Chapter 180 Jokes
Chapter 169: Joke
Luo Ji went home that day, but Sun Mei and Li Xue stayed. Zhang Guilan was not unhappy because of the need to reexamine the wound the next day, even if she stayed until she was discharged from the hospital, Zhang Guilan would not have any objections. .

When he got home, Guo Ying thanked Yang Zongyi enthusiastically, and he was no longer as scared as before. Yang Zongyi was a little strange when he arrived in the east room. Looking at Zhang Guilan, Zhang Guilan shook his head at him, signaling to ignore her. , Luo Ji looked at it and felt uncomfortable, "Daughter-in-law, you cook, let Zongyi eat here too."

"Okay, I'll go downstairs to buy groceries." Zhang Guilan stopped when she saw her opened bag on the bed with a smile, "Who rummaged through my bag?"

I went inside and looked inside, but the money and underwear were gone.

"Is there anything missing?" There was no one else in the room except my parents.

In front of Yang Zongyi, Luo Ji didn't feel ashamed anymore. The whole compound probably knew about this matter of his own family. Ran something?"

Guo Ying was thinking about how to wait for people to leave and talk about this, and now seeing that there was a commotion first, Guo Ying said in a low voice, "She is doing unscrupulous things by herself, and she is not afraid of shame if there are outsiders around, and she is making such a big fuss, let's What are you afraid of?"

Seeing that his man didn't speak, Guo Ying took the underwear and went to the east room. He didn't say anything when he entered the room, he just threw the underwear on the bed, "Look, what is this?"

Yang Zongyi looked away.

Luo Ji blushed, red with anger, "Mom, what are you doing with this?"

"You know it by the way you look? Tell me, she packed this dishonest thing. If I dig it out, I don't know yet. You just keep silent, making her dishonest?" Guo Ying raised his chin.

Zhang Guilan was after she threw the thing out.His expression didn't get any better, and before Luo Jiduo could say anything, he opened his mouth, "Mom, you rummaged through my bag without asking me, do you know that this is what thieves do? Where's the money in my bag? Money Not decent anymore? Give me the money."

Originally, he thought about going downstairs to buy money, but now, all the money has been taken away.

Zhang Guilan was so angry that her body trembled, "Improper? Mom knows what is immodest? How can I be immodest when I wear underwear? All the women in the compound wear them. Why are they so immature? I haven't." I've seen a mother-in-law say that her daughter-in-law is dishonest, it's really funny, and a mother-in-law steals her daughter-in-law's bag, doesn't Mom feel ashamed and panic?"

"What? Everyone wears it in the courtyard, who are you lying to? Who is serious about wearing this?" Guo Ying didn't believe it.

Zhang Guilan sneered, "Then mom will pull out other people's clothes one by one, so that you can know whether they are wearing clothes or not."

"What are you talking about? Why should I pull out other people's clothes?"

"But how do you know that people don't wear it?" Zhang Guilan retorted.

Guo Ying was stunned but didn't speak, and stared blankly.Like eating a fly yes.

"Mom, you still make people laugh enough, don't you? How can a father-in-law take a daughter-in-law's underwear and say something indecent? You give the money to Guilan." Luo Ji was so angry that he almost vomited blood, "You call my dad over here , I can’t explain it to you.”

"What are you doing? Your dad can agree."

Guo Yinggang spoke.Luo Yongzhi's scolding was interrupted, "Damn old lady, you are not stable every day, are you? When did I let you go through the daughter-in-law's bag? Did I ask you to put it back. You have to do something every day Isn't it? Give the money to Guilan."

Luo Yongzhi didn't come over, and someone scolded him in the east room.

Guo Ying's face turned green and red.He took out money from his pocket and threw it on the bed, "What kind of society is it now? Wearing that kind of indecent clothes."

The man turned and left without feeling embarrassed at all.

Luo Ji, however, lost face in front of Yang Zongyi, gritted his teeth and said, "From now on, you lock all your bags in the cabinet."

Glancing at the underwear on the bed, his face became even uglier. He felt that it was not underwear, as if his daughter-in-law had been seen by others, not to mention how unpleasant it was.

Yang Zongyi stood up, "I'll go home first, and come back when I'm having dinner."

In fact, Yang Zongyi's face was burning hot when he saw the underwear thrown by Guo Ying, but he couldn't find a chance to leave just like that, so now he has time to leave.

As soon as there were no outsiders, Luo Ji couldn't help complaining in a low voice, "I told you not to wear it, you must wear it, now it's all over, and people can see it."

Zhang Guilan was tidying up her underwear, and she was in a bad mood at the moment, "What I saw was underwear but not a human being, and besides, I saw what people can do. There is nothing between a man and a woman."

"What do you mean by such a thing? That's what you think?" Luo Jigang raised his voice, but when he thought of his wife, his voice softened again, "Aren't I doing this for your own good? How embarrassing it is for people to see this and see each other."

Count your interest.

Seeing that Zhang Guilan knew that he could control his temper now, she was no longer confrontational, "Your parents are leaving tomorrow? Then I will make more delicious food tonight, and I will see them off."

"Okay, let's go." Luo Ji was still feeling bad, and he was so hungry that his wound was torn.

When Zhang Guilan came back from shopping downstairs, Luo Ji was asleep.

In the study room, Luo Yongzhi cursed in a low voice, "I knew you were not a troublemaker, are you okay now? It's a shame, everyone in the city wears this, what does it mean to be indecent? Let people know that I am The father-in-law is still staring at his daughter-in-law's underwear, what do people think of me? Why don't you call me a shameless old man? Go back to my hometown tomorrow and stop making trouble here."

Guo Ying was not willing to be said, and retorted in a low voice, "Don't you agree? Now it's embarrassing to blame me. If you don't agree, I won't dare. I still don't listen to you."

Luo Yongzhi, who was choked by these words, froze, "I'll settle the score with you when I get home."

But no more.

Guo Ying pouted and didn't speak again.

The couple thought their voices were quiet, but Zhang Guilan listened to them. Zhang Guilan shook her head, and now she finally understands why her mother-in-law is like this. She thought her father-in-law was a ruler.

Just like Li Xuezhang and his wife who lived opposite each other, at first they only thought that Jiang Zhi was not very good, but now they realize that Li Xuezhang is just like Jiang Zhi, but he is better at covering up than Jiang Zhi.

The family had just become like that, and she couldn't believe that Jiang Zhi didn't hear it, and no one came out. Wang Wanwan came to the forest area once, but Li Xuezhang didn't show up. of.

What Zhang Guilan buys downstairs is green vegetables. This season, they are also brought in by small vendors to sell here, and there are not many kinds. Zhang Guilan only bought two cucumbers, a few stalks, and a handful of green onions. .

Sliced ​​meat with stir-fried green onions, cold dishes, and an egg and dill, three dishes, and the fried green onion cake, although there are not many dishes, can be made in a large amount. After Yang Zongyi ate it, he praised it.

Guo Ying stared at Zhang Guilan. Zhang Guilan hadn't noticed it before, but after she said something unscrupulous, she vaguely understood. Seeing her mother-in-law staring at her, she deliberately put the meat in Yang Zongyi's bowl .

"Eat more if it tastes good. When Laoji is not here, things at home always bother you. Now Laoji is injured again, and I look for you for big and small things. Fortunately, you are colleagues, so I won't give you politeness. You should eat more." .”

Yang Zongyi is not a fool. Seeing Zhang Guilan's sudden appearance and looking at Luo Ji's mother's unfriendly eyes, he faintly understood, felt powerless, looked at Zhang Guilan with a wry smile, and finally followed the show, "Don't let me be more I have to eat as well, who made your cooking skills so good that the whole courtyard misses you, I am the only one who has this good fortune."

Zhang Guilan pursed her lips and smiled, "Then you cherish this blessing."

Luo Ji was not stupid, he saw the purpose of the two, they were both funny and powerless, put the meat in Yang Zongyi's bowl, "Eat more if you like."

Eating can't stop your mouth.

Yang Zongyi raised his eyebrows, with a smile on his face, he almost asked why you didn't say everything. With a snap, Guo Ying's chopsticks fell to the ground, and then turned everyone's attention.

"I can't hold chopsticks at such an age." Luo Yongzhi made an excuse.

Guo Ying gasped, "Hands are slippery."

After eating a meal, Yang Zongyi left without staying to talk. When Zhang Guilan returned to the east room, Luo Jicai smiled bitterly, "You can see that a man like me is fine? You play tricks on Mom with others, let me say a word." You didn't say anything, did you?"

"Well, I did a good job today and deserves to be praised." Zhang Guilan also knew that it was a bit too much to be angry with an outsider today. Now that Luo Ji said it directly, she immediately admitted her mistake and didn't quibble, "I didn't mean to be with an outsider Playing with your mother together will be laughed at like this, but when you look at your mother, you still suspect that I have something to do with Zongyi, so what kind of eyes? Since she thinks that way, then I will warm up to Zongyi and see what she can do. Sample?"

"You also showed my underwear in front of outsiders. Your parents don't feel embarrassed. I don't have the face to see them as if nothing happened. You are afraid of being laughed at. Are you afraid of being laughed at?" Without further ado, it's time to turn over old accounts.

Luo Ji smiled wryly, "Daughter-in-law, we don't want to turn our stomachs around. One size fits one size. You are right about this, and you are not wrong."

"Okay, okay, I know you are afraid of shame, Zongyi is not an outsider, what are you worried about." Zhang Guilan made Luo Ji laugh as if I knew what you were thinking.

Luo Ji pulled the man into his arms, "You are cruel enough, just leave me here, you woman is too cruel."

"It's not because of your mother, but now my mother is driven away by her, this time, no one wants the refrigerator and TV." Zhang Guilan thought of this, and then she thought about the business, "I want to talk to you about work. "

The serious look on his face forced Luo Ji to get serious, "Are you asking if it's about going to work with Sun Mei's father?"

 I'm going out, start saving manuscripts, hurry up and write, push a new article "Rebirth 1986"

(End of this chapter)

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