Chapter 165
Chapter 154: Purchasing
Zhang Guilan returned home, saw Yang Zongyi and Luo Ji stopped talking when she came in, her eyes rolled around the two of them, without asking any further questions, she said a word to send them away, turned around and went into the kitchen again.

When I came back and passed by the city this time, I bought some plums and apricots. There were too many Guilans before, but I didn’t take them out. After washing them, I put them in a basin and brought them to the house. Yes, I went back to lie down earlier, anyway, people are back now, and we can see each other every day."

After sending Yang Zongyi away, when Zhang Guilan came back, she saw Luo Ji eating apricots, and sat down by the bed, "What the hell are you two doing? Zhou Fuguo told me just now downstairs, it was Yang Zongyi who called to let me He came, and Yang Zongyi told him to turn the words over, so what is going on here?"

"He said it?" Luo Ji narrowed his eyes slightly, as if talking to himself, "He has a good relationship with you."

Zhang Guilan didn't think much about it, "When I went to Shanghai, I bought a ticket for me. Later, the two of them started a business together. He is not bad, but he is trustworthy and not bad."

"With so many good comments, I still don't have a deep friendship. If I do, I'm afraid you'll fall in love with him." Luo Ji said seriously.

Zhang Guilan paused slightly, stared at him, then smiled, "Are you jealous?"

Luo Ji nodded generously.

This made Zhang Guilan's face burn, "Go, I haven't blamed you for spreading those rumors with others. I just said a few nice things to them, and you will be jealous. That's not fair."

Luo Ji smiled lightly and did not explain.

When he did this, Zhang Guilan was very disappointed in her heart. She thought Luo Ji would explain something with this introduction.But seeing that he just smiled, what does this mean, he and Ben didn't even think about explaining it?

Take a deep breath.Zhang Guilan smiled, "Since you don't say it, let me say it. Didn't you want to explain the matter with Sun Mei? I didn't ask you in the hospital, because I knew it was not the right time, and it's not good for people to see it." , now it’s just the two of us, let’s talk about it too.”

"Then what are you overthinking? Do you think there is something between us?" Luo Ji couldn't move his body conveniently, so he asked her to hand him the pillow and leaned against him.

Zhang Guilan gave him the pillow and sat back down. "I didn't think too much, but I saw it. Sun Mei has a crush on you, she likes you."

Zhang Guilan doesn't care about the gossip outside, what she cares about is Luo Ji's attitude.

"That's her business." Luo Ji didn't say much.He even warned her, "Stay away from Zhou Fuguo."

Zhang Guilan held her breath in her heart, "We are normal friends and business partners, what do you think we need to do to stay away from each other?"

"It's getting late. Go to bed." Luo Ji replied in a bad mood.

In the darkness, Luo Ji successfully raised the corners of his lips.

"Daughter-in-law, do you miss me?" Luo Ji was like a child inviting pets.

"I don't want to." Zhang Guilan replied out of breath.

"Lie." Luo Ji, "You little liar."

Zhang Guilan said in the dark, "Hurry up and rest, I'm taking care of you at home now, and I can't go to the city either. Brother and the others must have received the letter. I'm afraid they will have to come here tomorrow, and Dongzi and the others."

"Okay, come here then." Luo Ji finally calmed down.

The next day, Zhang Guilan got up early in the morning and took the roots bought yesterday out of the salt. Fearing that they would be too salty, she boiled them in hot water for 5 minutes before changing the water and cooking the big bone soup. There is no frost at the time, and the weather is hot again. The meat can't hold it, so the big bones can only be preserved in salt. In order to make it less salty, boil it in hot water for a few minutes to lighten it.

Boil the bones, Zhang Guilan made two bowls of noodles, put them aside after reconciliation, took advantage of this time, beat four eggs, and chopped green onions, and then went to roll out the noodles, breakfast is big bones Noodles, Fried Eggs With Green Onions.

Zhang Guilan ate most of the noodles in the bowl, and Luo Ji ate the rest. Putting down the bowl, he said, "I'm used to your cooking, and I can't swallow anything else."

"That's good to catch up. From now on, you'll always be at home, so you can eat every day?" Zhang Guilan cleaned up the table, "Wait a minute, I'll help you to the bathroom after I finish cleaning."

"I'm not in a hurry." Luo Ji looked at his watch, but his brows were tightly wrinkled.

When Zhang Guilan came out of the kitchen, he had recovered his faint smile. Zhang Guilan gave him a strange look. It was not her illusion just now. She clearly saw Luo Ji's preoccupied look. As soon as he came out, he immediately He just covered it up, seeing that he didn't want to talk about it, and Zhang Guilan didn't ask deeply, just like what Zhou Fuguo said yesterday, Luo Ji directly avoided it.

It was convenient to help Luo Ji wash up, and when he finished the tossing and went back to the house, both of them were covered in sweat, Zhang Guilan fetched water to wipe Luo Ji's body, wiped the floor casually, and then went to the bathroom to wash himself a handful.

As soon as Luo Ji came back, all the people who came here on the first day were from the same building. Today, just after the workers went to morning exercises, people began to come to the house. Some Zhang Guilan met, but they never spoke. Luo Ji seemed to have Anticipating this would happen, Zhang Guilan had asked him to help him into the study earlier. With so many people here, Zhang Guilan didn't serve any tea, so she washed all the apricots she bought and served them up.

At this time, fruits can be eaten in the north, especially in this season. They must be rich people. Although apricots are not a good fruit, there are not many people who can eat them at this time. The Luo family in the forest area compound is the first. Bar.

Everyone didn't say anything, but they all knew it in their hearts. They all heard that Luo Ji's daughter-in-law made a lot of money in business. Now that they can eat fruit at this time, they know that those rumors are true, and they really made a lot of money. up.

After seeing off this group of people, both Bai Song and Dong Zi came and brought a bunch of things.

"I know it's inconvenient for you to go to the city, so I bought some more for you this time. I didn't dare to buy more meat, and I can't buy it now. I heard from people in the city that there is something called a refrigerator now. Meat It won’t go bad for a long time in it. I asked about it, and it costs more than 400 a piece. God, isn’t this a joke? I’m talking about where every family has meat that can’t be eaten, who would spend more than 400 to buy that?” Zhu Lanyi When I saw Zhang Guilan, I started to complain.

She has confirmed that she is pregnant. It has been three months, her belly is also protruding, and the smile on her face is getting more and more.

Hearing about Bingshuang, Zhang Guilan's eyes lit up, "Sister-in-law, that's a good product, and it's easy to use. Are there any in our city for sale now?"

Zhu Lan nodded, "Yes, it's too expensive, not many people buy it."

However, Zhang Guilan was moved. She remembered that the earliest Bingshuang was Debei. In 1989, there were only [-] units on the market, and they were sold out without advertising. Now that it is available, no one is snatching it up. This is a rare opportunity.

Seeing the men talking there, Zhang Guilan dragged Zhu Lan into the east room, "Sister-in-law, buy me some ice cream after you go back, and the money will come from my share. They deliver the goods to the door now, you can ask someone to give it to me." Send it here, it’s not convenient for me to take care of Lao Ji at home now, and you can help me see how much the TV is now, and help me buy one.”

 Ah, I may go to the street tomorrow, I don’t know if I will write it in the morning, let’s measure it, it can be early and early, everyone has waited hard

(End of this chapter)

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