Chapter 172 Selfishness
Chapter 161: Selfishness
Seeing that her man had also gone out, Guo Ying scolded angrily, "Look at your father, what can you do? Help outsiders everywhere, what's wrong with me whispering to my son, and what do I have to report to her? She thought Who is she? If it wasn't for the fact that you married her daughter in order to repay your kindness, her daughter was still an old girl in the village, but now that she is married, her wings are stiff, and she doesn't even think about how she got into our house. "

What Guo Ying said was not a bit ignorant. If Zhang Guoqing hadn't saved Luo Ji with his life, how could Luo Ji still be alive? Now it is the Luo family who lost their son.

Luo Ji said with a dark face, "Mom, if this is what you told me, then don't talk about it. Back then, National Day died trying to save me. Even if his family didn't let me marry Guilan, I would still be their lifelong partner." Son, take care of them, not to mention they just asked me to take care of their daughters, they haven't taken care of them yet. It's my life to meet such a family. Mom, you always look down on Guilan, and you always behave in front of me Come out, I said that if you don’t like Guilan, you don’t want to get together in the future. Guilan and I are in the city, and you and Dad are in the country. , so that both sides will not be quiet."

"Look at your stubborn temper, what are you talking about? The foreigner is really closer than your own mother? Who am I doing this for? It's not for you. What benefits can I get?" Guo Ying was full of grievances, "Look at the things you bought at home, which one is not a lot of money, and you can't spend it like that if you have money, that refrigerator, people like us who can't eat a few meals a year, still need it That thing? And this TV. You are not at home every day, and you buy it when you are at home, and it is idle at home. It is useless."

Taking a breath, Guo Yingwen said again with a serious heart. "Son, listen to my mother's words, you have to die with this money, you can't let her spend it like this, what is she earning? Isn't she married to you? Which woman doesn't regard a man as her heaven? You are too Soft-hearted, a few good words will coax you away, besides, once this woman has money, her heart will live, you are not at home all day. Sometimes it is even a few months, you know she stays at home peacefully Huh? Don't blame me for not reminding you, I only came to your city twice, and I bumped into them both times."

"Mom, how can a mother-in-law say that her daughter-in-law is restless? What did you see? Is it because Zongyi came to look for Guilan? When I left, Zongyi asked Zongyi to take care of Guilan. You all know that others haven't talked nonsense yet, so why are you talking nonsense?" Luo Ji really hated himself as a son, facing such a mother.There is really no other way, "Guilan earned the money, she can spend her own money as she wants, I don't care. Besides, I said this yesterday, I borrowed two hundred from others To Haiying, it has not been repaid yet. The salary is not taken home, and Guilan has not said a word. I will take care of the money she earns. Am I still a man? Mom. If you spread your thoughts today, All the people in the compound are laughing at me to death, even the people in the village will laugh at our family for eating soft food."

"Mom, that's all you want to tell me. I've heard it all. Do you have anything else to say? If not, don't mention it again in the future. Let me talk about it today." Don't bring it up again, it's not good for everyone." Luo Ji had already made his words clear enough, but Guo Ying didn't listen at all.

"Don't mention anything, then you just let her spend lavishly and buy these useless things at home? Is the money going to waste?" Guo Ying felt distressed, "Okay, if this is the case, then wait for me and you Dad is going home this time, take the refrigerator and TV home, and you can buy them again."

"Mom, what are you talking about? Guilan bought it, how can you take it away? How do you want me to tell Guilan? Didn't you let the compound see our family's jokes?" Luo Jiyi sat up excitedly He got up, pulled the wound, sweat dripped from his forehead, "Mom, I beg you, I'll buy it for you if you like it, why don't you wait for me to save money to buy it for you? You have to make me and Gui You're happy when Lan doesn't agree with you, aren't you?"

Luo Ji now understands, his mother went around here, and it turned out that she fell in love with the TV and the refrigerator, and made up the idea of ​​these two things, if they are ordinary things, they are worthless, and Luo Ji would not say anything, However, both of these two items are big items, and they were bought by the daughter-in-law. Even if this item is to be given away, it must be given to the mother-in-law. This is the money spent by the daughter-in-law, and no one can fault it , but now?It's the mother-in-law who fell in love with the daughter-in-law's things and wants to take them as her own. How can there be such a thing?
"Waiting for you? Your salary is not enough to repay others. When will it be? If you want me to say that you are the same, you and her are in the same family. Why don't you ask her for money and borrow it from outsiders? What do you think?" Why do you separate the inside and the outside at this time, I think you just have a bad brain, just like your father." Guo Ying felt uncomfortable seeing his son being so frank with his daughter-in-law, "Anyway, I don't care, when I leave, the refrigerator I took it with the TV, nothing else. As for the sewing machine, when Haiying got married, didn’t you say you would marry one? After taking it, Haiying won’t say anything, I think the one in your house is still very new.”

"Mom, why don't you sell this house too." Luo Ji's face was as black as iron, "You won't let us live anymore, and I can't take care of things if you want to, but when Guilan stops you, You don't come to me, make a fuss in the compound, at worst, don't take my job, go home and farm, anyway, the salary of more than 30 yuan a month is not in your eyes."

"Are you threatening me?" What Guo Ying is most afraid of is losing his son's job. Now that his son is making a fuss about it, he gets angry, "Luo Ji, I tell you, I am you." Mom, I raised you and married you a daughter-in-law, now you are living a better life, and you don’t want to see your parents live a better life, so you are not afraid of others saying that you are not filial?"

"Unfilial? I'm afraid that people will say that I'm blind filial piety. I let my mother make troubles, and even the house is not quiet." Luo Ji sneered, "Mom, do you want a TV and a refrigerator? Wait for Guilan to come back later." Now, I'll tell her directly that you want it, and then you can tell her, what you talk about has nothing to do with me. At worst, this day will be over, and it will be separated."

Guo Ying stopped talking, she dared to play tricks with her son, but she didn't dare to come with Zhang Guilan, she was at a disadvantage after a few times, besides, that girl was so hot, she didn't care about her son's face, let alone worry about things breaking out .

Seeing that there are people who are afraid of his mother, Luo Ji sneered and closed his eyes. The pain in his leg was not as painful as his heart. How should he face such parents?Don't pay attention to filial piety?Or is it just blind filial piety?Then let the daughter-in-law keep getting angry?
Zhang Guilan held her mother's arm in the compound, "Mom, did the Zhou family really suffer like this?"

After the mother and daughter went downstairs, they were talking about Luo Haiying.

Sun Shubo looked down on Wan Xi, "No, I'm afraid that the Zhou family can't do this for the rest of their lives, otherwise it can be regarded as making up for the child, but I don't think it's right for the Zhou family, and I won't grow up."

"Not to mention, the girl surnamed Dong is not easy to get rid of. She didn't say anything when she left, and she didn't ask the Zhou family to give her some compensation. What's the reason? Did she have other plans? It’s just that your mother-in-law has short-sightedness and didn’t understand it. Everyone in the village can understand it. Besides, she took 1000 yuan from the Zhou family, thinking that the Zhou family can suffer from the dumbness without anyone knowing it? Now everyone in the village I know, but your father-in-law is still kept in the dark, and your mother-in-law thinks she is clever, and the whole village knows." Sun Shubo became angry when she said it, "It's not the age of starvation, how can you sell your daughter? Yes, what's the difference between her and selling her daughter? Look at it, this drove us out, maybe she's trying to make some bad idea, your mother-in-law is a smart woman, she was married to the Mi family, it was Zhuang Juan You're scheming, your mother-in-law was treated as a fool by Zhuang Juan, and she thought she was doing it for her own good, so naturally nothing would happen, so her reputation is not bad, now we don't care about her, how about it? I can't hide it anymore Right? The true nature has been exposed, if there is no old heir, his family might be regarded as what they are in the village."

Speaking of this, Sun Shubo had a look of hatred on his face, "I don't know where it was reported, whether it was done by your mother-in-law, saying that Laoji is out with other women, and I am being bullied everywhere I go in the village." Asking if you were dumped, your father was worried and worried that something would happen to you, so he asked me to come and see you, otherwise there would be no way to make a fuss."

The money spent once came to move the 50 yuan left by her daughter. For Sun Shubo, who lives on a regular basis, how can she not feel distressed, but compared with money, her daughter is still more important.

Zhang Guilan sneered, "Aside from Milan, who else would do such a thing with that kind of mind? Didn't my father-in-law and mother-in-law also send the telegram? I've looked for her. If she dares to make trouble again, it's up to me to deal with her. As for Rumors spread in the village that Zhou's family may have feud with Luo's family. This rumor may have been released by Zhou's family. Isn't Zhou's daughter-in-law getting along well with Zhuang Juan? The two are neighbors, so Milan can give Luo If the family sends a telegram, naturally it can also send a telegram to the Zhou family."

"You're such a troublemaker. Luckily, you're married and pregnant. Otherwise, you don't know what the fuss is about. You should keep your mind on it. If Lao Jizhen has anything against Milan, don't be foolish and keep it up. "Sun Shubo felt sorry for her daughter when she heard it.

"Mom, don't worry. If Lao Ji had second thoughts, I would have given up on him a long time ago. I'm not stupid."

"I'm not stupid, let's see who's a newlywed who suffers as much as you." After all, it's important for her daughter to live a better life, and Sun Shubo didn't say much, and the mother and daughter went into the building. (to be continued..)
ps: The baby is at home, I don’t know if I can press **[-], hurry up,,,

Chapter 162: Request
Chapter 162: Request
When they got home, they found that the atmosphere in the house was not good at all. Sun Shubo's mother and daughter exchanged glances, let's take a look, they expected it to be like this.

"Guilan, come here for a while, let mom come too." As soon as the two of them entered the room, they heard Luo Ji calling from the east room.

As soon as he finished shouting, Guo Ying's panicked voice followed, "You really want to do this, don't you?"

Before she could say more, Sun Shubo's mother and daughter had already entered the east room.

"Guilan, my mother said that she wanted to take the refrigerator and TV with her when she left, let me ask you." Luo Ji's face was dark, and his tone was obviously stagnant.

Seeing Guo Yingxuan's face turned red in an instant, and the result of becoming angry from embarrassment was to shamelessly play a rogue, and even became angry with Zhang Guilan, "What? I like my son's things, how about being a mother? ?”

"Mom, look at you. I haven't said anything yet. You are really angry." Zhang Guilan glanced at Luo Ji, feeling very happy in her heart, and she was not angry because of her mother-in-law's scheme. My mother-in-law, she is used to anything that happens, "If there is a surplus of things, don't say that Mom opens her mouth, even if Mom doesn't open her mouth, I have to be the first to think of Mom, but Mom has also seen it, and the things in the house are too. I just bought it, I married Lao Ji, and I have nothing at all, except for this public house issued in the forest area, there is only one table and two chairs at home. Even if someone comes to eat at home, the chairs have to be borrowed outside. Now that I have some money, I am afraid that I will spend it in my hands, so I buy it for the house. Mom, if you really want it, I won’t say anything, but respecting the elderly can’t be partial. You and my mother can choose one for the TV and refrigerator. "

Zhang Guilan didn't want to give her mother-in-law anything.He wanted to give Luo Ji face, but he also wanted to give his mother something.Just take it in the past and this mother-in-law is making irresponsible remarks, so it's better to give it face to face now.Even if you secretly give away small items, you don’t have to worry about being found out.

"I still want to give it to your mother? You can get two points for these two things? It's fine if they get the same points, but one is the refrigerator and the other is the TV. You can use either." Guo Ying was reluctant to part with it.

"That's right, which one can't be used in this life, otherwise, who would spend money to buy it for what, but Mom said, I would rather us children don't use it, but let you old people use it." Zhang Guilan had a plan in mind.Pulling my own mother to persuade, "Mom, you want a refrigerator. The refrigerator costs more than 400 yuan, and the TV is only more than 300 yuan."

Sun Shubo just wanted to refuse.

Guo Ying over there hurriedly said, "I want a refrigerator."

Zhang Guilan snorted, "Mom, don't you like to watch TV? Why do you need a refrigerator? You still want a TV."

"No, I don't want a refrigerator anymore. It can store some vegetables and be used properly. What's the use of a TV? It can't be used as a daily life." Guo Ying said logically.

Zhang Guilan just waited for her words, "Okay. Since Mom said so, then it's settled."

Without saying much, he turned to talk to Sun Shubo. "Mom, you and my dad need TV. It's good to watch the show every day when you have nothing to do. Anyway, you don't have much land at home. You don't like to go to other people's houses for a stroll. It just happens to relieve boredom."

Zhang Guilan had another calculation in mind, "I don't have any vegetables to keep in summer at home, and the meat can be kept outside in winter, and you don't need the refrigerator."

There is really no need for a refrigerator in the countryside. Zhang Guilan insisted on asking her mother to ask for a refrigerator before, but she thought of what she wanted first at home, and her mother-in-law would definitely grab it, and then said the price of the refrigerator. character, will definitely ask for a lot of money.

It's a pity that if you want to go back, you will just buy a useless thing that wastes electricity. In rural areas, TV is the real useful thing. You can't eat meat twice a year, and you can still have meat to keep?Simplicity is a joke.

Guo Ying was dumbfounded when she heard what Zhang Guilan said to her mother. After thinking about it, she reversed the passage in the middle, and immediately regretted it. "No, then we don't need a refrigerator at home, but a TV."

"Mom, let's go cook. I'll take you around the city tomorrow." Zhang Guilan pretended not to hear what her mother-in-law said, and left with her mother on her shoulders.

"Okay, I want to go around too." Sun Shubo saw through her daughter's mind, and seeing Guo Ying suffocated, she felt relieved. The mother and daughter went out of the east room and into the kitchen, and no one paid attention to Guo Ying.

"Look, isn't she plotting against me? Have you seen it with your own eyes? Do you know what she looks like now?" Guo Ying shouted while pulling her son.

Luo Ji felt that he couldn't lift his head up, his face was burning hot, and he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Seeing that his son didn't help him out, Guo Ying became more and more unwilling, and jumped up and cursed in the room.

"When you marry into my family, you are a member of our Luo family, and you still count outsiders' calculations about your own family's things. Bah, shameless things, do you really think our Luo family is easy to bully?"

"Mom, have you had enough trouble?" Luo Jimeng opened his eyes, "Okay, since you don't want it, don't want that one either, just give it to my mother-in-law, I didn't spend the money anyway."

Luo Ji was already very embarrassed before. The things he bought at his home were taken out within a few days. Although his wife also gave one to his natal family, but if his mother hadn’t made such a fuss, it wouldn’t have been all his own. House's?
But my own mother was not satisfied with this, so she began to scold again, and Luo Ji became cruel, since this is the case, don't even think about getting one, people can make trouble as they like.

"Don't even want one? Why? It's my Luo family's stuff, and no one else can take it away except me. If she doesn't want to stay in Luo's house, just get the hell out of me. Don't count on the Luo family's stuff. It's shameless." things." Guo Ying cursed more smoothly.

"Shameless things, mother, who are you scolding? You came to ask for something your daughter-in-law bought with money, and the daughter-in-law gave it to you, and finally asked you to scold her for being shameless. Go out and ask, is there such a mother-in-law? On the day I called, my nose was not my nose, my face was not my face. What happened to me? I married Lao Ji, and I didn’t come to your house to be a slave. I watched you throw face at me all day long. I think it’s Lao Ji’s On the surface, if you don’t say one more thing, never say more. I pretended not to hear all the barbed words you said. Now it seems that I want to go left, so I should pay it back. The softer this person is, the more annoying he is. Make sure, that's the truth." Zhang Guilan got out of the kitchen angrily, and threw the basin in her hand on the ground, "When I came home, I waited on me, and I still have to suffer, and now I'm still pointing at my nose and scolding me. Shameless, why am I shameless? I just don’t give you my own things, so I’m shameless? Get out of Luo’s house, if Luo’s house is like this, I really won’t stay here.”

"Guo Ying, I can't tolerate you for a day or two. You treat my daughter like this in front of me. I didn't marry my daughter to be ruined by others. I will take my daughter back today. You don't need to be scolded by your old Luo family. Get out." At first, Guo Ying scolded Sun Shubo for not caring about Ben, but she couldn't bear to hear her scolding more and more.

She took her daughter and left, but Zhang Guilan didn't. She strode into the east room and took out her bag from the cabinet before going out.

Luo Ji kept his face dark until Zhang Guilan's mother and daughter left. Luo Yongzhi came back from the outside and asked with a puzzled face, "Where did Guilan and her mother go?"

"Ask my mother." Luo Ji smiled, "It's okay, now that we are divorced, Guilan can find a better one. I will treat her badly when I get married. I will leave her in our house, and in the end I will mess with her." It's a bad reputation. Fortunately, my father-in-law and mother-in-law are open-minded and didn't blame me. Guilan followed me and I didn't take care of her. Give me money, I'm not worthy of Guilan, I can only make her feel wronged, now I drive her away, I don't even have the face to keep her."

Lying on the bed, unable to exert any strength, Luo Ji hated himself for being so incompetent.

Luo Yongzhi was dumbfounded, "Divorce?"

Seeing his son not talking or looking at himself.

Luo Yongzhi looked at Guo Ying, who wanted to hide himself from the side, and strode up a few strides, grabbed Guo Ying and beat him, "You prodigal old woman, you know how to make trouble all day long, I will bear you and bear you, like someone smart Yes, take it easy, you'll have to push your limits when you're good, and now even your daughter-in-law has caught up. My son and daughter-in-law are getting divorced, and I don't want you either, so you see if what I say this time counts."

Guo Ying was stunned by several slaps, and now she heard that Luo Yongzhi didn't want her, so she cried and explained in fright, "I'll just say a few words, they are not coquettish people, they can't even listen to a few words? Now she She was arguing about getting a divorce, and looked down on Lao Ji lying on the bed and couldn't move, so she just used the introduction to find an excuse, why blame me."

"Also, I'll let you quibble." Luo Yongzhi looked simple and honest, but the Zhuang family was full of energy, and the sound of slapping Guo Ying was muffled. How could Guo Ying bear it, and he fainted after a few moments. He didn't even have the time to speak, so he just hid everywhere.

They lived upstairs and downstairs, and there was such a commotion in Luo's house, where they couldn't hear it. Yang Zongyi heard the commotion upstairs when he got home. It was his family's business and he was embarrassed to go up. If Yang Zongyi didn't go, others would be even worse. May go.

Luo Ji was injured, and it was difficult for him to move by himself, so don't talk about it. When Luo Yongzhi stopped, Guo Ying was stupefied. He just hugged his head and huddled in the corner of the wall, trembling, not daring to move. move.

"Lao Ji, I'll take your mother back tomorrow. Take Guilan back and talk to your mother-in-law, and say that our family will never let Guilan be wronged." Luo Yongzhi was also panting from exhaustion. "Your mother and I won't come here anymore, you live a good life, you don't have to go home if you have nothing to do, you can see that this is not home anymore, I will separate from your mother when I get home, and we will live our own lives, waiting for you When I feel that it doesn't affect you anymore, I will divorce your mother."

After Luo Yongzhi finished speaking, he turned around and left the house, squatting in the living room smoking a pipe, frowning, as if he had aged several decades in an instant.

In the room, Guo Ying rushed to the bed, "Lao Ji, you have to help mom.

 The baby is at home, I don’t know if I can switch to eighty or ninety now, hurry up,,,

(End of this chapter)

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