance, no matter what, we can't miss this opportunity this time."

 If there is nothing to write in advance, it will be updated. If there is something to do, it will be updated according to the usual eighty or ninety.
(End of this chapter)

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