Chapter 177 Nemesis
Chapter 166: Nemesis
What Milan is currently deciding is that Hu Youguo wanted her, but now the two are married, and Milan is pregnant again. At that time, Milan endured it. Now it is impossible to use this matter to report on Hu Youguo. One of them refused to admit it, and instead said that it was possible for Milan to cheat the marriage for money.

When Zhang Guilan thought of this, she didn't believe that Milan couldn't think of it, but with Milan's mind, it was impossible for her to not think of such a thing, so doing such an unreasonable thing now is really not what she can do.

How could he know that Milan ran out to live in a hotel entirely because Hu Youguo drank too much and wanted to have a relationship with Milan forcibly. Found it, and it became what it is now.

"You can make trouble as you like, this life can't go on anymore, I want a divorce." Milan ignored the sideways glances of everyone around, turned and walked into the house.

Wang Jing was not in a hurry, "Milan, it's fine if you want a divorce, but you have to get back the money that was given to your family when you got married. Don't say that the large sum of money is gone, even if it is spent, you have to make it up. You You are so ambitious, shouldn’t you be troubled by this? And you are from the countryside. You don’t care about marriage and divorce and you don’t worry about shame. My family is from the city, so I can’t just be laughed at casually. I get you for this. Go to the work unit and tell me, don’t you work in the Women’s Federation? If you want to protect women, then protect me, an old woman, first.”

As soon as he heard that he was going to find a unit, Milan stopped his body and looked at her mother-in-law coldly, "Mom, what do you want? Isn't it because of Hu Youguo that I am now like this? I divorced for his own good." , he can find a woman who likes him to marry. There is no way to wrong him for me. Don’t you always say that I wronged your son? Now I let him find a better one. Didn’t you follow your heart? Do you have to make a fuss and tear everyone's faces?"

Zhang Guilan could hear clearly in the room, and Milan's words faintly mentioned the fact that she was taken by Hu Youguo back then.

How can the powerful Wang Jing make Milan feel comfortable, "I feel that I have wronged my son, but I can't help it. My son won't listen to me, otherwise he won't marry someone like you. I thought you were a good person, at least from the countryside. You can work, but now you can't even understand the things in the house. That's fine, as long as your son likes it, but you still pretend to be tight, and you won't even be allowed to touch it, so why marry you back? Let's not talk about the other things, my son likes you now, you go back and live a good life and admit his mistake, this time it's over, if you don't agree, if you insist on getting a divorce, that's fine, this marriage Li, your family will return the money that was given to your family back then. I will also go to your unit."

"It's impossible for me to admit my mistake. You just die. I would rather not work. I won't admit this mistake. I will beat the child tomorrow. Then I will divorce." Milan thought of bowing his head to Hu Youguo. The man who asked him to bow his head.Just a fit of nausea.

"Okay, then you can be tough." Wang Jing also made up her mind, not retreating a step.

But this matter changed because of Hu Youguo's sudden arrival.

"Mom, what are you doing?" As soon as Hu Youguo came in, he first complained about his mother, and then leaned against Milan, "Milan, I knew that Mom was here to look for you, so I rushed over here immediately, Mom said Don't be angry if you don't like something, let's go home. It was my fault that day, I will never force you in the future, go home. You have a full stomach now, if you don't think about yourself, you have to Think about the baby in your stomach, don't you?"

Wang Jing was so powerful before, but suddenly her son came and humbly slapped her, no doubt in front of everyone, how could she be happy, and shouted vigorously.

"Youguo, don't beg her. She said she wants a divorce, so let's divorce. It's not that you can't get married. Look at how low you are. How does she treat you? Open your eyes and take a good look, you are Serve her for the rest of her life, and she won't think you treat her well." Although Wang Jing is powerful, everything she says is reasonable, and she doesn't have extreme thoughts just because she doesn't like Milan.

"Hu Youguo, you have also seen your mother's attitude. You said I would go back with you, how did you live that day? With your mother making trouble every day like this, can you live in peace?" Zhang Guilan was listening in the room, at this time What he said was made by Milan's brain, and he couldn't help but smile. Milan was afraid that Hu Youguo had planned to come, so he dared to be so tough in front of Wang Jing. At this time, Milan said again, "It's okay to go back. But your mother can't get involved in our life in the future, and don't let your mother make up your mind about anything. You have made up your mind whether you will live with me or your mother. If you are with me, you will promise me now, then Let's live our lives, or divorce."

Milan made it very clear that when she said these words, it made people feel that Wang Jing was making trouble for no reason before. She didn't let her man touch her, and she lost her temper because of her mother's life with the couple. of.

Sun Shubo really shook his head in the room when he heard this, and said in a low voice, "This Milan is really powerful. In a few words, the mistakes are all on the mother-in-law, and they have provoked the relationship between mother and child."

"Looking weak and unruly, you have a lot of eyes." Otherwise, how could Luo Ji endure even if he saw through Milan's thoughts, because Milan would never go too far every time, and when he was about to arrive Luo Ji's limit is very good.

The mother and daughter were not talking, and Wang Jing outside had already started to get angry, "What do you mean? You mean I picked you if you are not doing well? Tell me why I picked it? I have never heard of my mother-in-law You send some food, cook you some meals, and even pick your days, you are not afraid of flashing your tongue when you say these words."

Milan didn't speak, just waiting for Hu Youguo to express his opinion.

At this time, no amount of explanations would be as good as Hu Youguo's side. Which side he chose proved which side was right, and all the spectators looked at Hu Youguo.

Wang Jing looked at Shen Mo's troubled son, and smiled, "Okay, look, this is the son I raised, and you don't need to express your opinion, are you going to deny me as a mother after listening to your wife? no?"

Hu Youguo looked embarrassed, "Mom..."

But just this sound has already expressed his choice.

Wang Jing's eyes turned red, "Okay, I'm the one who is busy, and I won't care if you die in the future."

After leaving the words, Wang Jing turned and left.

Hu Youguo thought about coaxing his wife first, and then coaxing his mother, so he didn't worry so much, "Milan, let's go home too."

Milan was not very happy, with a cold attitude, "It's fine to go home, but you have to promise that your mother will not be involved in family affairs in the future, and don't come to me again, let's break up .”

"All right, all right, you can say anything, listen to you, let's go home." There were outsiders watching the excitement, but Hu Youguo didn't dare to look around, he just felt his face was hot.

"Wait, I'll come as soon as I pack up." Milan turned and entered the house.

Hu Youguo didn't have the face to stay, and followed Milan into the house.

Next door, seeing that there was no more excitement, Zhang Guilan's mother and daughter returned to the bed. Sun Shubo pouted, "I just don't understand, how can there be bad women and good men? This society is over."

Zhang Guilan pursed her lips and smiled, "Good luck."

"Isn't it? It's really lucky to meet such a good man after such a toss. It's really God's eyes." Sun Shubo scolded angrily.

Hearing the sound of the door opening outside, he knew that Milan and his wife had left.

Sun Shubo didn't know what came to mind, and secretly laughed, "You said that Milan has always been strong, if you know about this matter today, I don't know how to be angry."

This night, the mother and daughter chatted very late before going to bed, and the next day was the afternoon bus, so there was no need to get up early. clothes.

"You were driven out by Lian Yi, godmother, can you give it a try and see if it suits you?" Zhu Lan also changed her words.

"Look at you with a big belly and staying up late to do this, do you want to be healthy?" Sun Shubo took the clothes, not in a hurry to try them on, and first scolded Zhu Lan, "There is no old man around to tell you, but you can't ruin it." My own body, now that I am young, I don’t know it, and when I get old, all the problems will be found, and it is useless to regret it. I will not allow it in the future, do you hear me? Give birth to the child well, this is my grandson.”

Zhang Guilan pursed her lips and smiled, and Zhu Lan followed suit, "Godmother, don't worry, I'll remember, try it quickly."

Only now, with the help of Zhang Guilan and Zhu Lan, Sun Shubo tried on the clothes, and they were just right, as if the size had been measured, which showed Zhu Lan's carefulness, "This dress is made for godfather, so I don't know if it will fit or not." If it suits you, just wear a bigger one, and it’s comfortable to wear in summer.”

Before Zhu Lan finished speaking, someone came to the store, and it was Yang Zongyi.

When he saw Zhang Guilan, he smiled and said, "It's just right, I'm just looking for you and my aunt, so I don't need to go anywhere else now."

Zhu Lan and Zhang Guilan looked at each other, knowing that this was the peacemaker sent here. Sun Shubo had also met Yang Zongyi, and knew that he was a good person. Besides, he still came to see them, so naturally he would not say harsh words.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Guilan knew that the quiet days were coming to an end.

"Lao Ji is still lying at home, and you can stay there." Yang Zongyi complained to her before explaining the purpose of coming, "It's not that your father-in-law asked me to come, Lao Ji also asked me to come to you, If I don't come, who else will come? If you are angry, it should be gone in the past two days. If there is any grievance, let's go back and talk about it, so that people in the compound will laugh at it."

Before Zhang Guilan could speak, Yang Zongyi said again, "Lao Ji's work is over and he is driving for the leader."

(End of this chapter)

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