Chapter 162 Contradictions
Chapter 151: Contradictions
The next day, Zhang Guilan brought porridge and steamed buns to the hospital. The three of them had a simple bite in the ward. Yang Zongyi went to go through the formalities. The young man who was driven moved him to the car, and when he helped Luo Ji get out of bed, all the people led by Luo Ji rushed over, all with mud on their clothes, and when they saw Zhang Guilan, they also smiled and called sister-in-law , Some Zhang Guilan has seen in the forest area, but some don't know.

"Just finished training? Did the captain agree to your coming?" Luo Ji looked serious.

"Captain, we are on leave."

"Captain, are you back?" Although they didn't spend much time together, these people developed feelings for Luo Ji.

"No matter where I am, I'm your captain, you are my people, all old men, don't act like women, you are all spirited." If Luo Ji hadn't had a cast on one leg, he would have turned over The words must have momentum.

A few people scratched their heads, Yang Zongyi looked at it and said with a smile, "Okay, your captain is inconvenient now, come over and help him up the car, and I will go to your captain's house to play after the holiday. Your sister-in-law cooks delicious food."

A few people laughed, and as soon as they rushed forward to support Luo Ji, they walked towards the car. Luo Ji twitched the corners of his mouth, his face darkened, but his legs and feet are not convenient now, so these boys can only let these boys treat him as a disabled person.

After the car started, Yang Zongyi was still holding his stomach and laughing, "What do I say? Doesn't it feel good to be regarded as a disabled person?"

Yang Zongyi sat in the front, Zhang Guilan and Luo Ji sat in the back, because Luo Ji couldn't bend one leg.He was half lying on the back seat, and the injured leg was placed on the chair.One leg hung down, leaning against Zhang Guilan's body.

"After laughing enough, take a good rest. My legs and feet are not convenient, and I will trouble you on the road." Luo Ji swept his eyes.

Yang Zongyi felt his body turn cold, and said with a half-smile, "Look at what kind of anger you have with me, you are already like this, let everyone laugh and treat it as entertainment for everyone."

Zhang Guilan also smiled faintly, watching Yang Zongyi arguing with Luo Ji, she also found it quite interesting, this time because of Luo Ji.I can’t be in too much of a hurry, so when it gets dark, I will find a place to stay nearby. I get up early the next day and start walking. I am afraid that the bumps on the road will hurt Luo Ji’s leg, so I drive slowly. When I get home, I always go home first. Four days, slower than a train.

As for the time to leave, Sun Mei took the nurses out to see them off.She only asked a few polite words, neither too warm nor too forward, Zhang Guilan knew that she deliberately put on an embarrassing look in front of people, so she dismissed her and ignored her.Her grievance and her own attitude are enough for those watching the fun to think about it.

When we arrived at the compound, it was not yet noon.There are not many people in the compound, wait to get Luo Ji upstairs.As soon as Zhang Guilan finished wiping the dust in the house, people began to come to the house.

It was Li Xuezhang and his wife who came.As soon as Jiang Zhi came in, he handed the child to Li Xuezhang, and followed Zhang Guilan into the kitchen, "Sister-in-law, let me help you with whatever you want."

"When I came back today, I bought some food in the city. Let's eat here at noon. You help me pick out this celery, and we will be full of dumplings at noon." When we come back, we have to get together no matter what, Zhang Guilan sees Jiang Zhi Take the initiative to come over and say it directly.

Although she doesn't like Jiang Zhi, but since Jiang Zhi can be tactful, Zhang Guilan will not give her face, Jiang Zhi hurriedly smiled, "Okay, do you have any garlic? I still have a few heads of garlic at home. Do you want to bring it?"

"No, I bought them all." Zhang Guilan stomped on the meat, "Make more wraps, and save some food when someone catches up. Laoji is back, so it's rare for everyone to get together."

"Sister Zhao will be here soon. Accountant Wang just came back. Accountant Song has to wait. Wang Li is still in the cafeteria." Now Li Xuezhang has taken Luo Ji's position as the leader.

Zhang Guilan nodded, "It's good to have a job, and it saves me from being idle all day long."

Then just gossip.

Zhang Guilan didn't say it, she was as smart as Jiang Zhi, and she could guess what to say next, Jiang Zhi just smiled, Zhang Guilan's mouth turned cold, she didn't want to offend anyone, but also wanted to take advantage of it, there was nothing so good in the world.

In the east room, several men were sitting and talking, their voices were high, and there were bursts of laughter from time to time.

In the city, after Milan returned home from get off work, she was alone in a daze. Hu Youguo didn't make a sound when talking to her when he came back from get off work. Hu Youguo looked at her slightly rising stomach, and holding back his anger, he took the vegetables into the kitchen.

When Hu Youguo was cooking, someone at home knocked on the door, but Hu Youguo couldn't help, so he called Milan, "Milan, go see who's here?"

He didn't hear Milan's voice, so Hu Youguo thought that someone was going to open the door, but after waiting for a long time, he heard the door was still being knocked. opened the door.

"Mom, why are you here?" Hu Youguo looked better when he saw that it was his mother.

"Where's cooking? Where's Milan?" As soon as she entered the room, Wang Jing saw Milan sitting there, and she guessed it without thinking about it. Her son was cooking and opening the door at the same time. "Milan, who messed with you? You look unhappy?"

"No one messed with me." Milan was upset and replied impatiently.

Wang Jing said, "No one has provoked you. Why are you sitting with a sullen face? Or did Youguo do something wrong? If you have any dissatisfaction, you can tell me, and Mom will help you out."

This is not caring, and the scolding Milan who is changing direction will only lose his temper for doing nothing.

Milan did not speak, turned around and entered the room, slammed the door, separating Wang Jing's mother and son in the living room.

"Milan, why did you throw your mother?" Hu Youguo had endured enough, he served her like a grandfather, never gave himself a smile, he was the one who was sorry for her, but what else should he do?
What made Hu Youguo most angry was that after the two got married, he never touched Milan. He first thought that the two of them were unhappy together, but Hu Youguo didn't think much about it. Later, he was pregnant and used the child as an excuse. Now Don't let him touch the tire when it's stable. He's not a fool, so he can't see what's going on.

But that's fine, Milan is always meddling in Luo Ji's affairs, which made Hu Youguo feel bad, thinking of what Zhang Guiban had said, a ball of fire burned in Hu Youguo's chest.

Wang Jing also looked unhappy, "Look at your daughter-in-law, I haven't said anything yet? She just dumped my face for caring about her. If you really say something, why don't you criticize me and throw me out?"

"Mom, forget it, you came just in time, let's eat here." Although he was angry with Milan, after all, Hu Youguo really liked Milan. After getting angry, he heard his mother's dissatisfaction with Milan and his heart softened again.

Wang Jing looked at her son, and nodded his head resentfully, "You are a wimp."

But in the end, he didn't say anything more, turned around and went into the kitchen to help his son cook.

Stir-fried mushrooms with meat, an egg drop soup, bought steamed buns, Wang Jing arranged the meals, and taught her son, "These steamed buns are expensive to buy, if you want to eat them, tell mom, mom will steam them and bring them to you." , besides, Milan's tire is stable now, steaming some steamed buns won't tire her out, she came from the countryside, don't say she can't do it."

Wang Jing directly blocked the excuse her son was looking for.

Hu Youguo looked embarrassed, and turned to knock on the door, "Milan, it's time to eat."

"I'm not hungry, you can eat." Milan turned his back to the door.

When I called Sun Mei today, after hearing what Sun Mei said, Luo Ji already knew that he had telegraphed the letter to his family, so he didn't blame Zhang Guilan at all, and he probably hated her.

Thinking of how Milan could not be angry, if she hated herself, Zhang Guilan could turn against her in-laws or be complained by Luo Ji, but there was nothing but herself.

In the living room, Wang Jing snorted nasally.

Hu Youguo blushed, what he did was low enough that he couldn't hold his head up in front of his mother, why didn't Milan consider his feelings?

"Milan, come out, you are not hungry, the child in your belly is still hungry." Hu Youguo knocked on the door vigorously.

There was no movement or conversation with Ben in the room.

Hu Youguo's ears were bloodshot, and he kicked the door forcefully, "Come out for me."

When Wang Jing saw her son getting angry, she stepped forward and pulled him, "Don't eat well and knock him down, what if you kicked the door down? It's okay, okay, she won't eat our mother."

Pulling her son to sit down at the table, Wang Jing sighed, "You can only blame yourself. If you didn't do that back then, you don't have to demean yourself so much today."

Hu Youguo's hand holding the steamed bun stopped again, Wang Jing knew this and couldn't say more, looking at his son's current appearance, it was pitiful enough, but Milan was just sorry for her at the beginning, and took money and became a Buddha again. Waiting on her, she's getting spoiled.

Wang Jing is becoming more and more dissatisfied with Milan, but Hu Youguo is even more unhappy. Milan doesn't see him, and he only thinks about Luo Ji every day. He is not a fool, how can he not see it, he really hates himself for knowing this , otherwise there is no need to be so sad.

Hu Youguo ate three steamed buns for a meal, and he still wanted to eat, but was interrupted by Wang Jing clapping his hands, "If you are not happy, you can't make things difficult for yourself. You want to support yourself to death? I can't live without a son."

Wang Jing took the steamed buns to the kitchen, and on second thought, put all the steamed buns in a basin, and put all the leftovers in one, with steamed buns on top, and took them away when she left.


"Didn't she not eat? Then it's better to be hungry." Wang Jing thought that she had to treat Milan, "And you, don't go out to buy food for her, you hear me?"

Hu Youguo remained silent.

Milan in the room heard everything, and smiled coldly. If he has money, he is afraid of starving to death?

 It's early today, it's usually eighty or ninety, don't scold me again when it's changed at that time, cover your face
(End of this chapter)

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